Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Haha... This sux man... Homework homework HOMEWORK!!!! WTH!!!!! Mathematics to be handed up on friday... Still got Compo corrections... Scouts friday got ropes test... need to hand up outdoor precautions... WA LAU!!!!! I WAN TO DIE LER LA.... I WANT CARE GROUP FASTER!!!!! cant wait for tomorrow!!!!
“You are forgiving and good, O Lord, abounding in love to all who call to you.” -
Psalm 86:5

As images of burning rubble and frantic people flash on the TV screen, a reporter says, “A terrorist organization has claimed responsibility for last night’s bombing that left 23 dead and scores injured.” It was not a random act of violence but one that was calculated to frighten people and advance the agenda of those who stepped forward to say, “We did it.”
In stark contrast, one of history’s most brutal acts was intended to bring peace and healing, not fear. In addition, God claimed responsibility in the prophecy of Isaiah, seven centuries before it happened. The prophet foretold the death of the Messiah in these words: “He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed. . . . Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him; He has put Him to grief” (Isa. 53:5,10).
Just before Jesus Christ was crucified, He said, “No one takes [My life] from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. . . . This command I have received from My Father” (John 10:18). Jesus died willingly for our sin so that we might live through faith in Him.
God claimed responsibility for the death of His Son, allowing anyone to claim His gift of forgiveness.
When Jesus died upon the crossHe took our sin and shame; He offers us His righteousness, A gift that we must claim.

The search for forgiveness ends when we find Christ.
If He is the King of Israel, let Him now come down from the cross, and we will believe Him. —Matthew 27:42

William and Mary Tanner were crossing the railroad tracks when it happened. Mary's foot slipped and wedged itself between the rail and the wooden crosswalk. She tried frantically to pull her foot free as the sound of an approaching train was heard. There were but seconds left as the express came rushing toward her around a curve. Will Tanner pulled on her foot, desperately trying to free her.
As the train came closer and its whistle screamed and brakes shrieked, Will held her in his arms. While people shuddered in horror, the train thundered over them. One witness said that just before the engine hit them, he heard the brave man cry, "I'll stay with you, Mary!" That is great love!
This story reminds me of our Savior, who loved us with a love that can save us (John 3:16). Death came hurtling at Him as He hung on a cross and took the full penalty we deserved. He heard people cry out to Him to save Himself and come down from the cross (Matthew 27:40). But to save others He chose not to save Himself (v.42).
With divine, sacrificial love, Jesus refused to spare His own life. He died so that He could provide forgiveness of sins for us. Our Savior stayed on the cross—for you and for me!

Oh, can it be, upon a treeThe Savior died for me?My soul is thrilled, my heart is filled,To think He died for me! —Newton

Nails could not have kept Jesus on the cross if His love for us had not held Him there.

Joab had defected to Adonijah, though he had not defected to Absalom —1 Kings 2:28

Joab withstood the greatest test of his life, remaining absolutely loyal to David by not turning to follow after the fascinating and ambitious Absalom. Yet toward the end of his life he turned to follow after the weak and cowardly Adonijah. Always remain alert to the fact that where one person has turned back is exactly where anyone may be tempted to turn back (see 1 Corinthians 10:11-13 ). You may have just victoriously gone through a great crisis, but now be alert about the things that may appear to be the least likely to tempt you. Beware of thinking that the areas of your life where you have experienced victory in the past are now the least likely to cause you to stumble and fall.
We are apt to say, "It is not at all likely that having been through the greatest crisis of my life I would now turn back to the things of the world." Do not try to predict where the temptation will come; it is the least likely thing that is the real danger. It is in the aftermath of a great spiritual event that the least likely things begin to have an effect. They may not be forceful and dominant, but they are there. And if you are not careful to be forewarned, they will trip you. You have remained true to God under great and intense trials— now beware of the undercurrent. Do not be abnormally examining your inner self, looking forward with dread, but stay alert; keep your memory sharp before God. Unguarded strength is actually a double weakness, because that is where the least likely temptations will be effective in sapping strength. The Bible characters stumbled over their strong points, never their weak ones.
". . . kept by the power of God . . ."— that is the only safety. (
1 Peter 1:5 )

When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, . . . she took of its fruit and ate. —Genesis 3:6

Coyotes can't resist a tasty sheep dinner. That's why a number of years ago researchers experimented with about 500 different chemicals to develop a solution to spray on sheep that would make them "coyote proof." A compound that tasted like spicy hot sauce offered the most promise.
Scientists theorized that if the tests were successful, coyotes might lose their taste for sheep. If that were to happen, the temptation that makes coyotes a public nuisance in sheep country would be gone, and man would become the wild dog's best friend.
Sometimes I wonder why God didn't do something like that in the Garden of Eden. Why didn't He make the tree of the knowledge of good and evil bear ugly fruit? Why didn't He surround it with a chain-link fence with barbed wire at the top? Why did God even create the tree in the first place? Part of the answer, I believe, is that temptation to do evil brought Adam and Eve face to face with the ultimate moral question: Would they show confidence in their Creator and lovingly obey Him with all their heart?
We face a similar test every day. What are we going to do? Will we flunk the test? Or will we trust God completely and obey His commands?

Along life's road are obstacles—Our choice becomes a test;Help us, O Lord, to know Your wayThat we may choose what's best.
Every temptation is an opportunity to trust God.

For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.

He who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness. —Mark 3:29

An elderly man thought he had committed the unpardonable sin. Overwhelmed with guilt, he mistakenly thought he had done something that God would not forgive.
Then a question came to his mind: If I am headed for hell, what would I want to do there? He thought, I would want to meet with others for prayer. Immediately he saw the absurdity of his fears. He knew that years earlier he had trusted Christ as his Savior, and he had a desire to know and please God. This was evidence that God's Spirit truly lived in his heart.
Many sensitive Christians fear they have done or said something that is beyond forgiveness. Maybe it was a blasphemous thought that crossed their mind. Even though they confessed it to God, they wonder if they have committed the one sin that God will not forgive.
What is the unpardonable sin? In Mark 3:22-30, we read that religious leaders accused Jesus of performing miracles by the power of Satan. We can't sin that way today, because Jesus isn't physically here on the earth.
The only unforgivable sin is to continually and willfully reject the witness of the Holy Spirit that Jesus is the Savior. Nothing but complete rejection of Christ is unpardonable. He graciously forgives all who come to Him.
There are no sins that can't be pardoned,All were paid for on the cross;It's only when the heart is hardenedThat we choose eternal loss. —D. De Haan

Christ's cleansing power can remove the deepest stain of sin

9:02 PM; The Pianist'

Monday, January 29, 2007

Sorrry didnt update for a week... Been struggling with this virus i had... It all began on monday.. I felt unwell but forced myself to school... I struggled to the end and went home with a fever.. Despite that, I played cards with Edwin, Ivan and Eddy at my house. Ivan refused to go off when the others have finished purchasing their cards from the shop. He expected us to wait for him. As I was feeling damn unwell, i decided to go home and take a rest first. The others accompanied me... God have put me under a good test of endurance. I rested the whole day and was unable to attend to school the next. I had high fever and cough... A little pain in my arm because of the weight-lifting... 4 days it has been!!! 4 good days at home... And this incident caused me to be unable to go for EX3... WA LAU!!!! Hope the rest enjoyed themselves... I rested in my room... Just rested... Too tired to move each day, each movement brought about pain... The doctor announced that i may have contracted Dengue... I remembered that sting a week ago... A ray of hope shone upon me on friday when i could tell myself i was out of fever! I was so happy!!!... Through this, I could feel even more for keeping myself alive at all costs... My race is not finished! Right? I kept asking God why am i put on the test. Is it because i was bad? I was disobedient? If all those sins i have committed would be washed away with this punishment, perhaps i deserved more...
Treasure your lives people!!! This one life is more precious than ANYTHING in this world... We live because of it! Everyday i pray and pray... I prayed for the blood test to be painless =X I prayed for the results... It is not in vain!!! I am well now!!!

8:39 PM; The Pianist'

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Feed fish...
Golden Pagoda!!!!
Looks like i have accomplished something...
Going home? =[


Poor thing...

At Changyi airport's Macs... EXCITED!!!
Trip to Myanmar 5 years ago...

3:47 PM; The Pianist'

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Hey ya... Back to update again... Although I'm ultra sick today...Yesterdays' Happenings!! Well... Went my house there with Edwin Eddy and Ivan... Can see that they are yugioh freaks... Ha ha.. Ivan as crappy as ever... Me, as powerful as ever =X and Edwin as boastful as ever.... ERRM EDDY... Nobody want to team with him... ZZZ... He's not bad luh.. Thinking of upgrading my deck... But then thinking about it... I think don't want to waste anymore money ler... Proud of my RAIGEKI!!! Never seen another copy around... Only a few people have ba.. Went tournament 2 years ago and discovered that only 6 people have out of the 4 digit of participants... PROUD OF THAT CARD MAN!!! Haha anyway... Almost went home halfway during school hours yesterday... Headache + Fever... Now still abit immobilised... Super weak la... Cant walk properly... Went up to 40.3 degrees... Super bad... Almost went to hospital... Thank God for letting me feel again the hunger for your love.

Why do people run away from God? Is it because of anger, disappointment, despair, disobedience, or a web of rebellion woven from our own desires?
The book of Jonah looks at a prophet who rejected God’s call to deliver His word to the people of Nineveh. In the first chapter (vv.3,10), we read that Jonah deliberately headed for Tarshish to run away from the Lord. He knew exactly where he was going and why. After being given a second chance (3:1-2), Jonah delivered God’s message but reacted angrily when the Lord spared the repentant city (3:10–4:2).
The book ends with the Lord speaking to Jonah about His compassion: “Should I not pity Nineveh?” (4:11). But there’s no indication that the disgruntled prophet changed his attitude. The people of Nineveh repented; Jonah did not.
The story of Jonah should cause each of us to be honest about our feelings toward the Lord. Do we harbor resentment for His leniency toward people we feel deserve judgment? Have we forgotten that God has forgiven us? Are we ready to obey His call and leave the outcome to Him?
The story of Jonah illuminates our reactions to God and measures our willingness to trust Him when we can’t understand His ways.

Sometimes it’s hard to trust the Lord
When you don’t understand;
But fight the urge to run from Him
—Reach out and take His hand.
He pleases God best who trusts Him most.

1:33 PM; The Pianist'

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Haiz Some people are just so kiddish -.-...
Father in Heaven,
I pray that Anonymous will give up his acts of sin and leave Stephanie alone. I know that you will not let anyone live in sin. Thus, i really want to pray for anonymous to stop sinning and apologize to Stephanie for bringing unhappiness to her life. On top of that, I would like to pray for Her Health, to be able to withstand all obstacles or sickness that come her way. I promise to keep a distant away from her, to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, as I know that you Lord, will answer my prayer. There is nothing i wont give up for your love, Lord. In Jesus's name i pray, Amen.

This is the last time i will be caring for this worthless arguement. This is the end of our "Best Friends relationship." I know that God will not shortchange me...

Well went to Bukit Merah's KFC to eat with my Aunt, grandma, Father and mother... Reminds me of FAMILY... Father and Mother I Love You... Will this "LOVE" come to me?... Well was on the bus with some guy from Central B2(oops forgot name) yesterday night.. He say i look like i have stead in school lolx... Kinda stupid... Answered with a NO... Haiz anyway just now i almost got into big trouble... Wa i went to Bugis Virtual Land and play the arcade... Then dunno why... I lost my card sia!!! Number 76!!! Woah i prayed so hard for it to APPEAR and it did!!! I was so relieved... Or i would have to pay a $10 fine... Didnt have my card or enough cash that time... So Afraid la... Yeah thank god for this blessing!!!

During our own lifetime, we each experience a multitude of disappointments and setbacks. They range from minor aggravations (a friend forgets a lunch date, your favorite restaurant closes) to major unwelcome turns of fate (the breakup of a cherished relationship, the death of a loved one). The experience of loss is universal–none of us escapes it. Yet the way we respond to it varies greatly among us, and radically affects our quality of life.
“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that naturewill reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” - Galatians 6:7-8

I will send a famine on the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord. —Amos 8:11

In the novel No Blade of Grass, a destructive virus attacks the grasses of the world. Not just the grass in lawns but all grasses, including wheat, barley, rye, oats, and rice. In a matter of months, the world is plunged into famine and its brutal companion, violence. People begin by fighting, then killing, for food.
The novel depicts a scene that has been lived out in the real world in recent famines and is terrifying when seen on TV news networks. Yet I can only imagine what it’s like.
The prophet Amos spoke of a different kind of famine. He called it a famine of “hearing the words of the Lord” (8:11). While a lack of food can lead to disease and death, a famine of the Word can produce eternal consequences. Without access to God’s Word, we lack wisdom for life and the message of eternal life in Christ. As Christians, we need “the pure milk of the Word, that [we] may grow thereby” (1 Peter 2:2). We can identify with the prophet when he said, “Your words were found, and I ate them, and Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart” (Jer. 15:16).

The world is starving for the knowledge of the God who can satisfy the needs of the human heart. Let’s help fill their hearts by sharing His Word.
Give us, O Lord, a strong desireTo look in Your Word each day;Help us to hide its truths in our heart,Lest from His path our feet would stray.
Without a heart for God, we cannot hear His Word.

8:03 PM; The Pianist'

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Another week have passed... Yet another 7 days of my life is used up... 7 days nearer to my finishing line too ^^. Service was great. Pastor Ben was just there for me... When i needed that... The first time i would cry over someone i cared for, in public... Was ashamed but i don't think anyone saw me ^^... I prayed for my friend, to be able to change for the better, like how i fought for my freedom. Well this is what i learnt today:
Responding to God's sentence.
Micah 1:8-16
Where is God when there is injustice? He lives in my heart.
How will god punish the guilty?
God comforts the afflicted and afflicts the guilty.
How do I look at national sin? Be deeply affected by the sins and its consequences.
Romans 9:2-3
Grieve over the sins of sinful people. Repentance over the sins around and in us.
2:call people to prayerfully seek God's mercy. (v 10-16)
2 Corinthians 7:10
God's judgement is always just and appropriate.
Those who love to sin will be given SIN itself. The wrath of one's own actions.
Sin brings destruction upon the innocents like our loved ones.
God will partner with me in every challenge i face. Therefore, i will never be alone.
Amos 7:2-3
Break free from sin.
The solution in your life is in Jesus. Humble ourselves in God and turn ourselves away from sins!!
Well... My new shepherd is "The pretty FAT Jinqi!!!" lol... F for friendly, A for ambitious and T for team... Meaning Friendly, ambitious and COOPERATIVE!!! Heeh... Had a fun time with central B2 and B3 today...

10:02 PM; The Pianist'

Thursday, January 18, 2007

So much crap yesterday... Living with the pain of seeing friends hurting themselves still. Should i just mind my own business instead... I dont know... Have I come to someone else's path...? Really confused. God, tell me what I should do. Consider it as I am begging you... Tell me what i should do... I fall in your arms this time, awaiting you to advocate me through this split path ahead. What am i saying.... Nvm..

The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man without trial.
Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.
The wise adapt themselves to circumstances,as water moulds itself to pitcher.
Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress
A clever fighter is one who not only wins, but excels in winning with ease.
For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.
Whatever is flexible and flowing will tend to grow. Whatever is rigid and broken will wither and die.
The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.
Failure is the only opportunity to begin again more intelligently.
Invincibility lies in the defense, the possibility of victory in the attack.
The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them to the impossible.
All difficult things have their origin in that which is easy, and great things in that which is small.

Thats all i have now.. Quite meaningful to me though...

Death is just another choice. Whenever there is hope, there is always a way. One who choses to end have taken a wrong step in life. Life is precious. We all will only have this one life to accomplish great things, to make a mark of achievement to all others. No matter in what situation, there is always hope. And hope endures as long as there is belief. The choice of suicidal have once crossed my mind, back when i was still a foolish kid who treats my own life insignificantly. Now, i at least understand that God have sent me to this place in a mission. I have been called to end the race, not giving up halfway because of certain difficult obstacles. Whatever obstacle one would face, don't give up! There is always a chance to start again and as Failure is the only opportunity to begin again more intelligently! Believe in yourself and nothing will be impossible.

3:33 PM; The Pianist'

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Well people who really inspired me to change and stood by my side, no matter how little hope i had left, for myself. People who never gave up on me and deeply motivated me. Listened to a talk from Adam Khoo a few years ago... Back when i was primary six.. I only understood what he was trying to say today... Fully... What would you do if someone is living on this earth and that person is not living his life to the fullest, and treats sin like a daily practice, when millions have died for him/her? Many answered with beatings... reprimanding... He finally broke the glass he was holding on to, and told us... Ask yourself if you have been listening to your parents and fighting for what is right, doing what is wrong and useless, sinning or even rebelling against your teachers here? Then you are the one person whom you want to reprimand and hit. Back when you were a sperm, you swan alongside your millions of brothers and sisters. You fought for life and you have been granted life. You were once a champion of the millions of brothers and sisters! Look at what you are today? Are you still that champion? Today, i fully understood what he was trying to tell me. This have greatly motivated me to achieve. Another person is my grandmother. She always taught me to be a good person, but i never really took action of what she said... I miss you ah ma!!! Another person is Angela and Elise from church... Though i never really spent alot of time with them, talking to them was as good as talking to God himself... Really captivating and motivating. I changed partly because of them, but i must say that the other 70% depends on myself. I finally made it to what i am today! At least a person of responsibility and not violence.

9:51 PM; The Pianist'

"All we have to decide, is what to do, with the time that is given to us"
We all have a limited time on earth, to accomplish great tasks appointed to us by the Lord. Has he ever punished us for not accomplishing what we were capable of? And why do i like this verse so much? It means a lot to me. Time... The most important thing we have the moment we are born! Why do i think so? Well.. I would be contented to live 80 years. And say we sleep 8 hours a day? That is 2/3 the time we actually have to accomplish great things and bring joy to life. We have 30000 days in total, 1/3 goes into sleeping and we have 20000 days left! That is 480000 hours... Look at that number... 24 less every day... Thus time is a very important element. We spend time staring at space and thinking about foolish things like how stupid we are or our sins. Why don't we spend time thinking/deciding how to improve our own and others' lives? Like we always say, do not look back. What's the point of looking back at our sins and guilt? God forgives one of even the most sinful things you can imagine, as long as one is sincere about repentance. "God is a gracious god." The time we have is limited. We do not want to regret after we have completed the race god has sent us to end, instead, want others to remember your achievements and determination. Like a runner sent to run in the Olympics. I once heard about this runner who was running a marathon. Halfway through, he fell and severely injured his legs. Despite that, he continued to limb to his goal and why? Why did he do that for? Why didn't he just give up halfway? He finally completed the race after almost everyone have left. He finally collapsed at the finishing line. Reporters were curious to know why he did not just give up midway, and this was what he told them, "My country didn't send me 1000 miles to start this race, but my country have sent me 1000 miles to finish it." I was deeply motivated when i heard it. I don't want to give up on anyone. Everyone has hope. Every one of us deserves to hope, to dream and to achieve. It all depends on one to accomplish great things. Nothing will be impossible, as long as one dares to dream. There is always a person who achieves. The greatest secret behind it i believe is to dare to dream. As long as there is hope, and that hope is manipulated, not left behind. All i want to tell you all is... Don't give up on yourself, because God will never give up on you.

8:27 PM; The Pianist'

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

All i got to say is, "All we have to decide, is what to do, with the time that is given to us. Some people know this all along. It is just a matter of thinking when we face obstacles. We sometimes do something really stupid and we really want to hurt ourselves for that. Just remember that God is there for you! God calls upon you as if you are not!!! And he calls one as a successful person even though the person may even be a beggar! So it is a matter of action and belief. After all, The lord speaks the truth. He will never lie. Thus, we should put all our trust in him! I have changed. I learned to think. What is sin? Guilt? Remorse? When there is God... He forgives and cleanses one of all his sins, as long as one is keen on repentance. I have said my piece... Stephanie, the rest is up to you.

11:00 PM; The Pianist'

Hmm interesting day... Went to sku as per usual... Lessons as per usual... I tot i lost my wallet lor... Wa lau... Then later i found it in my bag... -.-...Almost got caught for listening to mp4 during class =X... Luckily God was on my side =p. Anyway... I blast so loud lor... Hong ji also can hear... Hes like 4 metres away? hehe... Yah then ikekie swap place with song wei again haha. Then we crap ard with his bear with the hole by the side... =X... Hmm.. shant go further or ill pollute everybody's mind here!!! haha... After school wanted to meet edwin and the rest to play cards la.. but then thinking of it... I chiong to Cg instead... See i so wei da pon scouts just to go cg lol... Anyway cg was quite entertaining... With Jeremiah or something... Wa lau he loooks so innocent but hes full of nonsense ^^... Ya anyway.. Joshua Jiao also lor.. Haha after tt went to KFC to eat la... Btw my mum was like call me and tell me she at Plaza Sing... I so scared lor... later she see me i die lol... Haha Still wondering who my new shepherd is... June? haiya dunno la...
After the thing went to walk ard with Jinqi... Btw Joshua from BMSS is so quiet la.. Wa lau lol... I asked him... What does.... "T A L K " Spell? He did the signal of dont know.... I ask him if he knew how to speak... He shook his head...He like die also dun wan to talk ... lol dun get him...
Haha its fun hanging ard with Church people... One word to describe... FELLOWSHIP!!! Yes fellowship... Getting to know many wierd and nice people ^^... Wierd applies to some.... ABnormal i mean... Ok lets not talk about it... Hmm its nice to have so many friends !!! YAY... PE was retarded... What soccer floorballo and basketball team... bullshit lor... I wan soccer!!!! SOB SOB... =[... Post more later ba...

7:03 PM; The Pianist'

Monday, January 15, 2007

Lol i Bon sku today... Went to see doctor... Abrasion la... Bleed until like siao... Prayers everyday... When will this pain leave me?
Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to you with all my burden and pain i have endured this entire year. I pray for my abrasion, to heal quickly and painlessly. I pray for the year to be an exciting and challenging year of adventures and obstacles, to allow maturity and growth in me. I pray for my results, to be not just a pass, but a distinction. Ain't i greedy? But Father in heaven, I know that anything i ask for is not too much or too little, as long as you think i will benefit from it, I know you will grant me my wishes. I will continue to worship you as my father and Jesus as my brother. I thank you for the wonderful saturday services and friday caregroups i had with Central C. I hope that my stay with Central B will be a fruitful and exciting one, alongside with a wonderful fellowship of amicable people who also believe in you. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

7:52 PM; The Pianist'

Hmm annoymous is getting VERY lame... Haiz pointless to argue with retards. And did he call me a FLIRT? like whatever? Everybody flirts wat. I belonged to a all girls group. What other choice do i have but follow them around. Flirt? If i really did, i would have asked any of them out earlier. Flirt huh? Kids these days are getting overboard with their insults. How many are really grown up and understand that hurting others = hurting themselves? Ok ill stop with this for now cuz i really got pissed when i read that insult on steph's blog. Whoever it is, I suggest that he/she should stop.

Yun Kai msged me...:
Zach 13:9
I will refine them like silver and test them like gold. They will call on My name and I will answer them.

Well i have transferred to central B... Mixed feelings... Knowing more people and leaving old friends haha... Well, we can still meet every week de ma!!! Hehe... Ok anyway... About what i learnt from pastor shirley last sat... (BTW didnt go to school today)
(Micah 1: 1-7)
God will never let us remain in Sins. And what is so bad about Sin? God hates sin not because sin is his own personal preference, but because sin will kill us and that he loves us too much to see us destroy our own lives. It wrecks God when he sees us not living our life to the fullest. God will not leave one in sin because he cares too much to remain silent. God bothers about us because we are his creation, his children. God is not an irresponsible father.. Sometimes, What we want may not be best for us. If we have discipline, our hardship WILL be paid off. God points out to us where have gone wrong.
(Psalm 139: 23-24) God will lead us in the way everlasting.
General condemnation


(2 Corinthians 7:10)
Our choice results in consequences.
(Micah 1:7)
God is a very patient god
(Exodus 34:6b)
Eachn choice results in consequences. Consequences will catch up with us somehow. Sin brings unfruitfullness, insecuirity, joylessness and guilt. No other life can be compaired to a life with god. God offers one the best life one can live. I want to live in clear concience and not in guilt, I want to live in freedom, joy and peace and not in a cage..
Motivations to walk with god:
Grace of God
Fear of God
Love of God
The fear of god is the beginning of wisdom. God watches over us and knows what is best for us. We sometimes sin because we think that nobody knows, but God knows. Thus fearing Him makes one Holy and Pure. God's love comes to no end. I want to walk with God because God is gracious (2 Peter 3:9)

6:12 PM; The Pianist'

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Havent posted in a day again... Guess im getting more and more busy...
Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to you once again with all my sins, burdens and addictions. Wash me in the prescious blood that Jesus has shed for me when he died on the cross for us. I am utterly disgrased with my own actions and ashamed to face you lord. Cleanse me through and clean me of all the sins, burdens and addictions i have commited. I felt like crying everytime i looked at the letter Jesus have written for me. He was such a wonderful person who gave his life away in order for me and you to be reconciled. Praise the mighty lord for what he have done for me. From today onwards, i will be a good son. Give me another chance.. I know you will.. In Jesus name i pray, Amen...

I was so touched when i read the "Scroll of town portal" Daniel gave me... It was from JESUS!!! YAY... And through the letter, i knew how much he and God loves me that he sacrificed himself in my place. For that, i am willing to put my life in his hands and walk with him for the rest of my life, because i know that the path God has for me is the path of joy and the path i may want to go could lead to a life of regrets and misery. I shall follow what he tells me to do and be a good son. I have wronged too much this life and i dont want to regret anymore. I have to look forward to a new day ahead. If i keep looking back, i will never move forward, as failures will draw me into distraction and keep me blind to all that is ahead. Thus, it will lead to even more failures and misery. I shall not let satan decide who i am!!! From the bottom of my heart, I shall cast you out of my life.

7:02 PM; The Pianist'

Friday, January 12, 2007

School was stupid... Stand 3 periods during E maths cuz i didnt do the questions... I dont know how to do lor... then i stand for 1 hour -.-... Last period then get to seat -.-... Then adam so lame lol... He never do also ma... Then he stand near the windows... Then he keep looking out. Ikekie suddenly shout "TOTO CHAN!" WTH lor all laugh lol... Cuz toto chan always look outside also. Then ikekie say wat "Street musicians are comming!" LOL then kena scolding...
After school... Supposed to have scouts but then i Bon again lol... Ikekie also haha... Then i went tiong walk ard... Buy ribena, cola sweet and crackers for CG later haha... My last Cg of the month? Dont know if im going back to Central C... Anyway... Met Esther on the bus on the way to ps... Then there was a man seated beside him... Sian that guy abit... How shd i put it... ERRR HERMM... He was like putting his things EVERYWHERE. umbrella hung at the driver's seat... Plastic bag in front ... Then he acts abit strangely... Esther also scared le lol... Then went to macs and met christine and err... her friend... (PS. forget name) Then went to istana park for CG hehe... Feel good burining away all my sins ^^ And for the song... HMm... Really appreciated it alot... It was very very memmorable... Although abit wierd... But still... APPLAUD FOR EFFORTS!!! I will miss Central C!!!! And most of all i will miss my shepard, Angela... I can say that she is the best shepard i ever had!!! (cuz i only had one =D) Ya anyway... Shes good la... =p.. At least i could share problems with her haha. Then she could give suggestions and stuff... Yeh i thank her for the efforts and God for presenting me with such a wonderful shepard... The most memmorable day of the month!!! Thanks all lol... THen wei ting was so funny lol... She acted like a carnivore and tried to eat me and gladys keke... Then i realized she had pointy ears!!! Like an elf!! hehe... Guess i end off here?... Oh ya learnt about passion today haha... A little lazy to type... Maybe tomorrow lolx =p...

10:17 PM; The Pianist'

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Oh man... This old old lap top takes like 10 minutes to load and it lags like crazy... Haha today was quite fun... Feel sorry for not going to meet angela and went with my friends to play lan instead... So addictive lor.. I play play play then dun wan meet angela le... =X. Lol dota... Anime and then Need for speed... CS 1.6... MAN IM ADDICTED TO LAN LOL. =D
Tmr got scouts lei... Dun wan go... WTHHHHHH.... i wan go CG instead lol... QUIT SCOUT!!!! =X... No time for long posts lo... Com spoil + no time lol

8:46 PM; The Pianist'

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

ZZZ using my old old lap top... 1 day never update! Sian this keyboard i not used to it.. So difficult to type.. Sian lor school so many homework... Until now still dont know my A-maths teacher's name... Everytime GOOD MORNING GUAI KIA...=X cuz his hair super "guai" lol... Yup i guess that im really a person with little friends. After sku... Wanted to go lan with the others.. But then the yong kia was also there.. zz. Nvm haha... Update more later lol... Too tired now

3:54 PM; The Pianist'

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Mr kwan good. Today is the 8th. And now i announce i have said my first vulgarity in 22 days. Guess who was i referring to? That old freak la of cuz. He forced me to say sorry wor. I cant even bring myself to write dear. Not even SORRY. I just want to announce that he is a cowardy teacher ^^. He just need some maturity i guess. Kiddy..

12:04 AM; The Pianist'

Monday, January 8, 2007

Haha i understand those rumours that were spreading ard about me and steph. Well i just want to make this clear that WE ARE JUST FRIENDS ^^. I wish i was a girl instead.. What for be so rebellious about matters involving "ISAAC IS SISSY". Damn i dont care now. So what if i REALLY am. You guys know me im not. I rebel against it even. Hurts to hear people telling me that im gay. As for BGR, i have given up on it. Look at me.. Do i have time to love? I am a strange person. I understand feelings may develop, but cant people be matured enough and less sensetive... Haha its no problem that i should keep a distant. Im just losing a close friend. Well enough about this.. I too feel sad leaving central C... Well, it may be better for me? Haha.. So i dont feel out of place with the company of girls...

9:16 PM; The Pianist'

And... a random page in the bible...
Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me! For my soul trusts in you; and in the shadow of Your wings, I will make my refuge, until these calamities have passed by.
I will cry out to God most high, to God who performs all things for me.
He shall send from heaven and save me; he reproaches the one who would swallow me up. Se-lah. God shall send forth his mercy and his truth.

8:21 PM; The Pianist'

Sunday, January 7, 2007

God Loves You
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that forever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life -John 3:16
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we are still sinners, Christ died for us -Romans 5:8

All are Sinners
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God -Romans 3:23
As it is written:There is none righteous, no, not one -Romans 3:10

God's Remedy for Sin
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our lord. - Romans 6:23
But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name -John 1:12
For i delievered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures -1 Corinthians 15:3-4

All May be Saved Now
Behlod, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the doot, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. -Revelation 3:20
For "whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved." -Romans 10:13

Assurance As a Believer
That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. -Romans 10:9
Most assuredly: I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgement, but has passed from death into life. -John 5:24
These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God. -1 John 5:13
But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name -John 20:31

11:40 PM; The Pianist'

The Spirit-Filled Life.
The Spirit-filled life is the Christ-directed life by which Jesus lives his life in through us in the power of the Holy Spirit.Jesus promised his followers they would have powerful, loving, abundant, and fruitful lives as the result of being filled with aspects of the Spirit-filled life and the blessings of being filled with the Spirit -- I want to encourage you to ask for and recieve the same things from Jesus, by the Holy spirit, that I have recieved. A person initially becomes a Christian through the work of the Holy spirit(John 3:1 - 8). From the moment of conversion, or spiritual birth, the Holy Spirit dwells in a person. In this sense, all Christians at the point of conversion, recieve "the batism of the Holy Spirit," or as Paul says, we are all bapitized by one Spirit into te body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:13). However, though the spirit is present in all Christians, this does not mean all Christians are filled - Empowered, released, guided and controlled by the holy spirit.
The filling of the Holy Spirit is an ongoing reality. Paul says in Ephesians 5:18, "Be filled with the Spirit." In the original language, this verse actually means "continually to be filled with the Spirit." Renewal and a realease of the Spirit's presence and power are needed on a daily basis.
Most of the time, the fillings of the Spirit is experienced in a quiet way, with a deep sense of peace or joy, perhaps bringing clarity of insight or understanding regarding present circumstances or future plans. These times of filling may not involve intense emotions, and there may be a few days or weeks of "lag time."

7:45 PM; The Pianist'

The bible contains the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners and the happiness of believers. Its doctrines are holy, its percerpts are binding, its histories are true, and its decisions are immutatable. Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, and practice it to be holy. It contains light to direct you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you.
It is the traveller's map, he pilgrim's staff, the pilot's compass, the soldier's sword and the christian's charter.Here paradise is restored, heaven opened, and the gates of hell disclosed.
It should fill the memmory, rule the heart and guide the feet. Read the bible slowly, frequently and prayerfully. It is a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory and a river of pleasure. It is given you in life, will be opened at the judgement, and be remembered forever. It involves the highest responsibility, wukk reward the greatest labour, and will condemn all who triffle with its scared contents.
John (3:16),For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that forever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

The lord is not slow about his promises as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)
I believe in God the father almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our lord.
He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit
and born of the Virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried.
He decended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again.
He ascended into Heaven,
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the holy spirit,
the holy catholic church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the ressurection of the body,
and the life everlasting.

Well... Got my bible finally! YAY... Went out with Hong Ji and Stanley to lan... So sian la.. Today nth much..

7:01 PM; The Pianist'

This post is made for January 2007 (Saturday)... Was too tired to post lol... Ok Yesterday's lesson was...
~God has a Race for all of us!~
God created us to fellowship with him, created to display his wisdom, love and everything of him. We are made in his image. We turn away from God because of our sins. We only turn back when we want repentence, and salvation. We want to know Jesus and walk with him. God sent us not only to begin, but also to end. To hope that when each individual finishes their own race, others who have not completed their own will remember them for something significant and learn from it.
~Put the past behind you~
Strain towards what is ahead. We get too ignorant when we live in a successful yesterday. We get depressed when we live in a miserable and sad yesterday. So, do not live in yesterdays but learn from successes and failures, in order to maintain a success or try again in a failure. Do not look behind as you might lose out even before the very beginning.

Wicked men will fall on their faces and remain so. God-Loyal people are offered big and mighty hands which they can hold on to, and stand up from their failures. The only way to fail is to give up/quit. Do not give up and one will be offered a chance to succeed. There is no place on earth that god's love cannot reach us. No matter how much we want to skip church, we will be back there in the end. God will never give up on anyone. Therefore, we should never give up on ourselves.
~Focus on the FUTURE~
Press on towards the goal to win the prize. God believes in us so much that we can begin to believe in god too. We work for a better tomorrow and before we know it, we are there. God sees us as if we are not. This just means that he sees us as a successful person and it may seem that one is not. Believe you can and you will. Give anything a good try. Even if you fail, you will not be discouraged for not trying. If you tried, you have the priceless experience. One's future WILL be greater than the past.
The devil speaks lies and God speaks the truth.

Well basically i went out for church the whole day... Service was good... As usual, i was late because i had lessons at millenium walk... Precious lessons to be learnt every week! Then around 7+ went to walk walk at orchard with Felicia and Gladys... Strange huh! Only got to know them better then. Ahh my life is full of girls lor... =X... Saw Sean and two others =X (Dont know their name!!) Pai seh pai seh =D... Felicia made us walk to Far east... Then walk walk talk talk then back to takashimaya and seat down... Donated $7 to the dunno wat thing lor... Pok gai liao. I really hope that Felicia would slowly change and all... I was shocked about the language part. I too, was like that before i went to church. I gradually started to mind my language too! Then Gladys was like... Taking so much time to remember how old she was. "AIYO WO HAO XIANG SHI WU SHI LEI" lol... Yeh it was a fun day!!!

11:04 AM; The Pianist'

Friday, January 5, 2007

Today was ok ba... Sku is like fine lor... Then the Song Wei pro sia. Put the phone in the pencil case and on song in class wor. Power lor... Teacher cannot hear also. Then ikekie play the C is for Cookie the song... Lame la lol. After sku wanted to go lan... But then 1 hour nia... Decided to go on monday instead...

Ok after sku went to Istana park at like 1:35... So early lor... only got Me, Esther, Fengy,Wei Ting... Then Hazel came for awhile... Later the rest... Gladys... Angela... Christine and Pei Yi came later... Hahah had Care group lol... Learnt some meaningful stuff today... Thanks Angela... Your a great shepard =D...

Ok let me share with you what i learnt... ~Spiritual Truths~

1: The meaning of recieving Christ
Well it is not just about a one way ticket to Heaven but also accepting God as your Father and friend. Christianity is about particpation, being a good son/daughter of god. A team will not work out with one or two members refusing to participate.

2:How do we grow in such a relationship with god?
Praying - Talking to God in any language, speaking in tongues through the holy spirit.
Word of God (WOG) - Like a love letter given by god, that when we recieve it, we are assured of God's love for us.
Fellowship - Spending time with fellow Christians.

Dah cross..... + ... =X

Ok the horizontal line symbolyses our relationship with fellow christians
The vertical line symbolises our relationship with God.

We require Bonding with one another so that one can share his/her problems with.
Sharing Jesus with someone
Sharing something you think is nice with someone else.

Obeying someone you love.
Eg. Washing dishes for your parents because you love them alot

We pray and share Christ because we love God, just like he loves us.
Bible - O - Jesus

10:00 PM; The Pianist'

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Settled settled... Luckily, you'd listen to me... Or else this thing would never end... Well my prayers didnt come to a waste indeed.

10:00 PM; The Pianist'

And edwin. Is it me or are you hating me as well. I dont care even if i lose you. I doubt you too much, I dont know if its because of your sis. I dont care now. That day, i simply wanted to eat with my other friends. Its just that i met you, so i decided to eat with you instead. This is talking back at what evelyn said. If you are going to be a coward and stand on the other side, then fine with me. I have many other friends who trust in me and are worthy. Well forget it. These people dont have to argue one. See i talk in my blog ppl not happy. Then ppl talk abt mein blog i cannot bey song sia. What theory is this. So dont give me shit that i "KP" in my blog about you. Cuz you bitch about me too. Dont take sides with me, nevermind one.
And Yong Kia very wei feng hor. Spread around to singapore the tale of how "I TRIED TO PISS YOU AND HOW YOU A HERO ACTED BACK". What the heck. I just want to live a normal life in GESS. Is that difficult? Why do so many losers have to turn their backs on me. YK gangster then say la!

8:54 PM; The Pianist'

Haha tmr my parents go see Mr Kwan.Want me pay for pencil box? Pay lah. See during curriculum. Scared i tag along? Teachers.. teachers... Resorted to underhand methods to solve problems. Haiz

8:34 PM; The Pianist'

SOLVED~ i wish to hear no more about it ok? It is all a misunderstanding...
Who is wrong now tell me. Some people are just too wierd dont ya all think so. Haha went to tiong to meet Angela just now at ard 5 pm. Call edwin dont dare to pick up. Must be evelyn. Haiz. Since people like to say let them lor. Only dare to talk to me like this on msn. Speak to me irl la. Scared nia people. What threaten to talk to parents. Come lo want to talk talk lor. Tell them how you humiliated me only ma. Since you dont want to stop. Talk to you nicely, still dont want to give up. What is it that you want? SORRY? Pls lor you dont deserve any apologies. And anyway, I have far too many friends to even care if i lose 4 like this. I have real brothers and sisters who will listen to my troubles and be there when im in need. I dont need 4 people who turn their backs on me if what you said is true. Yes so waht i was the main one. All of you are involved. And if i should be the one to be punished, you all should too. I dont bear full responsibility cuz i didnt plan it. Since you all are in it, face it with me. And talking about friends, i dont treat them like what you said. Go ask around then. When have i sprouted a vulgarity this month? Greatly reduced am i right people. Need some guts to come settle your own problems? You brought friends in. I have the rights to call friends in too. You dare not settle it yourself, dont have to ask someone im "scared" of. What is there to be afraid. Sec 4 so? What can she do. Threaten? Scold? Beat? Wow and talking about " TRY TO OFFEND THEM LAH". So you mix with gangsters la. What makes you so RIGHT everytime. In an arguement, its always both that are at fault. Try thinking back. Why didnt i tell you. 2 gb files can send? You dont want to see it yourself and you ASSUME im lying. What did i say. I told you i didnt care. And whats next? You started spamming at me? Jiayi, next time i hope you listen to both parties before even deciding on taking sides. I dont know what lies she have sprouted and im sure she didnt tell you some things she did. Everyone dare not tell what wrong he/she have done. So when both parties say it all, all wrongs will surface. So what if i want to speak to her parents. Threaten? Did i point a knife at her and THREATEN that i will speak to her parents instead? No? And i recognize you Jiayi. We were from band before. You may not recognize me but now im very disappointed.

6:15 PM; The Pianist'

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Today went to tiong with Garrick, Arjun and Yu kai then saw Eva and steph... Wth i look like girl -.- lame lor... Nvm at least theres someone on my side... Today sux la... First day only have to fight... had many things to say... let me cool down first..

8:37 PM; The Pianist'

Yong kia... I remember your name. Dont think i am that easy to bully. One day i will step on you. Whats wrong with you? Want to pick up a fight because you cant hear me? Need a ear help anot. Go thailand buy very cheap. Dont pick up a meaningless fight unless you really want to go to boys home. And dont try to act big. Im not afraid of you. Dont think that i will stand there and let you bully me. I just cut my hair dont need sayang me. Dont fool with me. I know just how to injure you and make you stuck in the hospital for a month. Dont mess with me. I dont like this. I prayed every day for 17 days.
Every single day i would say, "Dear Heavenly Father, I would like to pray that Evelyn would turn over a new leaf and treasure her friends well. I hope that she would change her attitude towards people and think better of me. I lived on this earth and i gone through many obstales. I changed and i dont wish to settle problems by the method i always used. I am so sorry i had to retaliate to show that i cannot be bullied. I pray that he shant bother me anymore or i would have to turn to some disgusting way to settle it. In jesus name i pray, Amen"

5:29 PM; The Pianist'

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Woo lamo lamo. Find my blog add again if you can kiddy ^^. Guess its settled? I merely THREATENED. Oh no someone did a wrong step in an arguement. It is so sad that i had to THREATEN to talk to someone's parents. Isnt this enough? She swore not to read my blog again. Ooh who asked her to read and get angry. spamming me with 200 posts? WOW takes me a minute to delete them all =p. I may sound evil. I have to do this.

Who wants the evidence? I can make a few copies for you guys ^^ incase i lose it and i need it.

Hmm... Today is so stupid... Went out with steph and chloe... Play arcade... Play lan... Sian lor... Lose until so sian. Then not happy ler kill hostage ^^ Ohh anyways im not interested in any bgr thing. So please dont mistaken me for talking to a girl. I have ABSOLUTELY NO INTEREST ^^.

9:30 PM; The Pianist'

Monday, January 1, 2007

Ahh those pics were imported from Central's Blog lolx =D.... Ebil me... =X haha Ikekie told me Ebil = Evil and cute im like rofl =D... Hey guys... Having a hard time reading my blog? I know i update alot in a day!!! =D i have so many things to tell you guys haha. Thanks again for making this important change in me!!

11:28 PM; The Pianist'

Isnt it nice? =D
MONOPOLY!!! Angela keep getting the free parking... WA LAU A FEW THOUSAND SHE PICK UP A FEW TIME =[
and why do people say i look like L???? -.- I DONT LOOK LIKE L!!!!!! WHAT????

11:02 PM; The Pianist'

Shinigami loves... Apples? lolx... Ryuk is so funny... Give me the damn apple!!! LOLX

10:17 PM; The Pianist'

Didnt know people still interested to read my blog ^^. Haiyo evelyn ah evelyn... When will you grow up? KEKE like a small girl crying over a lost cookie? Come on lol. Dont make me laugh hehe. You must be thinking that im very angry. I tell you straight in your face, I smile at your posts. Like a little girl begging me for 5 cents? lol some people are just too wierd. So how long have you been reading this? I guess you are disappointed everyday? Hah clever girl change ip. Nevermind lo i block all ler wat. Change ip and start spamming if you want ^^ You are MOST WELCOME. Blue for the colour of cooling down ^^

5:31 PM; The Pianist'

WA LAU MY NEW HAIR IS LIKE ARMY LA... SO SUX LOR... no more L sob sob... I wan go poly faster la!!!! 2 more years wth... MEHHHH...

It may be lame but i wrote in my Death Note:
Evelyn Soh Yi Lin - 2007 年 一月二日, 下午三点 , 自杀.
Eddy Ng Kok Wei - 2007 年 一月二日, 下午三点 , 自杀.
Wong Mun Wai - 2007 年 一月二日, 下午三点 , 自杀.

This makes me feel better... though very lame keke...

Eddy smsed me wishing a happy new year... My heart will never be moved by traitors. Please tell me what i should do if he is sincere to apologize to what he have done to me.

People who want to feel better, reduce stress, and shed unwanted pounds are discovering that walking may be the best exercise of all. A fitness philosophy of 10,000 steps a day, which first took hold in Japan, is gaining popularity in other countries. Experts advise starting slowly and working toward a higher goal, realizing each day that every step counts.
It's even more important to stay spiritually fit by "walking with God," which the Bible describes as an intimate, growing relationship with the Lord. "Enoch walked with God three hundred years" . "Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God" . Both men are mentioned in Hebrews 11, where they are commended for their faith. "Enoch . . . had this testimony, that he pleased God" . "Noah . . . became heir of the righteousness which is according to faith"
To walk with God, we need to keep in step without running ahead or lagging behind. Along the way, we talk with the Lord, listen to Him, and enjoy His presence. We trust His guidance when we cannot see what lies ahead. It is not just the destination that's important, but the journey we take together.
There's no better time than now to begin walking with God, because each day every step counts

4:54 PM; The Pianist'

Yay i finally got the book lol... Today going to cut hair later keke. Heh in the end never get "abandoned" by the group... Went to Shi Jie's house to stay over. Happy new year all!!! Lol they keep saying i look like L. Keke... took some pics... waiting for them to post so i can see ^^

1:30 PM; The Pianist'


Shane from RP class w35a

Loves the piano

Hates rappers

ur hates here

the WISH:



