Saturday, February 24, 2007

It's truely a miracle... I really didnt feel abit of God this week. Life sucked! Till today... God came into my life once again!!! I feel REDEEMED!!! Yeah! People... You may think i'm crazy or spastic. I'm not!! Experience it yourself heh... C0me join me every sat at 3-5, Nexus auditorium, cuppage plaza... We are a group of youths just like you! We come together every sat to have fun together and worthip the mighty Lord! Yeah! You may not know people. How much blessings it is to know the Lord. No matter how bad you are, how unfilial, how hopeless you are to some, we welcome all. There is no unforgiveness in Christ, as he have paid for your sins on the cross. Thank you my friends! I want to thank especially Angela, Elise, Stephanie, Daniel, Yun Kai, Jinqi and many more. You have all rekindled hope in me!

Well... Church service is better than ever!!! haha... Cant wait to be a shepherd myself lolx... Courage... Initiative... Responsibility...Maturity... Haiz... I just hope that ill bring someone to church... Heh soccer was so fun today haha... Both legs injured... Kena hit twice... One by flying shoe and one by RAMMING BALL... oww.... cannot walk properly liao lol... Haha fun la... Played at leng kee CC there... Lolx... Haiz... Update tmr ba... So tired liao

10:49 PM; The Pianist'

Hey its sat again!!! YOYO back to update again hehe!!! Todays lesson will be...

~Powerful Christian Living~
(John 9:1-11)
God works best in an atmosphere of faith.
God is ready for you
God died for us in order for us to be released from the consequences of death for our sins, for us to live a powerful life.
God wants to bring us to a greater height.
1) Look to Jesus for help (v1-5)
Blame noone when something goes wrong. Faults appear often to display God's power and what he can do for us.
Looking outward - Depression
Looking Inward - Stress
Looking upwards - SALVATION
To trust God, you need to know God. The more you know God, the more you will trust him.
(Psalm 25:4-5)
Spend time with God.
As challenges get tougher and tougher, Blessings get more and more. God wants each and every one of us to mature.
Nothing is more important than one's spiritual health.
"You need not force a tree to bear a fruit"
God will be with us, to overcome each challenge we face.
2) Take a step of obedience (v4-7)
Liten to what God tells you to do. Miracles begin when we obey God's instructions
(Exodus 14:16)
Ordinary steps of obedience = Extraordinary Miracles.
God will never ever fail his people.
3) Share about what God has done (v8-11)

10:35 PM; The Pianist'

Father in Heaven,
I have thought it over... The sprain in my ankle you gave me... I woke up finding myself redeemed in your love again... Thank you... I would like to pray for my friends in any relationship problems, struggles and grievances. I pray that the problem will be solved and they will recieve the love just like what you have given to us. Oh Lord, I pray that they will too, have an experience of love and the path you have made for them, when you had them on your mind when you created them. In Jesus name i pray, Amen...

10:43 AM; The Pianist'

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I sat in a corner,
watching her smile,
watching her fround,
watching her cry.
How many times have she broken my heart?
Yet I continued this self-torture.

Who understands my pain?
If i chose God,
I'd regret my decision...
If i chose her...
I'd lose my focus on the Lord...

Oh Heavenly Father...
How many times have you heard me pray...
How many times have I hurt your heart?
My prayers...
My worship...
What would become of me if i broke your heart again...
Please help me oh lord...
In Jesus name i pray, Amen..

8:59 PM; The Pianist'

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Haha my internet siao le... hahaha... Anyways... got quite little this CNY... Haiz... But was fun la!!! lol .... Went Bugis arcade with Hong Ji and Joshua... Lol Hong Ji play the Time crisis 3 and 4 with me... Play 3 mins only die liao lol... I still full life haha ^^.. Went lan... Can see that Joshua totally lost his Dotaing skills....

8:37 PM; The Pianist'

Friday, February 16, 2007

Heh time to update liao.... Stupid internet spoil spoil de... Cant even post or even see the tagboard... haha... Lolx life was bad... Life seriously sucks when you cant feel God. Was too foolish to realize.... That i did'nt really bother to feel him, praise him, give glory to him and pray. It just feels unjust without Jesus in my life. This service is a great reminder to me, to praise god and bring him my glory and partner him in everything i do! Went back to Zhangde today... See old friends... See ms ng... Then zao liao... All grow old liao lor... Haha today Derek Tan returned me my MP4... haha. Can see that he is a good teacher in a way la.. Maybe just too strict haha. At least he talks to you nicely and not scream and yell like Kwan... Haha didnt manage to feel god this week ba... Should be the cause of my neglectance...
Father in Heaven,
I thank you for the blessings and lessons you have taught me. I know that you would be there for me in times of need and i can depend solely on you. Be my light in the darkness and Strength in weakness. I trust in you and nobody else, for you are my lord who cares the most for me. Seeing friends falling into the wrong path hurts me alot. I pray for my friends, who are not doing so well in their studies, to excel and study hard and somehow remember formulas and answers during their exams. I thank you for being my saviour and now i only hope that you will save the others as well. Give me the courage oh lord, for without you, i am unable to accomplish anything.
You are my source of strength in weakness and my only source of light in the darkness. Let me have the courage to share with people about Christ, for it is the most wonderful thing that can happen to anyone. In Jesus name i pray, Amen.

Having Holy Communion is just like a meal with Jesus.
(Revelation 3:20) (Ruth 1:8-18)
Level 1): The bond of family obligations
Obligation does not have to be something that is negative. It can speak to one in a form of responsibility and maturity.
(Romans 1:14-15) (Mark 7:9-13) (1 Thimothy 5:8)
We need to take good care of my family.
Be Intentional to talk and interact with relatives especially with the ones you seldom meet, to bring the level of relationship to a higher level.

Level 2) The bond of sacrificial love
As believers, we must learn to be sacrificial
As we learn to serve one another, everyone is a winner! Put other's needs on top of your own.

Level 3) The bond of covernantal loyalty
It is all about being part of God's family.
(Genesis 31:44)
Covernantal loyalty is eternal and not temporial...

10:39 PM; The Pianist'

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Hey hey my parents will be doing online sales of clothes. So give me your support ok guys? Here's the link : . Its still empty but will be updating in awhile!

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.” - 1 Corinthians 13: 4-5.

The Lord is righteous in all His ways, gracious in all His works. —Psalm 145:17

Have you ever puzzled over statements in the Bible that seem to contradict each other? For example, 1 Chronicles 21:1 states that the one who "moved David to number Israel" was Satan, but 2 Samuel 24:1 says it was the Lord. How do we explain this? We know that God never tempts anyone to sin (James 1:13).
The answer lies in the way the Old Testament writers expressed the ways of God. They sometimes ascribed to God what He merely allowed, knowing that He permits us to make wrong choices and then uses the tragic results to accomplish His good purposes.
In 2 Samuel 24:1, we read that God "moved David" to take a census of Israel. This is clearly a case when God allowed Satan to influence David, for it was an attempt to assess Israel's military strength. This reflected the same sin of pride and self-reliance that was prevalent in the nation. As a result, God judged the people and their king.
So what was the good purpose God accomplished by allowing Satan to influence David? Although many Israelites died, the nation itself was spared and purified. The Lord punished the guilty but also showed His mercy.

God's ways may be beyond our understanding, but we can always trust Him to do what is right.

God may conceal the purpose of His ways, but His ways are not without purpose.

The unconditional ,undying, unending love of God...

He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." —2 Corinthians 12:9

Inadequate but mighty—How strange, yet wholly true;Weak servants filled with power.The Lord's great work can do.

In tough times, God teaches us to trust.

9:25 PM; The Pianist'

Friday, February 9, 2007

Today... Haha school rocked... Seat at the back and do kallang wave... lolx... Joshua in his TRUE COLOURS MAN hes so crappy!!! lolx... Ikekie... Smuggle bread in class la lol... Then act cough while we eat the bread and the sweets by martin lolx... Stupid day hahahaha....
Then after sku... Went mac to slack... Then go home change and meet Joshua to go suntec for his BS!!! (bible study) ... Haha was fun la..
A Satanic experience:
I skipped my saturday piano lessons last week and my teacher happened to call my house... Dang... And my mum found out everything... Bleah... She got so angry and she called me. I hear liao... Shiver... And i prayed so hard that it will be fine. I expected that i would be punished severely... But i somehow gathered the courage to apologize and speak up for myself... Well i think thats a blessing! Satan! Since Resistance against you is Futile, i shant resist. But take note that everytime you set me up, make me feel down, It is another opportunity for me to think of God once more and grow stronger and stronger!!! So in Jesus name i call you, GET OUT OF MY LIFE. You shant consume my heart with evil! And were my prayers answered???

WOW!!! I got home and had a good talk with my mother... IT WENT SMOOTH!!! Like WOW!!! I didnt know i had the courage to face this setback... This... Sin... I faced it! And i learnt from it!
Haha Satan!

Ooh the lesson was nice... but i didnt manage to write anything cuz i didnt bring along my notebook... lolx... anyway... Anyway i remembered that it mentioned of bringing glory to god and not keeping the glory for yourself! Very entertaining pastor... Haha...

Blessings of Being filled with the Holy Spirit;
So why would I want to be filled with the Holy Spirit? Simply because you cant experience the powerful, loving, abundant and fruitful life Jesus promises without him. Some of the blessings of the Holy Spirit are;

1- Greater love and intimacy with God
2- Exaltation of Jesus as Son of God and Savior
3- Power and boldness to witness and preach
4- Greater wisdom and faith
5- Deep Joy (Singing and worship)
6- Release of spiritual gifts for ministry
7- Victory over sin and temptation
8- Effectiveness and power in prayer
9- Quiet confidence during opposition
10- Deeper trust in scripture as the Word of God
11- Renewed zeal for evangelism
12- Fresh love of Christ and others

The blessings of being filled with the Holy Spirit are tremendous! That's why God tells us to be filled. He gives us the power we dont have, so that we can become more like Jesus and do the work of Jesus. All the glory of God!!!

And how can one be filled with the Holy Spirit?? By asking of course! God is a good and generous Father who desires to give good gifts to his children.
First, confess your sins and recieve God's cleansing and for giveness by the blood of Christ 1( John 1:9) This step is essential because before we can be filled with the Holy Spirit, we must be emptied of things in our lives that grieve the Holy Spirit and displease God. Before we can be at home in God's love, we must realize that we are lost and in need of his mercy...
Jesus tells a story about a compassionate father and two lost sons (Luke 15:11-32). The younger son is lost because he uses his freedom to leave the father's house and make a mess of his life in a distant country, far away from the father's love and blessing. The older son, though he stays at home, is lost because he responds tohis father out of duty,thinking he has to earn his father's love, thus missing out on the gracious blessing the father longs to bestow upon him... (TO BE CONTINUED) =X

11:41 PM; The Pianist'

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Christmas In Heaven
I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below with tiny lights like heaven's stars reflecting on the snow.
The sight is so spectacular please wipe away that tearfor I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.
I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dearbut the sounds of music can't compare with the Christmas choir up here.
I have no words to tell you of the joy their voices bringfor it is beyond description to hear the angels sing.
I know how much you miss me, I see the pain inside your heartfor I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.
I can't tell you of the splendor or the peace here in this placeCan you just imagine Christmas with our Savior face to face?
I'll ask him to lift your spirit as I tell you of your loveso then pray for one another as you lift your eyes above.
Please let your hearts be joyful and let your spirit singfor I am spending Christmas in heaven and I'm walking with the King.

10:43 PM; The Pianist'

“[Love for Enemies] "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” - Matthew 5:43-44
In the film Castaway, Tom Hanks plays Chuck Noland, a clock-conscious Federal Express manager who gets shipwrecked on a desert island. Completely cut off from other people and modern conveniences, he must learn the primitive skills of a caveman. He puts arduous effort into harpooning fish, making fire by rubbing sticks together, and opening a coconut to get its milk and sweet fruit. The movie is rich with insights on how difficult life can become for someone who is stranded in an isolated wilderness.
In the Bible, the wilderness is often the setting for the mighty work of God within the human heart. Jesus made a practice of withdrawing to the wilderness to pray and receive direction (Mark 1:35). In a similar setting, God fed the despondent prophet Elijah with heavenly food (1 Kings 19:1-10), and in the wilderness the Ethiopian pondered the gospel (Acts 8:26-40). After Paul’s conversion, he withdrew to the Arabian Desert and was taught by the Spirit (Gal. 1:15-18).
Do you find yourself in a "wilderness" experience, isolated from friends and family? If so, the Lord may want to teach you lessons of faith and endurance that you could never learn in a busy crowd.

In solitude, on wings of prayer,My soul ascends before the throne;My only hope of strength is where,My heart and His meet all alone.
God is with you in your most barren wilderness.

When You said, "Seek My face," my heart said to You, "Your face, Lord, I will seek." —Psalm 27:8
We need to pray to be delivered from the falsehoods which keep us from the shield of God’s truth.
"You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s" (Exodus 20:17).
"You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife; and you shall not desire your neighbor’s house, his field, his male servant, his female servant, his ox, his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor’s" (Deuteronomy 5:21).
PURPOSE: To help listeners focus on praying about being delivered from covetousness.

Do you ever struggle with prayer? What is the nature of the struggle?
One struggle is that we end up praying platitudes. How do you get rid of that? How do you stop that?
Sometimes we can use the prayers of others to enable us to pray more effectively ourselves.
Agur (writer of Proverbs 30), who was a very modest man, gave us two requests that can guide us in our prayer.
"Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. Do not add to His words, lest he rebuke you, and you be found a liar. Two things I request of You (deprive me not before I die): Remove falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches–feed me with the food allotted to me; lest I be full and deny You, and say, 'Who is the Lord?' or lest I be poor and steal, and profane the name of my God" (Proverbs 30:5-9).
Agur’s first request is "remove falsehood and lies far from me." What kind of falsehood is he talking about?
I. One kind of falsehood he was concerned about is adding to the Word of God.
God will be a shield to those who take his Word seriously.
We often find ourselves lying about the command "You shall not covet" in order to deflect its penetration into our lives.
II. Another kind of falsehood is the lie that comes to us from our society.
We are told that we must accumulate things, that our life consists of the things we possess. When we buy into that, we really lose out on God’s protection in our lives.
We sit in front of a television set and think we’re simply seeing ads for goods, but we are being given a whole philosophy of life. The lies are so prevalent that we don’t see them for what they are.
This prayer in itself could help deliver us from the snare of covetousness.

10:26 PM; The Pianist'

Today is fun man... =D Went for CG after school!!! Man have to type 2 letters later... One for CLB and one for Scouts... Man its time i left the unit... I always bon also... Haha take care brothers! Putting my 100% into studies from now on... Since CCA clashes with academic... I would rather choose academic.... Haiz so long brothers...

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for all the blessings that you have bestowed upon me. I pray for a sheep by end march, Joshua to be more communicative, June and Esther for her O level results that they are going to recieve tomorrow. Oh lord bless it with A1's! Lord i thank you for all this fellowship and being there for me 24/7... There is no point of time i would'nt feel you by my side lord. I just want to pray for Chloe, for her sickness to be cured soon! Lord i thank you for letting me know you as it is the most wonderful and the most "right" decision in my life!!! I thank you for your unconditional love and blessings. In Jesus name i pray, Amen.

Haha dont worry too much Chloe... Hope it's not pox! Haha today in school Kian kai sleeping in NKF class... Funny sia his head turn and turn and turn... Ikekie the joker as usual, went to take a close up pic of him! HAHA damn cute sia the picture... Like Mr Lim Chun Beng... The spec wear low low... keke... Geog lesson slack sia... History ppl all never go for class haha... Man was downstairs and i scraped my finger against the stupid chair!!! Straight away bleed -.-... Rush home to "XIAO DU" then put plaster =D... Haha i gg bathe maybe update tmr ba!!!

8:42 PM; The Pianist'

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Look thats me smiling like a retart!!! lolx and my lrg that is... INJURED LIKE .... peanuts...
Melissa smiling like mad and the rest playing a fool!!!! LALALA taken at tiong park.

OMG I BROKE MY.... EARPHONE!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!! $20 GONE!!!! JUST BUY ONLY!!!!!! HEART PAIN SIA.... Fell and hurt my leg while chasing Jun Yan... WTH SIA...
MY EARPHONE!!! =[ ... need to buy new 1 ler..
Haha thank god for all this fun and laughter... Glad that im not being viewed as a lamer and can still hang out with these group of people. I thought they would mind with me around... Haha... Prooves im not Mun Wai =D...
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the fellowship of friends that i have. I will cherish them and be there whenever they need me. Thank you for all the fun and laughter I have with them and please continue to bless me with these wonderful gifts. In Jesus name i pray, Amen...
Haha tmr CG im in charge of blessings wor... Seh... Need to prepare... Heh...

7:56 PM; The Pianist'

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Different levels of living:
Just exist because we exist. Living life because we live. To somehow scrape pass a day.
Strife for survival. Not just living because we exist. Achieving. We are created not only to survive, but to succeed and know why we exist. Knowing the reason for why we exist.

What do we live for? (Luke 18:18-27) Why do we exist?
What is the point of having eternal life if it is a life of suffering? Eternal life = Living life to the fullest.
How do I get life in its fullest? It is not found in performance/achievements/ability/experience
(Ecclesiastes 4:4)
God wants us to excel and is happy when we do so.
God is proud of us when we do our best, reaching out to our own potential.
There is not a need to impress god, as he knows us inside out.
I do not have to be the best, but I just have to be MY BEST.
The purpose of life cannot be found in our possession nor doings. We often mix things up.

Money is not evil, when it is in our hands. It is only evil when it consumes our hearts.
We always try to fill our hearts with desires and possessions. Fill our hearts with love and joy, not $$ ^^.
Things we possess will only excite us for a moment. We will never get satisfied of what we have.
(Ecclesiastes 3:11)
God planted eternity in our hearts. We can never find life purposes in what we possess nor actions. It can only be found within our creator. It cannot be achieved.
What is impossible with men is possible with god.
Eternal life is a gift from God.

1 - Revieve Jesus into our lives to find out the putpose of life. We will forget the purpose of life because of sin, which separates us from God. "ETERNAL DEATH". (John 3:16)
Our life in christ brings back that purpose into our lives. "Only life lived for others is worth living." "If you have never really loved, you have never really lived."
2 - Discover Gods' gift and direction
Love your life because of confidence that you are living with christ, taking every step with God and knowing we live in freedom and in the best plan god has for us. Life to the fullest is life with GOD. (Jeremiah 29:11)

Yay sat again... Second week of ex3... EXPRESS!!!! So fun... Hehe indeed it was special. Went lan with people again... Played cs and DOTA... shd have pick la... I random get CM... Kena own by SA... zzz CM doubble kill!!! HEHEHE.... Shd have picked axe or seeker... DAMN!!! ... Haha today was fun and exciting... Yup so many times i have prayed and sinned. How many times have God forgiven me? Life without christ is indeed SUCKY!!! WOOOOOO!!!!! Jinqi act until so funny lol... "I WANT TO MARRY A RICH MAN" LOL...!!! "Be rich then i marry you lah!!!" HAHAHAHA...
Amazing day of excitement!!! LOL

11:55 PM; The Pianist'


Shane from RP class w35a

Loves the piano

Hates rappers

ur hates here

the WISH:



