Monday, April 30, 2007
Every step i do now... I'm thinking... What's the best for others? I feel guilty, very very guilty... I know that the change in Dennis's life is all my fault. Of his defiance and neglectance... It was all because of me... Jesus... All i wanted was to bring people to know of your great love... Have mercy on your judgement! Lord i pray for forgiveness... I have sinned yet again... Lord, please take good care of your child! For he is in great peril. I will obey you in every word you speak of and i shant compromise any of your word. I thank you for your never failing love for the people. Let me be a servant by your command. Let me do the impossible. Let me be a light in other's life. If you could use someone so powerfully... Why won't you choose me? Lord I am ready for anything. For hardship, for sacrifice. I am true in my repentance and i shall keep my word, as you have always kept yours... I ask all this in Jesus's name... Amen
6:08 PM; The Pianist'
Sunday, April 29, 2007
“When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it” Genesis 3:6
Satan comes along with nifty schemes that look like fun—things he assures will make you happy, fulfilled, and satisfied. When someone hurts you, he has an I don’t get mad, I just get even strategy that makes you feel really good about not being taken advantage of. Instant trips into pleasure-land and debt-increasing spending sprees offer quick kicks of adrenalin. If you have a need, if you have a desire—believe me, he has a plan! But when you execute his strategy, he’ll be nowhere to be found. He won’t be there to deliver on his promise that you will be happy and fulfilled. He won’t even have the decency to help you pick up the pieces and to apologize for messing up your life. In fact, all the time he had a sinister agenda up his sleeve! He loves to see our lives complicated with shame, guilt, and regret. He is the master of ruined lives. As Peter warns us, he’s on the prowl looking for someone he can devour (1 Peter 5:8)!
We should have known. When he lured Adam and Eve with an offer they found hard to refuse, he didn’t stay around to make good on his promise but slithered off leaving them fearful, ashamed, and full of regret. And that strategy was so good that he continues to find it useful in your life and mine thousands of years later.
Peter Berger said it well when he wrote:
He who sups with the devil had better have a long spoon, because he who sups with the devil will find that his spoon gets shorter and shorter until that last supper in which he is left alone at the table with no spoon at all and an empty plate. But the devil, one may guess, will have then gone on to more interesting company.
Fool us once, shame on Satan! Fool us twice, shame on us!
Think about a specific time when you fell to a suggestion of Satan in your life. Which of the following did you experience in the aftermath of your decision: Shame? Regret? Guilt? All of the above?
Is there a plan of Satan that you consistently fall for? Why?
Select an area of your life where you repeatedly fail and find Scriptures that address the issue. What plan can you put in place so that you’re not fooled by Satan in that area again?
11:22 PM; The Pianist'
Imagine the obstacles a person would have to overcome to walk from New York City to San Francisco. A man who had accomplished this feat was asked about his biggest hurdle. He said that the toughest part of his trip wasn't walking up the mountains or crossing hot, dry, barren stretches of desert. "The thing that came the closest to defeating me," he admitted, "was the sand in my shoes."
This reminds me of how we can be spiritually defeated by what begins as a little irritant. We let an unkind word, a small setback, or a misunderstanding get us down. Or we allow people around us to influence us in little but wrong ways. Instead of being determined to avoid evil—big or small— (Proverbs 4:14-27), we compromise. We neglect to go to the Lord for forgiveness and help.
Sir Francis Drake, the 16th-century English explorer who had sailed around the world, was crossing the Thames River when a violent storm threatened to capsize his boat. He cried, "Shall I who have endured the storms of oceans be drowned in a ditch?"
We would be wise to ask ourselves, "Shall I, who have come so far by faith, be defeated by 'sand in my shoes'?" We must answer with a resolute no!
Lord, grant us strength to overcomeLife's greatest trials that we may meet;And grant it also when we faceThose little trials that would defeat.
We stumble over pebbles, not mountains
11:03 PM; The Pianist'
Saturday, April 28, 2007
What is the world's greatest treasure? Some people might say it's all the gold stored in Fort Knox. Others might suggest it's the Sistine Chapel in Rome. Still others would think of the fabulous wealth once displayed in the czarist palaces of Russia. The answer that I hope would come to your mind is the Bible, God's Word.
At the coronation of England's Queen Elizabeth II, the Archbishop of Canterbury presented her with a Bible and said, "Our gracious Queen: To keep your Majesty ever mindful of the Law and the Gospel of God as the Rule for the whole life and government of Christian Princes, we present you with this Book, the most valuable thing that this world affords."
If the world were somehow robbed of all the splendid things we call treasures, that would be an incalculable loss. Suppose, though, the world were somehow stripped of the Bible and every trace of its influence. What a barren, blighted desert this planet would be!
Yes, the Bible is our greatest treasure, worth far more than gold (Psalm 19:10). But are we giving more than lip service to its worth? Are we obeying it as "the Rule for the whole life" because we believe the gospel and trust Christ personally as our Lord and Savior
It is God's will that we should readHis Word from day to day,Not just for knowledge, but much more—To love Him and obey.
The rich treasures of God's Word are waiting to be discovered.
10:15 PM; The Pianist'
Friday, April 27, 2007
Hey hey long time no blog! Haha! Somehow i feel guilt towards Dennis... Maybe i really screwed up my first sheep? Regret man... Hope there's time to savage it...
Lord... Here i come to you, with my burdens and addictions. I surrender them to you now. Cleanse me of my sins and by faith i will stand before you blameless. Thank you Lord, for your love and mercy. In jesus's name i pray, amen.
Lord I pray for Dennis, for I know hes worthy of your love too. Please Guide him through the best way for him to learn and grow in you Lord. It hurts me to see him defy his parents anymore. Lord, i lack the ability to set things right for him... Lord, there is no price i will not pay for his welfare. Lord... I pray for things to go smoother for Dennis, for i really fear that he will not believe in you anymore one day. In Jesus's name i pray, Amen
Shepherding... Shepherding... Im guilty lord... Why do i teach and don't fufil them myself? I dont have the rights of teaching your word lord... Everytime... Ill screw it up! Lord... Give me strength...
9:24 PM; The Pianist'
Sunday, April 22, 2007
zzz... Haiz I NEED a usable new phone man.... My old phone just sux... I rate it 2 out of 10.... Sux SUX sux!!!! Cant detect sim card when in my pocket? Shit man! Sucky lag camera... No usable earphones... Overall, It just SUX... Now my parents buy so many phones then one also not mine... Wth la... Damn sian... My mp4 spoil also... Darn sian no music... ZZZZ... Haiz see how lor later... If my mum decides to spare me a phone... Haiz always leave me the USED phones... Damn sian... Update later hahaha...
8:02 PM; The Pianist'
Saturday, April 21, 2007
What should i do man.... What can i do for the greater good of people i really care about? I am ready to give up anything including my life for others now. Whats going on inside me? Deep inside, i care for others. But i just.... Cant take care of myself first? Whats going on in me? I promised i swore i will not condemn nor speak foul. How many times have i broken my promise? Yet God has given me countless blessings. God... I thank you for creating a miracle in Dennis. I thank you for answering my prayer... I wouldn't have mind praying more... Lord... Give me a light to my path... Show me the way...
Lord... I am sorry and i only ask for your forgiveness... Lord... Let a miracle happen again... Let me be the key to the locks of the hearts of so many people. I would die a thousand times to bring 1000 people to know you lord. Help me live each day for you. I hope that dennis would continue to be enthusiastic about your word.
So touched that Dennis would even defy his parents to come and praise the lord and learn the word of god. Lord... Please continue to bless him with your wisdom, and make him a shepherd soon.
Thank you Lord, for your mercy and your uncompromising love. In the mighty Jesus's name I pray... Amen.
11:00 PM; The Pianist'
Friday, April 20, 2007
Haha went to STC today again... International friendship day crap... More like go there see friend... sian liao then go home... Lolx... Haiz Mehreen is such a bitch. If she feels that she can slap my face anytime she wants, humiliate and insult me in front of my friends and be the boss, Ima beat the old granny up hard. Old bitch read this. Wana be the boss? Think your so good? Fatty slut. What a bitch. I thought i was happy to see u again. Shove my sword up ur ass bitch. Fuck this is the second time im sprouting vulgarities in like 6 months? Fuck those idiots who seriously have to piss me off. Get a life Mehreen. Find someone less daring to challenge other than me. Thinking im not capable of breaking you? I spare you this time. Next time, your finished.
Fuck la i use com also cannot play game. Play lame game also cannot. Stupid bitch la. Play abit want to kao pei. Damn sian la these few days. Sound like beng again liao lah. Fuck it la. Those people who seriously have to piss me off, one day ima burst and break someone even if it means death. I mean what i say and i will do it. Fuck off if you wana piss me off.
9:09 PM; The Pianist'
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Stupid day la today sux.... Lim kian hoe... Mr Loh... All losers. Teach me compassion? Teach yourself! Heartless freaks. Thanks to these 2 losers, they spoilt my day. Could have just Pon school totally if i wanted to. Since MOE says ONLY MC IS VALID then fine. Fuck the system. Screw it upside down. Im like Hey i got a fcking muscle ache here and i need to sit down. The VP was like, Boy is this the way you stand? Fuck la i told him i backache right. My last late slip recorded that i was only late for 1 time. The fucker wrote down 4 and like wtf. Tell me it was for whole year. Fuck la i might as well transfer. 4 hours detention? Give me a more VALID reason for me to serve detention then! Fuck the school rules. Compassion? Go to hell! What gives him the rights to TEACH us the core values when he dosent contain any of them? Scoop my pile of shit and eat them up mouth by mouth! Asshole!
I wonder why im getting so vulgar again. Damn the people in this world. Im so disappointed with fuckers like Corrupt VPs and OMs. Even teachers! Stay back everyday just to study the stupid bio? Fuck la cannot go home study ah. Everytime recess late. Thanks to Mdm Goh la.
Dennis came to my hse today. So sian la.. Wanted to study then in the end only do a few questions...OH btw MR LOH, Go dig the pile of shit and eat them you fukhead. Thanks to those who brightened my day a little. To teachers, gO TO HELL.
9:13 PM; The Pianist'
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
At the Cross
Oh Lord You’ve searched me
You know my way
Even when I fail You
I know You love me
Your holy presence
Surrounding me
In every season
I know You love me
I know You love me
At the cross I bow my knee
Where Your blood was shed for me
There’s no greater love than this
You have overcome the grave
Your glory fills the highest place
What can separate me now
You go before me
You shield my way
Your hand upholds me
I know You love me
You tore the veil
ou made a way
When You said that it is done
And when the earth fades
Falls from my eyes
And You stand before me
I know You love me
I know You love me
Haha pon school today again... Lol giddy sia this morning... Lolx Excused form Physical activities this week... Hehehe... No NAFA no 2.4 XD!!!! Heh...Haha Dennis is doing fine... Quite worried for him though... Dont wana lose my sheep hehehe... Haha these few days was full of prayer and worry... Haha then cant even play runescape la... My parents damn strict nowadays... Cant even talk and study at the same time. Studying Geo now hahaha... Talking to Dennis atthe same time... Lol so bored laaa!!!...
11:10 PM; The Pianist'
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Heh brought Dennis to church today... I was so glad he accepted christ! I was so afraid that he would feel strange when the people around him starts to praise God like they lost their minds! Im so glad that he did not feel strange at all. I hope that that would be my first sheep after so long hehe. Well next target : Hong Ji! Haha... Anyways... I hope that Dennis would overcome any hard challenge that may make him face separation from God and that he would devote fully on God's word and spread it to others. I will continue to bring people to the family of Christ and i hope that Dennis would rapidly grow spiritually and physically =D. Well I dont know who is going to be his leader but I do hope that it is me for i longed for a sheep XD... Haha ending here! Blogging tomorrow so stay tuned!!! XD
9:39 PM; The Pianist'
Friday, April 13, 2007
Haiz finally back after a long separation from my computer... Anyway... Im still separated as im using my father's old trusty laptop now... Bleah... So sian la just reboot then no games... zzz... haha Planning to do some PT everyday... Lifting dumbell sideways... front... pull ups... Haiz eat alot oredi!!! dont understand why still so skinny seh... zzz
Haiz that day.... Angela, Esther and Qixin went to my school... Haha quite crappy la... Went ard... Angela looking for relief job at primary schools... Heh... They met dennis too lol... Bringing him to church tomorrow!!! Woo so exciting hahahaha.
Going to begin with some lessons heh!! Take out ur notebooks and start copying!! =D
Being faithful in doing things and do it because it is your responsibility
Making time for your shepherd and sheep. It is our responsibilty to shepherd your sheep and making time for your shepherd. Avail ourselves to our leaders so that we can keep learning. Otherwise, you will have nothing to teach your sheep eventually.
Obedience without understanding. Listen to your leader's opinions
Willingness to change. Skills remain where they are unless we get to learn something new.
Easter is about the change in history and about life transformation because of the love of Jesus.
(John 8:1-11)
Compromising love
1. People are often quick to point fingers and condemn
God does not take any Attendance for church!
Focus on building a deeper realtionship with Jesus!
Come to church not because i MUST, but i WANT TO!
2.Be quicker to Forgive and be less impatient.
We have the tendency of overestimating ourselves!
(Luke 18:9-14)
3. Jesus is quick to forgive and help us change
Jesus is a God of high standards (Romans 3:23)
To sin is to miss God's perfect standard.
The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23)
Death is the inability of having joy in your life that God has installed for us
(John 3:16)
10:55 PM; The Pianist'

Shane from RP class w35a
Loves the piano
Hates rappers
the WISH: