Wednesday, July 25, 2007

What words would you use to describe your current experience as a christian?
Up and down

(John 7:37-38)
(John 7:39)
Jesus promised that God's holy spirit would satisfy the thirst, or deepest longings, of all who believe in Jesus Christ. However, many christiand do not understand the Holy Spirit or how to experience Him in our daily lives.

The Diving Gift - God has given us his spirit so that we can experience intimacy with him and enjoy all he has for us.
The holy spirit is God's permanent presence with us.
(John 14:16-17)
The holy spirit enables us to understand and experience all God has given us.
(1 Corinthians 2:12)
The Holy Spirit enables us to experience many things:
-A genuine new spiritual life (John 3:1-8)
-The assurance of being a child of God (Romans 8:15-16)
-The infinite love of God (Romans 5:5; Ephesians 3:18-19)

Life without the spirit
(1 corinthians 2:14)
Life with the spirit
(1 Corinthians 2:15-16) (Romans 8:5)

The present Danger - We cannot experience intimacy with God and enjoy all he has for us if we fail to depend on his spirit.
People who trust in their own efforts and strength to live the christian life will experience failure and frustration, as will those who live to please themselves rather than God.
Hence, we cannot live the Christian life in our own strength.
(Galatians 3:3)
We cannot enjoy all God desires for us if we live by our self-centered desires
(Galatians 5:17)
Three kinds of Lifestyles
-A self centered life before recieving christ
-A christ centered life
-A self centered life after recieving christ
(1 corinthians 3:1-3)

The intimate Journey - By walking in the spirit we increasingly experience intimacy with God and enjoy all ht has for us.
As we walk in the spirit, we have the ability to live a life pleasing to God.
(Galatians 5:16,25)
(Galatians 5:22-23)

Spiritual breathing:
Exhale: Confess your sin the moment you become aware of it.
(1 John 1:9)(Hebrews 10:1-25)
Inhale: Surrender control of your life to christ, and rely upon the holy spirit to fill you with his presence and power by faith, according to his command, and promise.
(Ephesians 5:18) (1 John 5:14-15)
To be continued...

11:49 PM; The Pianist'


All for love a Father gave

For only love could make a way

All for love heavens cried

For love was crucified

Oh how many times have I broken Your heart

But still You forgiveIf only I ask

And how many times have You heard me pray

Draw near to me

Everything I need is You

My beginning, my forever

Everything I need is You

Let me sing all for love

I will join the angel song

Ever holy is the Lord

King of Glory

King of all

All for a love a Saviour prayed

Abba Father have Your way

Though they know not what they do

Let the Cross draw man to You.

Haha didnt to school 2 days le... Been very unholy these 2 days... Haha ususal grace and stuff.. Been very very naughty =X... Mum's been a monster these days.. Nagging and screaming at me. Geez lol... Just imagine. Someone claims that you are the source of her problems. Geez is this the time to care? Oh she mean im a toy or what? Who abandoned me years ago. Who gave her son independence years ago? Who gave her son death and decay because he was regarded as an accident? God has made his purpose in my life clearly. Im not an accident. Im born as light and salt to the world. Im NOT AN ACCIDENT! RAWR...
Well had a fruitful chat with Sharmaine.. Haha why should we all be afraid of telling others we are crazy about god? Im not lying! Im crazy and I can be more than this! Church is not a waste of time and effort!

Taliban losers:
Latest news:
8 released
1 killed.
Damned losers. Why capture them? Just why. Well i guess god has something to say to me through this.. Should we only pray when our fellow brothers and sisters are in trouble? Well... The world prays for the 23 korean hostages. However, God wants to tell us that we should pray for the rest too. People let us pray for the rest of them, to have a safe trip home. And for the one shot dead, may he find peace in the arms of God.

Seriously, my parents are getting super lame. So what i use com until damn late? Seriously la. Idiots are idiots after all. I dont need E internet to play my damn game. And my bro just cut off my internet while i was downloading something halfway. Come out then say. Eh sorry la cut off your internet. Seriously la. Not happy with that i pay la. Brother? Call yourself Brother? Seriously. Get lost i dont have a brother like you. Ah now sit there acting like you care. Seriously la. Now isnt the time to care.I will do and i can do what i want. You have no rights to stop me from doing God's work! Sit down there, stare, complain. Whos the bastard who uses the internet till morning and leaves the computer on 24/7? Seriously la. Stupid bastard. God called me to honour ur ass and this is what you want to do to me? Tell me then how shd i honour this shit? Get lost people. I dont need you to care. Cut my internet after 12:30? Then dun need to dwnload thing le lor. Anytime bey song just cut off. Happy happy cut off. Geez. If i were the old me, i would be cursing and swearing all i want. Thank God for being there!

11:09 PM; The Pianist'

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Haha just got news on friday after i rushed home from school that thimothy was my sheep. Dont know if this is a good or a bad thing, however I know that God wants to challenge me with new tasks. I shant fail this time. Thanks lord for the second chance ^^. Well it'd be difficult to meet up with him cuz hes got a really busy schedule.. However Ill try to arrange a time where we can have shepherding haha...
23 July: Monday; Haha boring day.Hong Ji came to my hse today... Haha nth much la.. Played Xbox and com... Haha Josh brought my guitar to school...Difficult carrying it around... Hmm...

22 July: Sunday; Soccer~! Haha... Injured my leg though... Heh... Tmr got Chemistry test... How sian lol... tuesdays suck! =X...

21 July: Saturday; (Church day) Haha Church was fun as ever.. Dint bring anyone for IF though... HONG JI! GOD I PRAY YOU WILL COME NEXT WEEK MAN!!! Dont believe that it wont work if i pray! You will come to know God!!! RAWR!!! Haha went Potential seed meeting after that.. Hmm learnt alot of past wrong doings as a shepherd ba.. Haha... Lets not talk about that... Went Table soccer after... Sian the girls keep spining the thing.. Though they purposely stated that it was illigal cuz it may spoil the rods.. They just would't bother.. Uh.. our goal restrain almost spoilt and it had a big difference compaired to theirs... Ours is like super lose and theirs quite tight.. .It was obvious it was about to spoil if they continued to play rough.. Ahh.. Sian lol after that Yk went to make sandwiches... Lolx.. Sent Jasmine home after that... haha got up the bus and sat at one corner. Saw her then she like dun dare sit near me.. Haha oh well... .. Haha pdate some time ba.. Cya guys!

12:23 AM; The Pianist'

Monday, July 16, 2007

How does it feel to be right in the middle of a fight, trying to Stop the 2 parties who are trying to kill each other? Dangerous right? Why cant we all be friends? We are after all brothers and sisters in Christ. Since we are going to see each other for eternity, why not honour that kind of fate and God given destiny? Since we all love God, why don't we love God together? Why must there be that kind of conflict over God's love? If God anoints a leader, shouldn't we honour his decision? There is a reason behind every anointed leader. Shouldn't we respect GOD'S decision? Its not somebody Else's decision. It's God's! Love and trust that he will do a Good job even though you do not trust him. If you do not trust him, at least trust God? Why should there even be a conflict over leadership? If we as followers should have such conflicts, how different are we from non-believers? Cant we have things settled without such unnecessary troubles? Let us work together to a better, enthusiastic, efficient, exciting caregroup!

11:47 PM; The Pianist'

Friday, July 13, 2007

~Recieving victories from God~
(Exodus 17- 8-13)
1.Knowing that Victories begin with a challenge (v8)
You cannot overcome something without a challenge to begin with in the first place. To overcome the challenge is to have victory.
Always remember that we are wanted people of satan. The closer we are to God and the more we follow God, the more Satan will distract us with his cunning little tricks that distort the truth here and there. Remember that we cannot make God love us more or less. God's love is absolute.
We must have a personal goal to find out our individual role to accomplish a unique victory given by God.
(2 Corinthians 12:9-10) ...For when I am weak, then I am strong. God is our source of light and power in our weakness. Satan knows our weaknesses and he will never stop hunting you.
Allow God to give us victories by accepting God's challenge today!
God's love is simpler than you think! God just wants to be your friend! Only when God is by our side, then we will succeed. It is pointless to do God's work without depending on God! Unless the lord builds the house, the builders build in vain. God's timing of victories will be the best time and God will not rush things. All we have to do is wait and do our best meanwhile ^^.
The best thing one can do for his sheep is to pray for him! Set aside time to pray for yourself, your family, your sheeps, pray for new believers, health and so on. God will give if you ask! It is easier to fall than to climb. Therefore, it is easy for us to fall and degenerate, making us in the midst of backsliding. In our spiritual walk, we are swimming against the current. We think differently and act differently from others. Our goals differ from non- believers. We are the minority.
2.know that victories involve men's part and God's part(v9-11)
Serving in God's ministry is 100% man and 100% God. Do our best to serve God and God will do the rest. God will not ask you to do things you cannot do. So, Do the best, God will do the rest. God will do what we cant do. When we do our best, God will bless us accordingly in his time. God will help you and he is more than able.
(Philippians 2:12-13)
We must continue to work even in God's absence. Without God, men cant. Without men, God wont. Without god, nothing can be accomplished and there is no men to begin with. Without men, God wont be able to bless or love us or see the need to send us a saviour. God is the author of the world. He is the beginning and the end. God is ready to give, but the question is always "are you ready to recieve?" God works only in one way, which is through us men, his vessels. On earth, we are just getting ready for an eternity in heaven.

Guess this lesson really helped me alot though i have learnt it before.. It was a refreshement of what i should do and what i should not do now. Thank God!!! As for the previous incidents, im terribily sorry if i have done anyone wrong or hurt anyone. Thanks to all who have helped me overcome this obstacle and move on in life. Thank you people!
Went for cg after my dreaded A-Math test... Sure fail le lol.. So difficult.. 3 Partial fractions questions.. only know one la.. Wth lol.. Haiz blog some other time la.. Quite lazy haha..

9:29 PM; The Pianist'

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Through this several months of serving God, it felt like an eternity. It felt well used. I feel satisfied. However why is the outcome a cruel, selfish and rude Isaac? Why a monster? Have i spent an eternity doing evil and preaching evil? Why?
How many gives a damn about going the extra mile just to express their love for their sheep.
How many gives a damn about giving 2-3 shepherdings and neglect themselves just to let their sheep grow more.
How many gives a damn about trying so hard to bring a dead man back to life.
How many gives a damn about trying everything and anything even if it will hurt himself in the end, just because one loves his sheep
And let me ask,
How many gives a damn to appreciate this?
How many gives a damn to tell me i have done well and to work harder?
How many gives a damn to reassure me and encourage me?
Dont you all get it. Dont anyone get it? Does hurting others and making myself look like a monster sound like Isaac's attitude? Does doing anything to revive someone he treasure alot sound wrong to you? I tried everything. I tried anything. I made myself available. I did all i could to be a perfect shepherd. Just where have i gone wrong. I went to the ends of the earth just to bring a soul back. Even though i was available. It didnt work! Even though i was there, nothing worked! AND YOU TOLD ME TO BE LOVING. YOU TOLD ME TO BE AVAILABLE TO MY SHEEP. FIne i am in your eyes junk and the most useless person in the caregroup. How many times have i succedded in my attempts. How many times have i been rash and been stupid. You told me that i was a loser i wasnt fit to be his shepherd. You told me that i sucked big time. AND YOU TOLD ME TO LOVE YOUR SHEEP. Do you know how i felt after reading what you said. You teared me. You darkened my day. Ill never do anything right. Everything i do is wrong. Neither i do will be recognized nor anybody to encourage me. Its enough! I had enough of this! What for serve god so hard?
Friends mock me in school for my stupiditity. Being a leader dosent matter to me. Even if it's not me i dont mind. I dont mind at all. But please do not condemn me like this. I have my limits. Men tear if its too much. Im not cold blooded. I have a weak heart.

10:33 PM; The Pianist'

Haha a blog is a blog after all. I cannot pour everything I want here. I cannot share what im angry about because i will always be wrong. I can never be right because in the first place i failed to love my sheep. I do not deserve any leadership or deserve to be in seed. Im nothing but a degenerating piece of junk. I did all I could, but I shouldn't have complained. I thought that by doing so, someone would change. I was wrong. The problem lied with me in the first place. I thought i did what I was told to do. I even did more. I gave all I could.. In the end. I was told I am wrong in the first place. I am not able to do what I know and what I know i should do. I cant ever be perfect. Can i at least love god and keep his commandments? I cant.. Im never clean im always stained with the blood of the innocents. Im nothing different but a person living because he have found a new purpose but not carrying it out, thus just living because he has the thought of living for that purpose.

I never felt good breaking a friendship on purpose. I broke this one in hope that Dennis would have a better chance to change and think over things that he have been doing wrong. Im hopeless! I was harsh, i was mean, i was cruel, i was selfish and i did it all for myself not God! I thought it was the best way to lead him back to the heart for god. I was wrong! The problem lied with me from the very beginning. I was meant to be the reason for his mistake and my mistake became his. I did all i thought was right and it all turned out to be wrong! I was wrong God!

I dont care how i feel. You all do not care how i feel. How the hell do i feel about losing my best friend because I loved and cared for him! How the hell do you think i felt about being so hurt after being stabbed in the back by my own BEST FRIEND? How much faith have i taken to pour all that insults and scoldings when i really tried all i could and that was the only thing left i did not try. I sacrificed my best friendship and who appreciated that attempt. WHO? In the end i had to be reprimanded for my stupidity by my own shepherd! I have failed everything I needed to do and did things I didnt need to do. Am i responsible or am I just stupid? Im tired and vexed. I felt a sense of shame and stupidity i never felt before. The moment i saw YK's message, it was like another stab to me. I felt lost, shocked and stupid. Im the least significant and the most useless member in my caregroup now. I cant even smile i cant even crack up jokes or conversations not because i dont want to but i cant. Who else wants to force me to do that? Who? I admit i was wrong to be harsh on my words. What was the purpose of those words then? I have caused this problem myself, and i have fallen deeper than i expected. I wished to get it out of my mind after i done my best. I cant! Theres too many things i have done wrong and i have wronged him. I have failed my sheep and i have disobeyed my shepherd. I have obeyed that very enemy i despiced and hated, Satan.

Dennis was right. It was good to be ordinary. It hurts to dream and desire. Shall i go on with hope? Shall i hope or shall i stop. God tell me what your path is for me. Wanting the best for myself and others is difficult. I dont just hurt myself. God i dont want this. I realized that Dennis was right. Lord im sorry I have not fufiled anything you told me to do.

God i have not loved you and i have not kept your commandments, however i wish that it is not too late to start again. Thank you for your grace...

8:24 PM; The Pianist'

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

风 吹乱的头发 在 我眼前挣扎
把 想你剪成几段 沙沙的彷徨
雨 有一点急躁 在 我脸上涂鸦
把 心情画得乱七八糟 滴答滴答响

我手上没有伞 分手的信有一张
我没有哭是雨水渗透 写你爱他那一行

我在 淋雨中 看你步 上彩虹
我分不了轻重 你幸福我该否 祝福
我在 淋雨中 背着你 走不动
我还有一个梦 被雨水带离我的天空
我的笑容会很酷 若和你们巧碰
放心我会 收起我 的痛

我手上没有伞 分手的信有一张
我没有哭是雨水渗透 写你爱他那一行

我在 淋雨中 看你步 上彩虹
我分不了轻重 你幸福我该否 祝福
我在 淋雨中 背着你 走不动
我还有一个梦 被雨水带离我的天空
我的笑容会很酷 若和你们巧碰
放心我会 收起我 的痛

我在 淋雨中 看你步 上彩虹
我分不了轻重 你幸福我该否 祝福
我在 淋雨中 背着你 走不动
我还有一个梦 被雨水带离我的天空
我的笑容会很酷 若和你们巧碰
放心我会 收起我 的痛
Woo~ Hu~
停雨之后 我不会再哭

荡秋千 来回终究要停在原点
望太远 眼前幸福却忽略
晃半圈 圆不了爱恋
高一遍 低一遍 风就吹散了永远

还想为你摇秋千 对着夕阳扮鬼脸
若月光再美一点 我们会否把手牵
还想被你碎碎念 当数流星的配乐
空秋千 陪整夜

荡秋千 来回终究要停在原点
望太远 眼前幸福却忽略
晃半圈 圆不了爱恋
高一遍 低一遍 风就吹散了永远

还想为你摇秋千 对着夕阳扮鬼脸
若月光再美一点 我们会否把手牵
还想被你碎碎念 当数流星的配乐
空秋千 陪整夜

秋千和我失眠 在你影子身边
这公园太想念 你无邪的笑脸

Ho~ 还想为你摇秋千 对着夕阳扮鬼脸
若月光再美一点 我们会否把手牵
还想被你碎碎念 当数流星的配乐
空秋千 陪整夜

还想为你摇秋千 对着夕阳扮鬼脸
若月光再美一点 我们会否把手牵
还想被你碎碎念 当数流星的配乐
空秋千 陪整夜

(荡秋千 望太远 晃半圈 高一遍 低一遍 圆不了爱恋
风就吹散了永远 来回终究停在原点)

Felt better after a day of mindless rest at home... Get your problem out of my mind!!!! And, if you wish not to make other people worry or feel sad because of you, think for yourself and use your brain. You dont know who really cares for you dont you. Your hurting your shepherd because of your own actions. You ran away from your problem and you expect me to solve it for you. Shit you coward! You dont deserve anyone to care for you. God was there for you yet you ignored him. Not just that. You made use of him. Damn you Dennis. Im not going to forgive you ever.

Dint go to sch today. Woke up in the morning with a fever. Worried too much and burnt my brains i guess. Im not going to care about anything related to you anymore. Like it or not. Im only going to forgive you unless you grow up and repent.

Not planning to pon school tmr... Though i have a 2 days mc.. Missing out too much for an idiot is a stupid thing to do. Shit you Dennis!

Im sorry God for whatever i have said and done. I failed you as a shepherd and i do not deserve another sheep till i repent fully. God I have failed my responsiility although i have done all i could. Perhaps he was not meant to be your diciple after all. Lord help me change my mindset and his too. Lord help me to understand him and him to understand you. God your love overcomes all. Lord you promised my god... You promised that he would be back. Bring him back as promised then.. God no matter how long we should wait.. I will wait. Save his youth god! Save it and let it become a powerful one! God refresh me and create a refreshed mind in me. Lord i shall concentrate on you and saving others instead of fretting over betrayers. God help me live each day for you..

7:51 PM; The Pianist'

Monday, July 9, 2007

Is God's love not enough?
Is my effort not sufficient?
God just loves us too much to force his way into our lives to control us.
God is loving.
God sent his son to die for us, not junk.
We are created in God's image.
We dominate the earth because God called us to take care of it.
God did not nominate wolves to dominate the earth.

Yet Dennis.. Knowing God is real and God is your creator. You made use of his love and your freedom. You betrayed his love! Knowing so many things God have done in your life, knowing God is good, God is perfect, God cares. You BETRAYED HIM! And because God doesn't do anything, does it mean God is not affected? Damn you you made god cry! All he asked for was friendship. Are you stupid? You told me it wasn't the time you chose for yourself. You told me you were not sure. If you find me damn irritating because I'm speaking up for someone you abandoned. God never abandoned you. God loves you till the very end. Know it. Accept it. Live it. Damn you, you coward. Face it. If you run away from everything you face, when the hell will you grow up? When you realize your neglectance have led you a place in hell? I'm sorry but even hell has no vacancies for you. Since you like to be the wind, coming and going as you please. Go ahead i don't give a damn. Kids are kids anyway. Why should i be the one growing you. Wake up and look at how the world is now. Have some compassion for idiots who live life like you. At least pity yourself. If you were to read my blog, which i know you wont, think about what you have done. You did not just stab me. You stabbed god. Ungrateful bastard. Live ordinary, die ordinary. Since that is your choice and you see no point in a victorious life, you can die now. Why do you need a precious life for? Give it for someone else who needs it more than you! Loser. I will be your worst enemy. And i will be your best friend.

Why am i crying? Why should i even care. God gave his all and he will give Jesus again if he has to. Why hurt him. Why harm an innocent God. Why harm our father. Shit you people!

9:22 PM; The Pianist'

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Ha ha life's been rather strange for me.. Feeling really drawn away from God. School... Friends... Home... Stones.. Solving problems... Seeing friends crying over spilled milk, cursing and swearing unnecessarily.. Life have been encouraging, saddening, lifely... With God! Seeing new believers grow.. Seeing people taking the right path and following God's word.. Brightens up my day.. But theres one thing... Why are there still no fruits from GESS??? Haizzz.... Blog tmr la... Sian... Had mc 2 days le..!!!

11:44 PM; The Pianist'

Monday, July 2, 2007

Haha rushed to CG under a void deck at Queenstown mrt there... Waited with Joshua Chen like idiots at mrt la.... They all there le lol... Haha anw... Cg was fun! Haha had Angela,Hazel,Jasmine,Esther,Quan Kai, Joshua[s], Yk and me! Of course not missing out our special guests with the same spiritual birthday, Cheryl(Sry if i spell it wrongly), and Justin!!! Heh ate 2 cakes... TOO creamy so din finish the second one =X... Heh went leng kee to play floorball today... SIAO LA... Stomach ache... Played goalkeeper as i always do... Heh... k la... Update some other time... Fun day today!!!

9:18 PM; The Pianist'

Whats wrong with me now?! I hate this God.. I just hate it.. I hate to be myself i just hate what i cannot do. God I JUST HATE BEING ME! WHY??? I failed to carry out my duties not because Im lazy but because im just STUPID! WHY god why? Why me.. Im tired... Im tired of defending my rights im just tired of arguements and problems. God what is going on with me? Lord why did you have to put so much hunger in me. WHY GOD??? Is it because im neglectant? I kept your word i live it. Whats wrong with me???? Why are you taking away my responsibilities and adding relaxation to me? WHY??? Am i not worthy to serve? Am i not worthy to do great things? Why god just why... I dont want to do this.. I dont want this to happen... God BURDEN ME God BURDEN ME PLEASE, because relaxation is a bigger burden to me! God! What is going on! Are you testing me? My obedience? It is absolute god... I hear you out and nobody else. Why? Why dont you want to speak to me. I will pray everyday and i shall open up my heart. God you promised. YOU PROMISED. SPEAK TO ME! Why??? Why allow me to relax myself? God i dont want to relax i dont want this. God ALL I WANT IS YOUR KINGDOM TO EXPAND!!! WHY???? Why am i relaxing so much????
God please help me.. Help me to serve you better... Dont do this to me God... Its like a bed of roses now.. Why? Am i not worthy anymore? Am I not your worthy diciple anymore? I shall not lie i shant steal i shall keep to your word. But why... WHY DO THIS TO ME????? Im worried god. This isnt the life i want it to be. Resting in your arms and not working hard for what I am.GOD BURDEN ME! I cant take it anymore.. I ask all this in Jesus name... Amen...

11:44 AM; The Pianist'

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Isn't it a sign of deficient faith when a sick Christian isn't healed or a Christian isn't delivered from danger?

It would be a serious mistake to imply that deficient faith accounts for all instances in which a person does not receive healing or deliverance.
It's true that Scripture tells of people who were healed or delivered from danger because of their faith. Some examples are Gideon (
Judges 7:15-23 ); Naaman the Syrian ( 2 Kings 5:14-15 ); Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego ( Daniel 3:19-29 ); the centurion's servant ( Matthew 8:13 ); the woman with an issue of blood ( Matthew 9:20-22 ); the man with a withered hand ( Matthew 12:9-13 ); and Peter's deliverance from prison ( Acts 12:5-12 ). Even this partial list is impressive.
Clearly, faith in God may result in healing and deliverance. However, the Scriptures also show us just as clearly that there are times when a believer's suffering or sickness has nothing to do with a lack of faith.
When Job lost his family, wealth, and physical health, his friends "comforted" him with the message that his loss and suffering were due to his own moral failure (his lack of faith). But Job was confident in his integrity before God. God Himself had declared him perfect and upright (
Job 1:8 ). Later, God Himself denied the explanation that Job's "counselors" gave for his suffering ( Job 13:1-15 ). Even more importantly, God Himself denounced their words ( Job 42:7-8 ).
Job's faith wasn't the problem. In fact, Job's faith in God was so strong that he, without cursing or disrespect, defended his integrity to God and questioned Him about the injustice of his suffering. Yet, in the midst of his agony, he continued to trust:
Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him. Even so, I will defend my own ways before Him. He also shall be my salvation, for a hypocrite could not come before Him (Job 13:15-16).
For I know that my Redeemer lives, and He shall stand at last on the earth; and after my skin is destroyed, this I know, that in my flesh I shall see God, whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold, and not another. How my heart yearns within me! (Job 19:25-27).
Job's faith was eventually rewarded and vindicated. But he wasn't spared the terrible suffering that allowed his faith to be tested and proven.
Even at a time when miracles often occurred, God allowed Stephen to be stoned (
Acts 7:59-60 ) and James to be beheaded. Although Acts 12 tells of Peter's supernatural deliverance from captivity in prison, Jesus had already prophesied that he would eventually die a martyr's death ( John 21:17-19 ), as (according to tradition) did all of the other disciples except John.
2 Corinthians 11:23-30 Paul eloquently described the suffering and trials from which he hadn't been delivered. He also suffered from a particular "thorn in the flesh" ( 2 Corinthians 12:7, 10 ) for which God had not provided a remedy. When Timothy suffered from a stomach ailment, Paul didn't exhort him to have greater faith. Instead he told him to take some wine as medicine ( 1 Timothy 5:23 ). There isn't the slightest hint in these passages that Paul's trials and Timothy's sickness were the product of unconfessed sin or deficient faith. In fact, rather than proclaiming that our faith in Christ should deliver us from the suffering and trials of this world, Paul extols the spiritual benefits of suffering.
We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance [produces] character, and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us (Romans 5:3-5).
James also made it clear that strong faith is no insurance against suffering:
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything (James 1:2-4).
On the basis of Scripture, we can say that faith is always relevant to suffering. Our reaction to suffering -- whether in faith or in despair -- determines whether it will produce spiritual growth or despair. But because spiritual healing is more important to us than our physical circumstances, faith is not a barrier against suffering.
Whenever we are inclined to presume that the illness or suffering of another person is the result of that person's sin, we should recall the foolishness of Job's "counselors" in attempting to explain the mystery of God's will. Although faith won't always deliver us from tribulation, it will keep us conscious of God's promises and of the assurance that He will work everything out to good of His children (
Romans 8:28 ).

10:38 PM; The Pianist'

Haiz i really feel useless yet i really care. God help me! I want to bring someone... God Ill do my best and i will never give up! But why are there just no fruits for ME? God i promised that i gave you my heart and soul. I gave that.. God why dont I see any fruits yet?? God please bless our caregroup lord...
Seeing others bring people easily makes me feel really useless... Though i tried to evax, to step out of my comfort zone to do things, there's still no fruits to be seen. My GESS contacts are ignoring me! God please aid me...
Sadly, i was still down with my sore eyes and i was unable to go to church today.. Heard of wonderful things and events too bad i cant be there to join them.. I MISS CHURCH OMG... Haiz... What to do... Now so late le... So tired after entertaining that contact Yk ledt me before he took his deep nap... GOD!! REFRESH ME AND GIVE ME A CLEAR PATH AGAIN! Lord im walking the path you have given me! Where isnt there yet any fruits??? I long for more god! I dont care how much burden i am going to bear but lord just wack. Come on. Just give it your best and give me all you can. GOD!!! I HAVEN'T HAD ENOUGH YET!!! GESS still isnt a unit!!! So what if theres 5 now. ITS NEVER ENOUGH. Lord i want 20 i want 30 i want 100! Can you bless me that. God we will serve you as a swarm of people with undying love for you. Thank you lord for your grace and mercy.

1:20 AM; The Pianist'


Shane from RP class w35a

Loves the piano

Hates rappers

ur hates here

the WISH:



