Monday, December 31, 2007

Stupidity ah stupidity...
Isaac ah isaac... Shane ah shane...
Stop your stupidity!!!

I gotta say.. Ive got a good shepherd but my shepherd's got a bad sheep.. Yeh btw people out there reading this, don't be childish and start condemning me cuz its not gonna work ^^.

Missed DMM today due to my forgetful brain. Thanks to that, i missed an important session with my shepherd. Despite that, i still argued over the fact that I was in the wrong.. I guess i aint submissive at all? This sux la.. Totally. What the hell am I doing? Future CL? I'd rather be just a member like this. Being a CL is not just for show. Its responsibility. Am I even qualified to be in The meeting then? I hate this...

Father in Heaven,
I ask in the name of Jesus who has died on the cross thousands of years ago to grant me salvation and redemption from my mischief, that i shall be granted wisdom to fufil what is required to become a Care Leader. Father I am sorry for whatever I have done, so i ask in the name of Jesus today that i shall be granted wisdom, and that Lord, I shall repent of every single addiction of sin i might come across from now on. Father i Pray that my group shall grow not just in quantity but also in quality. Father let our stagnant group prosper for you and write Acts 29 together for you. Father I thank you for what you are going to do and what you have done. Thank you my heavenly father. I pray all this in the name of Jesus, amen.

1:29 PM; The Pianist'

Sunday, December 30, 2007

(Luke 7:36-39)
I’m a little tired of hearing angry Christians running around the world saying “We’ve got it right, and everyone else is wrong!” Granted, the clear teachings of God’s Word are indeed right and anything that contradicts them is wrong. But what bothers me is the extent to which we give equal standing to God’s Word and to our sometimes-twisted attitudes and opinions. I hear us talking all the time about “those people” who are causing moral decline and the politicians who are legislating God out and “do-whatever-you-want” in. We sound so long on mad and so short on mercy.Sure, gay issues and abortion are serious problems. But behind those problems are real people who need the same Jesus that all of us needed when we came to the cross. It’s important to note that in the course of Jesus’ ministry He had more harsh words of reproof for the self-righteous religious folk than He did for the outright sinners whom He came to save. And it should be remembered that He took a big hit from the “good” people for spending time with the religious and social outcasts.On a nightly cable news show not long ago, a TV preacher made some Bible-thumping statement about AIDS being judgment from God on the gay rights movement and that anyone who is gay doesn’t deserve to live. I was embarrassed, upset, and heartsick all at the same time. Sadly, too many people believe that’s what real Christianity is all about. But nothing could be further from the truth.In fact, that kind of angry rhetoric does not reflect the heart and teachings of Jesus. Jesus said, “I am . . . the truth” (John 14:6), so in order for me to confidently speak like I have the truth, I need to be sure that I am in sync with Him.When Jesus came into Jerusalem for the first time after beginning His ministry, He wept over the city’s brokenness. He spent time with sinners and told stories about God’s compassion for prodigals and prostitutes. The heart of Jesus is marked not only with clarity about sin, but is also filled with compassion—not hatred—for those who do not yet believe and understand the truth. As His followers, our hearts should be broken for those who are broken and bent by sin. That means spending a whole lot less time acting like we are the truth and getting busy about pointing people to Jesus who is the Truth. And the best way to point people to Jesus is to start living like He lived.The apostle James wrote to believers undergoing some tough opposition, instructing them not just to hear the truth but also to do the truth (James 1:22). In other words, we need to let Truth transform us before we try to articulate it to others.Let’s face it: Sometimes we have to show up for Jesus before we can speak up for Him. We need to show we care by reaching out and meeting the more difficult and not-so-easy-to-deal-with needs of people around us. To tutor an underprivileged kid, to care for a man dying from AIDS, to sit in silence with someone at a nursing home, to visit a widow and help her with her laundry. Maybe, just maybe, after that, we can tell them the truth about what we know to be true in Jesus.Believe me, a heart that knows you really care might just be ready to care for the Jesus who made you care for them in the first place.YOUR JOURNEY…Do an attitude check. Would you rather hate those who are “big-time sinners,” or love them as Jesus did?How can you be more sensitive to those who aren’t quite ready to receive the truth? In what ways can you begin to show the real Jesus to them?Make a list of people you know who upset you because of their lifestyle or publicly proclaimed philosophy. Make it a point to pray for them regularly. Ask God to help you show them the love of Jesus without condoning their lifestyle.Read through James 1. Prayerfully write down some things you could begin doing differently in your life.

1:34 PM; The Pianist'

Friday, December 28, 2007

Wei Ting pai seh lol
In the process of making the disgusting chocolate cookie -.-
Steamboat stuff haha

My new cardigan which i didnt intend to buy -.-... $49.90 -.- SIAN
Timo: ribena v nice... Josh: NO more ribena T.T
Joshua DEAD...
Qk naked ...
Jiao emo-ing...

Lol i guess that was just some random pictures i felt like putting in here...
Lets chiong for confirmation ok!

7:03 PM; The Pianist'

Thursday, December 27, 2007

A thousand times I've failed
Still Your mercy remains And should I stumble again
I'm caught in Your grace
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame
Your will above all else
My purpose remains
The art of losing myself
In bringing You praise
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame
In my heart and my soul
Lord I give You control
Consume me from the inside out
Lord let justice and praise
Become my embrace
To love you from the inside out
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame
And the cry of my heart
Is to bring You praise
From the inside out
Lord my soul cries out

Yes never ending will God's light shine upon this world. Even when all else fades, his light still shines upon us, hoping we will accept his help. A thousand times we might fail, God still loves and redeems us.

6:48 PM; The Pianist'

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Well i guess holidays are comming to an end for most of us? Have we used the holidays well? Don't regret guys...
Haha i can see the GESS caregroup emerging soon... seeing 4 sec 1's and 2 sec 3 guys, the GESS caregroup is really coming... I wonder... How are we going to cope? We need shepherds and leaders!
Baron is under timothy, keiji and the two other guys are quite new.. Who is gonna take care of them?

Well the christmas masquerade yesterday was fun, although i only got xiao dan going in the end... Thinn, sharmaine, eva and charles didn't go... Oh wells... Blog next time... super tired now.. hehe.. bye guys...

7:14 PM; The Pianist'

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Haha realized i haven't really been blogging about anything. Time to blog perhaps...
Well had the sentosa outing today with the whole of central B.. Well it was a success because all of us participated and it didnt rain! (praise god!!!) Wahaha well i guess our secretive prayers worked a miracle. I remember praying last night and this morning as the last and the first thing to do respectively.. Thank god for today that our efforts of planning had not gone to waste!!!

Well its' been long since I started backsliding. Though im starting to pick myself up a little... Im no longer the isaac you guys knew perhaps. Im in a clear state right now that I really dont care if I screw up everything when i want to serve. I know where my problem lies and Im changing.
I dont care even if i don't become a Cl. I'll just say pick me use me, and Ill wait for his reply. I really dont care if I cant be a leader or what really. I am accountable to God for what I am doing and what I am to do. Christ has died on the cross, his blood washed away my sins. What am i to fear?

Do I fear failure?
Ive overcome that shit really. I dont care how much you guys wana condemn me but the past is the past. If you just wana bring up how bad a shit ass i was go ahead, cuz really, it just shows that you aint grown up =). Im not gonna look at myself as a failure, a past failure, or listen to whatever lies you all are gonna tell me. I am myself and I am the present, not the past.

Father in Heaven,
I pray only that I would be able to know more of you each day. I know that this is not possible without your help, so I will ask for your wisdom, for i know that nothing can be accomplished if not through you. If you say this is true, this is. I choose to trust in your perfect word and God i pray for an exciting year ahead.

8:23 PM; The Pianist'

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Sss!!! How i wish i can get in!
XDNice ceiling lights!

Central shirt!!!
Sleeping yk...
Haha unglam =D

Cental shirt!!

The Central B pervert taking pictures of people's ass again!!! =X
Yk sleeping...

Qk: Huh? Jump already ah? YK: WOO HOO Jiao: Wait me!

Hehe my stick!
Quan kai's stick!
Yk bending my stick hehe
Qk with specs!

Oh well these are all the pictures i got.. Well, how was x29 for you guys?

First day, long tiring day..

Didnt get to play floorball haha.. Well learnt something from sermon at least..

Anniversary rehearsals 9pm - 11+++ pm.

Second day, HEADACHE!

Haha anniversary rehearsals went on and on, draining every last bit of my energy. AHH couldnt move next morning.. Missed breakfast, praise and worship and sermon... ZZZ Oh well yk taught me the sermon before so not much loss..


DODGE BALL WAR! Wow i got to admit this game is super fun la! Haha i went in for 2 rounds and won both =D!! 8+ kills waha! And someone complimented that i had good reflexes =D. Cant forget these 2 unlucky people with shields got pwnt by me from the back ahha!! Ran one round behind them and killed em!! =D!!! Well great game!
Evening - Night, ANNIVERSARY!!!
haha abit of screw ups in coordination between me and hazel but its ok! Good job hazel! Not forgetting Wei Jun, Bridget and Yen Li(sorry if wrong spelling) who came last min due to ailments.. But yeah praise god for that! Good job everyone for the effort put in!

Third day... No SLEEP!!!
Haha had 2 sermons in the night which really spoke to me yeah.. Anw i had a good talk with Timothy and Yk and a nice captain's ball game before packing to check out. TIRING!!!
Challenged timothy, got challenged from Yk, evaluated myself, well... Time to put all plans into action!

2:33 PM; The Pianist'


Shane from RP class w35a

Loves the piano

Hates rappers

ur hates here

the WISH:



