Sunday, January 27, 2008

Guess i haven't been blogging for quite some time... Cant blog so much now... Going off soon... Well what i experienced while my com was gone was that i cant sow much or cant even contact people pretty much.. So... Well life wasn't that bad without the computer la..
There's a teaching in central meeting by Zach and Winnie which i think ill never forget for the rest of my life. The value of eternity. Why am i still hesitating? Or rather, why are all of us still hesitating? We know that there is a greater cause to spend our time on, to fight for, but we still choose to succumb to temptations and spend our time to win over joy or things that will be of no value 10 years down the road. We gotta ask ourselves, what kind of life is worthwhile? We can all be successful but those are never enough. We can keep winning medals but those will never be enough. We can be recognized by the public but you will just be a heap of ashes when you die. Nobody's gonna remember you or what you done. Even when you go to heaven, they'd recognize you as a nobody.
I want to leave not just my DNA behind, but a proof of my existance, a proof that i have impacted many lives. And my success will carry on throughout. When I die, im more than just ashes. My eternal reward is in heaven. This is my decision. Whats yours?
Father in heaven,
I pray in the name of Jesus that my life shall be guided much by the holy spirit. Let the spirit prompt me, lead me in the way everlasting. I lay it all down for you, this life i put in your hands. Use me, mould me into any way you like. Father i shall claim all the promises you have promised in the bible and lord, grant me with wisdom and stature, as well as the will to stick to my conviction. My choice is made today to serve you, for you are the greatest leader i have ever known. I commit my life back to you, and i pray in the name of Jesus, AMEN.

12:09 PM; The Pianist'

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Didn't go to school today.. Super sore throat and a bad fever.. Almost alright alr. Thanks to my mum, i think I'm gonna be sick for another few days.
Parents don't learn do they? All they do is whine about how bad life is for them and compare us to other kids, claiming that we're a nuisance compared to the mummy boys. Have they ever considered how we felt? They claim that we hurt them whenever we disobey. The damn question is, are we their dogs to begin with?
Yes its similar to that of God that it hurts him when we disobey him. But that kind of love is unconditional, not a scroll full of requirements. God never punishes us even if we disobey. He still redeems us and calls us his sons.

Do i have the right to compare now then?

My mum thinks everything she does is right, and im always wrong. Whenever i do something right, i never get any credit. I never hear praises or even encouragements. That seems to be what is expected. As if i was expected to be a perfect son who follows every order given. This is crap? She shots like a madman everytime shes back from work, my whole family practically blames that on me, and this really sux? I did nothing wrong to deserve this.

Blogging later (i hope)

5:47 PM; The Pianist'

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Ha ha Saturday service as usual.. Had 17 pieces of toast for breakfast, Lemon chicken rice for lunch, and a very light dinner, Yami Yogurt...
Had a bad gastric pain this morning... Fine after the 17 pieces of toast..
Was walking to Isatana.. Had a really bad stomachache.. Chionged to ps toilet and back to istana park. On the way, this stupid Caucasian guy dropped his luggage on my leg -.-... Pain la.. He didnt even help me up or say sorry. He just stared at me. What an ass -.-... Stumbled my way up the staircase. Holing on to the handrail as if i was disabled.. Now still pain uh -.-... Sian..

Well Had a good chat with timothy, had him evaluate the caregroup and me. Well there are things to improve of course...
To end off, id like to pray!

Father in Heaven,
May you improve on whatever the caregroup lacks, fill in the things we lack in, fill in the joy, that we may enjoy each other's company more. Father may you bond the caregroup more, and may we work together to complete CG 08. For you we serve, for you we love. Father i pray for your aid, in the name of jesus. Amen...

12:00 AM; The Pianist'

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Oh, give Thine own sweet rest to me

That I may speak with soothing power

A word in season, as from Thee,

To everyone in needful hour.

(Psalm 90:1-10)

By altering the gene that controls aging, scientists believe they can extend the average human lifespan to 100 by the end of this century. This would be well beyond the proverbial 70 years mentioned in Psalm 90:10. But even if people do live longer, life's final chapter will still read, "It is soon cut off" (v.10).
Moses, who wrote Psalm 90, lived to be 120. He saw death as inevitable in a world cursed by the effects of sin. Yet he didn't become pessimistic. He asked God to teach him to number his days so he could gain "a heart of wisdom" (v.12). He wanted to be satisfied with God's mercy so he could rejoice and be glad (v.14). He also asked God to show His glory to the next generation (v.16). That's how Moses faced the reality of death thousands of years ago.
Like all people since Adam and Eve, we suffer the effects of sin, and death is certain (Romans 6:23). Yet we can live with hope and joy, because God sent His Son to die for our sins. Jesus conquered death when He rose from the grave. And if we receive Him as our personal Savior and Lord, we too can experience God's forgiveness and look forward to being with Him in heaven forever.

Have you faced and settled this life-and-death issue?


If you were to die today, would yoube prepared to meet God?To be ready, embrace Jesus' promise toeveryone who believes in Him (John 3:16; 11:25-26).
You're not ready to live until you're ready to die.

10:54 PM; The Pianist'

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Realized that i haven't shepherded timothy in some time.. Well i guess its time to do so.. Baron and Keiji... Difficult... Difficult... I dont really have the experience or knowledge how to shepherd them, but anyway, ill just pray and ask God later then. School aint fun at all... I hate the time where we all have to be in school, and the fact that i'd get punished like crazy if i were late... I hate curriculum time which clashes with caregroup activities and hinder me from evangelistic events. God! MAKE ME A WAY!!!!

"Hillsong United Came To My Rescue lyrics"

Falling on my knees in worship

Giving all I am to seek Your face
Lord all I am is is Yours
My whole life
I place in Your hands
God of mercy
Humbled I bow down
In your presence at Your throne

I called You answered
And You came to my rescue and I
I wanna be where You are
In my life be lifted high
In our world be lifted high
In our love be lifted high

Yes come to my rescue lord, i need a way for cg08! Mould me, make me in the way you deem best. I trust in your word and today i claim your promises, i stand before you, daring to dream, daring to accept, daring to ask. Father, give me the wisdom...

10:03 PM; The Pianist'

Monday, January 7, 2008

"Hillsong United You Take Me Higher (hillsong) lyrics"

I remember the first time
Your love reached deep
Into my world
You read me
Like an open book

You took all the pieces
And made my life complete In You
I soar on the heights
Of Your love
Dive the depths of Your grace

You take me higher
Til I see beyond the storm
Surrounding me with Your love
I turn to find You near

You take me higher
You lift my head to open skies
Your fire burns within my soul
Abandoned to Your call

I take the hand of One
Who knows me
From the inside out
He guides me through
The streets of life

He take me through
Open doors
They open onto fields of white
He tells me to see
And perceive
And to hear their cry

You take me higher
'Til I see beyond the storm
Surrounding me with Your love
I turn to find You near
You take me higher
You lift my head to open skies
Your fire burns within my soul
Abandoned to Your call

8:51 PM; The Pianist'

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Gonna lose all that hair i stored for months in a while's time... SIAN!!!! ... First day of school was boring.. And of course... Chan became our Buddy form.. GREAT... Well idk what to say or do, but im just gonna study hard! Jia You for Os people...

Chan is a total piece of crap la.. He was like "can you please tell me why some of you who are not supposed to be here are here today? Can you tell me why and how you go there?" Then he stare at me. Wa idiot la. I almost retain so what. Gives him that damned reason to demoralise me? Knew it.. I wont have a good life since i quit scouts. Overall, im dead bored.. Blogging later i hope.. (if my dad dosen't use the com) OFF i go...

7:03 PM; The Pianist'


Shane from RP class w35a

Loves the piano

Hates rappers

ur hates here

the WISH:



