Lol this is just some soft toy i found at the park near my house one day after playing basketball.. Lol cute huh?? =D
Well my spiritual life is kinda down right now. Not really growing much spiritually... Dont really have time luh.. But still doing what is needed of me to do. Well praying when i wake up and before i sleep aint that hard. Fasting aint that hard too. Going to church aint that hard, doing qt aint hard, sowing aint hard. Well to think about it, these are things we should want to do, not things we dread to do or do for the sake of doing. These are things we always neglect though.. Well for ESS, we have 2 visitors, and a henderson guy from the NS side. Well, not bad, but let's chiong for the next ESS!
Ha-ha I guess I haven’t been blogging for quite some time already… More than a week I guess? I guess not a soul reads this blog anymore so yeah. Do tag if you do. Life has been… Boring? The spiritual level is constantly declining so I guess it’s time I’d do something about it. Chinese New Year is coming, but I’m not at all excited over the Red packets I’m about to receive. Pointless isn’t it, going out for reunion dinner, hearing relatives tease me in front of the whole gang, thinking it’s funny. The red packets don’t mean anything. I’d rather spend the time working and I’ll get more fun and money than just sitting around the reunion table eating away quietly. Well I guess I do not enjoy the luxury of the true meaning of New Year reunion dinner as I’m not very close to my relatives. If I had a choice, I wouldn’t bother to go at all.
Mum’s getting more and more of an exasperation. She constantly screams at me for no good reason, and I’d have to take it or I’d get into a retarded and pointless argument. How stupid is that? Things like complaining that my table is frigging messy so I’d have to clean it, when I just came home from basketball, all drained and ready to sleep. She was like “HUH? Tired your ****. Clean it now!” What for get so frigging worked up over me just telling her I’m cleaning it later after I bathe and all? Parents don’t make any sense, but that’s not the end.
My stupid brother just pissed me off really badly yesterday. Was eating noodles after eating like one and a half bowls of stupid rice they all can’t finish. It was kind enough of me to finish like so much of it. So my retarded brother came and told me he’s going to finish the rest. Guess what the shit he did? He took 2/3 of that little rice that can barely fill half a bowl to cook Fried rice? And what’s more, when I cooked noodles, he came up to me to scold me that I didn’t finish the rest and didn’t bother to check what’s left. What the hell is this? Firstly, he’s being a total ass for taking so little and what can I say? He can’t blame anyone that he’s so frigging undernourished? What’s more? He’s a stupid braggart always boasting about how much he likes to eat. What a pain in the ass! Well my oldest brother? Don’t even talk to me about him. He’s the biggest shithole brother I ever seen. Always thinking he has a lot of manners and always judging people. Simple game like floorball, he comes up to me and tells me it’s a game for pussies and its so easy to score just because I keep scoring when he’s the goalkeeper. When it’s his turn to play shooter, he cant even score! Talk about being a pussy, he doesn’t even exercise. He looks stupid with that tummy anw!
Last minute notice that theres gonna be no time for me to do anything tomorrow and that i wont get a chance to even go home or visit my old primary school. And guess what? I can only get to go home at 10, which means i gotta tolerate my relative's bullshit for tens of hours. Great.
I don’t know what else I gotta say but oh well lets end off with a prayer shall we?
Father in Heaven,
I pray that my family condition will be changed for the better, and I pray for their salvation one day. I pray that you will work through me to bring them all to know your name and I pray that my faith will never fail. I want the absolute faith you promised if anyone wishes to claim, and I pray that my character will also be improved. I do not want to be an abysmal leader, but god, give me the essential knowledge to serve effectively not just as a shepherd, but also a care leader. I pray that you also bless me in my studies, for this is a very important year of my life. I pray that I will do well as promised, and I will work accordingly. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen