Sunday, April 13, 2008

Been keeping this inside me for some time alr.. First things first.. The good news..

My ear is healed!!!!!!
Baron and Keiji are getting a step closer back to god
I'm seeing new believers joining central B

Now for the bad news...
My mum has been pissed with me going to church, to the extent of confisticating my credit cards and making me pay her if i use it, confisticating also my bank card so i cant withdraw any money.
I haven't gotten a piano teacher job that pays in cash..
I only have $15 left till starvation...

Well.. Thank God my ear has been healed.
However, really shitty things have been going on and i have only told my closest friends about this.. Sorry yeah.. I dont wana worry the rest of you guys.. Yeah as stated, i only have $15 left as my mum has completely taken all of my money. Now im a poor old fart >.<...
Idk why but given my attitude, i would have been cursin and swearing non-stop and not go on with life. But i didnt... Idk why but perhaps this is due to some miracle idk how.. I dont feel pain but i still feel joy in the midst of shit.
Mum just came to ask me for $115 dollars for using the credit card.. Though i felt really shitty, I just continued to chat with my friends..
Maybe i've learnt true joy, maybe im just tired.. Oh well.. I'm yet to get a job.. So if you guys got friends who want to learn piano at a really cheap rate.. Do contact me..

As usual, im ending off with a prayer..

Father in heaven,
Hear my cry oh lord, for i need your aid in this dark hour. Let me have faith in you, to stand firm in this time of famine. Lord i pray that you will make a way, that i might serve you with all i can and let nothing hinder me from doing so. Father i put all my trust in you, and in jesus name i pray, Amen

8:44 PM; The Pianist'

Monday, April 7, 2008
Some clothes shop i promised my friend i would help him spread ard..
I've looked at some of his stuff. Its kinda cool so do take a look. Oh oh for Females only btw..

Well today sucked.. Got news that i have study in school till 6 pm everyday.. And worst still.. Its compulsory for all students from my class.. What to do? My Form coaches are a bunch of Sadistic Freaks....

Well.. I dont know why i dont feel like continuing.. Perhaps im just tired after a long day of crap..
I've got good news.. Ive regained my hearing. =D Haha thats all for today.. Night peeepsss

10:10 PM; The Pianist'


Shane from RP class w35a

Loves the piano

Hates rappers

ur hates here

the WISH:



