Monday, June 30, 2008

School was boring today.. As usual. Song Wei came! Like once in a lifetime opportunity.
Had E-Maths AP after school. Completed considerably fast thanks to the help from Dennis. Thank God for him!
Anw, my New Cube got a little messed up as the stickers were damaged. Oh well.. Inevitable anw..
Learnt alot from Clm today. Felt left out though, as in bored throughout the meeting. Oh well...
Gonna draw up a plan for my group sometime soon.. Cant drag this any longer. I wana see a caregroup in GESS by end August!!! Bleah ><. Big dream. For that to happen, im gonna need every caregroup member to do their part.
Gonna go prepare for tmr's school. Bye guys!!

10:00 PM; The Pianist'

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Was tagged to do a survey by the dumb Caryn....

1. What's more important?

2. Do you ever turn your cell phone off?

3. What happened at 10.00am today?
Morning run

4. When did you last cry?
Last camp

5. What is your favourite thing to eat with peanut butter?
I hate peanut butter

6. What do you want in your life now?
More of Christ?

7. Do you carry umbrella when rain , or you put up a hood?

8. What is your favourite thing to put in your bed?
Pillow... blanket... Cookie monster?

9. What bottom are you wearing now?

10. What is the nicest text in your inbox says?

11. Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?
Well no..

12. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?

13. What was the last movie you caught?
Kungfu panda..

14. What are you proud of?

15. What does your oldest text in your message says?
No idea

16. If you have a chance to migrate where will you migrate to?

17. Do you have any nicknames?
Eh no?

18. What does your last received message says?
"See wether need to wait for train at outram. 640 redhill station or market?"YK

19. What time did you go to bed last night?

20. Are you currently happy?

21. Who gives you best advice?

22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?

23. Who did you talk to on phone last night?

24. Is anything bugging you now?

25. What/who was the thing/person made you laugh?

26. Do you wear toe socks?
absolutely not

27. Who was the last person you missed a call from?

28. Have you ever had your heart brokened?

29. What annoys you most in a person?

30. Do you have a crush on anyone?

31. Have you ever done cocaine?

32. What is the colour of your room?

33. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion $$?
Nope. A billion wont save me from death sentence.

34. Do you believe in the saying "talk is cheap"?

35. Who was the last person who lied in your bed?
My smelly brother

36. Who was the last person who hugged you?
Errm... I cant remember

37. Did anyone see the last person you kissed?
Hmm i guess.

38. Do you have a life?

39. Have you ever think someone died but they really didn't?

40. What is the reason behind your profile song?

41. Who was the last person you saw in the dream?


42. Last time you smiled?

43. Have you changed this year?
.......... Time tells

44. What are you listening now?
The raindrops

45. Are you talking to someone when doing this?

46. Do you walk with your eyes open or closed?

47. Is there a quote you live by?
Anything worth doing is worth doing well

48. Do you want someone you cant have?

49. Have you ever played an instrument?
Piano, Guitar, clarinet, trumpet, cornet, RECORDER, something horn i cant remember

50. What was the worst idea you had this week?
I dont know

51. What were you doing last night at 11pm?
I dont know

52. Are you happy to your love life right now?

53. What song best describe your love life now?

54. Does the person know that you like him/her?

55. Who always make you laugh?

56. Do you speak other language other than english?
I cant jiang hua yi that well but yeah sure

57. Favourite website?

58. What is your middle name?
Heng sia

59. What are you doing tomorrow?

60. What do you think you are like?
a human

61. Who will you chose to die with?
I'd die alone

62. Where have you been today?
Eating at marina square, meeting yk at redhill market

63. What games do you play often?

64. Who you missing now?

65. If you have to chose between friend and love which would you chose?
This question dosent make any sense

66. What are you doing now?
Doing this dumb survery

67. Which primary school are you in?

68. Name 3 colours that you like.
Maroon Black White

69. What emotion do you like to show?

70. What is life to you?

71. If you have something troubling you , what will you do?
Ask God

72. Who did you last chat in msn with?

73. Who you admire most?

74. Which month are you born in?

75. How are you feeling right now?

76. What is the time now?

77. Where are you now?

78. What colour did you used to dye hair?

79. What is the highest alcohol % you ever drink?

80. What do you do when you are moody?
Go to the park, talk to god

81. At which age do you wish to get married?

82. Who is more important to you?

83. Do you think you have enough confident?

84. Who is the person you trust the most?

85. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after rain?

86. If you have a dream come true what will it be?
Fufiling the great comission

87. What is your goal for this year?
Complete cg08

88. Do you believe in eternal love?

89. What feelings do you love most?

90. Do you really think its global warming now?

91. What feelings you hate the most?

92. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?

93. Do you believe in God?

94. Who cares for you most?

95. What do you love to eat?
Cheap stuff

96. What will you bring when you fight?
My fists

97. What have you done regretted doing in your whole life?
You shd know..

98. What will you feel when nobody cares for you?
Again, this question is dumb.

99. Who do you wanna be like in the bible?

100. What will you do if you lie to your friends?

Remove one question above and replace with your question

10:47 PM; The Pianist'

To start off, just wana share something god spoke to me through. Simple words of an ordinary hair-dresser had taught me a valuable lesson.
On monday, i had my haircut. After the whole dreadful process, the barber said, "Now you can see better without all that stuff over your head right?"
It did'nt hit me that hard at first. These words rang over and over again like a bell in my head...
I realized it had been a lesson God is trying to impart to me.

To take that into the biblical context, my hair is like the areas of sin. You know... when your fringe covers your eye you cant see much without one eye? In the same way, sins hinder us from SEE-ING god, or experiencing God if you like.
The barber is like Jesus. You can tell him the areas you want to improve in and he will gladly cut the hair(sin). He can style it also, in any way you want him to.
God gave us a choice. We can give up our hair(sins) to God and allow him to remove them from your life, or we can let the sins grow into a deeper stage, hindering us from serving god even more. However, when we allow god to cut away these hair(sins), new hair grows. It is exchanged with Godly principals. In the same way, These principals grow and new challenges surface. When you allow God to remove these areas and exchange them for something better, we experience more of God and we have deeper insights than ever.
Lets give up our hair for God!!
Hope this retarded incident taught you something!!

It's been a tiring day today.. To be precise, saturday.
Reflected upon myself today, upon my walk with God. To be honnest, i think that i seriously do not deserve to lead CB1 at all. Looking upon the mistakes i made, they're just unintentionally dumb.
Right now I just wana do all i can, but doing that seems so difficult. I just don't know why im so dumb at times. I dont want to lead, but i feel it's not up to me. When God called, I just could'nt reject. Right now you people might find me really insensetive, doing really dumb things, that I know myself.
Don't look up to me, because you will just be disappointed.

Being a CL is so much more. It's not just about giving your whole life away and expecting something to work out. It's about giving up your life and also impacting others to do likewise. When i gave up my CCA, wu shu and allowance to serve god better, I never got fruits. They came once in a while but they left. I expected myself to be the "hero" and hopefully when i succeed people get influenced. I was so wrong. You are going to succeed only if you and your team works together.

I have not led the group well. I apologize for every single crap I've given every single one of you guys. I really seek your forgiveness, as well as your cooperation. Thank you all for still being there, even under lousy leadership. Im sorry to say, you guys gotta bear with me for a little while more. Hope you all understand..

Well thats enough from me. Cant say much more.
I got the urge to continue, but i just cant find the words. It's okay for now though.
(mum's nagging)

Let me end with a prayer
Father in Heaven,
Hear my cries, my cries of insatisfaction, frustration and stress. I'm tired of see-ing non-believers curse and swear at everything that dosen't seem to work for them. I'm tired of living in a world full of sin and unrepentant people. I feel heavily burdened for the world out there, who obviously needs to know your love. I feel heavily burdenend that I, am the only one who can do it. I know you created me with the potential to create change, to make an impact. And here i am, i call upon your name, i call upon the name of jesus and i ask today for your backing. You are my saviour king, the saviour of all agony. Lord help me to bring your name known to the ends of the earth. Help me to lead with your wisdom, your stature, the authority you have. Help me to become the kind of person you want me to be. Lord help me, guide me, show me the way. Take over, for my life is nothing but a tool. Use me to my fullest potential. You are the protagonist, not me. Use me oh God.. In jesus name, Amen

Okay my prayer was interrupted by my unreasonable parents calling me to go to sleep when there's no school tomorrow. Oh well... Till Next time guys..

1:22 AM; The Pianist'

Thursday, June 26, 2008

I seriously miss my hair >.<....

Okay didnt go to school today.. Felt a terrible headache in the morning. Didnt even go and run..
=(.. Right
I don't know what's gonna happen to me after this year if i fail my 'o's. Am i gonna get into a private institude, go to ITE or just beg by the roadside? The only thing im clear about is that God will still be with me. When all else fails, God is still with me. Isn't that all we need?
With the free day I had, no appointments, no meetings, just time alone, I refected upon my christian walk. Many times i felt like giving up, many times I fell, many times God picked me up again.
Just want to encourage everyone who reads this:
Don't worry about tomorrow, God is already there.

Matthew 24:12-13 (NLT)
Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.
1 kings 11:38
If you listen to what I tell you and follow my ways and do whatever I consider to be right, and if you obey my decrees and commands, as my servant David did, then I will always be with you. I will establish an enduring dynasty for you as I did for David, and I will give Israel to you.
Joshua 1:9
This is my command -Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the lord your God is with you wherever you go.

The usual, Prayer
Father in heaven,
From this day my life will be committed to serving you alone, nobody else. Take my life, all that i have to give, take my world, just inhabit all of it. Lord i place my 100% trust in you. I put my faith in you. May you use me to do great things for you lord. I acknoledge my sins before you, and i acknoledge that Jesus is my saviour and had died for me so that I can have eternal life and hope in you. Lord i thank you for the sacrifice you made, and i offer this life to you because you are the way the truth and the life.
The second thing i want to pray for is for wisdom. Lord i realize that many times i fail to do things the wisest way. I just want to pray that whenever i face a problem, may you speak to me and reveal to me the solution. I know that you are the source of wisdom, and here i am to claim it.
The last thing i want to pray for is for the world out there and also tired evangelists out there. I pray that you bless them with more of your word and may you speak to them through supernatural or any ordinary ways. May you touch them and renew them with your strength. I pray that the non-believers will one day acknoledge you as the way, the truth and the life. This life i commit unto your hands and all this i ask in the name of jesus, Amen.

9:15 PM; The Pianist'

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Haha exactly 10 days since i last blogged. Nothing interesting has been happening these days.
Oh btw I'll be going to Hong Kong for Leadership Conference during the september holidays.. Will miss the first day of school though. Don't miss me!! =D.
The fiery passion i had in camp is slowly being blown out now.. Whats wrong with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????...
I dont have much to say la.. As you all can see.. my life is boring.
let me just end with the usual.. PRAYER
Father in heaven,
Though i do not know what lies ahead of me, but i know that if i follow your will, i will reap your results. My life i commit into your hands. Mould me, shape me, build me to become the kind of person you want me to be. I pray that for the next few months, i will pour in my sweat and blood to complete whatever you have called me to do. I ask for your strength, your endurance, your courage and i pray for all this with faith, with expectance. I know and i admit that i cannot do this alone. May all glory go unto you. In the name of jesus i pray, Amen.

9:55 PM; The Pianist'

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Yo there will be splash mania this coming wednesday so do come down if you are interested yeh? Its a war game at labrador park so cmon and play!!!

1:22 AM; The Pianist'

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Heh after a long time.. Im finally gonna update.
Just some verses i learnt from during QT.
Romans 14:7-8 (NLT)
For we dont live for ourselves or die for ourselves.If we live, it's to honor the lord. And if we die, it's to honor the lord. So wether we live or die, We belong to the lord.

Yes and this hit me so hard began to think what i was really living for. What are you living for?

Romans 12:21 (NLT)
Don't let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good

Self explanatory..

Hebrews 10:32-36 (NLT)
Think back on those early days when you first learned about Christ.* Remember how you remained faithful even though it meant terrible suffering. Sometimes you were exposed to public redicule and were beaten, and sometimes you helped others who were suffering the same things. You suffered along with those who were thrown into jail, and when all you owned was taken from you, you accepted it with joy. You know there were better things waiting for you that will last forever. So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God's will. Then you will recieve all that he has promised.

Have we all forgotten God's commandments with a promise? Are we forfeiting our eternal holiday awaiting us in heaven for just a few days of happiness on earth today? Think, act.

Luke 14: 27-33 (NLT)
And if you do not carry your own cross and follow me, you cannot be my disciple. But don't begin until you count the cost. For who would begin construction of a building without first calculating the cost to see if there is enough money to finish it? Otherwise, you might complete only the foundation before running out of money, and then everyone would laugh at you. They would say, There's the person who started that building and couldn't afford to finish it!" Or what king would go to war against another king without first sitting down with his counselors to discuss wether his army of 10,000 could defeat the 20,000 soldiers marching against him? And if he cant, he will send a delegation to discuss terms of peace while the enemy is still far away. So you cannot be my disciple without giving up everything u own.

Are you taking up your own cross?

Isaiah 10:15
But can the ax boast greater power than the person who uses it? Is the saw greater than the person who saws? Can a rod strike unless a hand moves it? Can a wooden cane walk by itself?

Is the one taking the wheel Jesus? Do i trust in my resources or in my mighty God?

Father in heaven,
May you speak to me so much more during camp the next week. Lord i pray you bring me to a new level of leadership so that i might lead the group the way you want it to be. Lord i pray that you refresh me and bring me to great victory, winning schools and souls for you oh god. I pray that you give me the strength and wisdom to do your work and may the holy spirit be stirred up in me so much that even as i do the most boring things, i do it with joy because i know you are with me God. I pray that you drop a word in everyone of the campers of oasis camp and may you stir in their hearts a passion to want to spread your name to the ends of the earth lord. I ask all this in the name of Jesus, Amen

11:09 PM; The Pianist'


Shane from RP class w35a

Loves the piano

Hates rappers

ur hates here

the WISH:



