Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The world darkens with each passing day. Is there no-one willing to fight the kingdom of darkness? Will there be an hour of wolves, and shattered shields when the age of men comes crashing down? Is there no-one to defend us? Is the world just a piece of barren land where there is killing and torture? Is there nobody who gives a care about it? Is there no God who truely and sincerely cares for us and is willing to fight this kingdom of darkness with us?
Brother against brother, son against father, poverty, extreme hunger, death. And here we are, enjoying ourselves in singapore. Here we are, safe and secure, we need not bother what is going on outside. We need not care how people can step on a mine and get maimed for life. We do not care how others can take a life so easily out there, and not here, in Singapore, where there is law and order. Is that all to life? Is there no God who cares?
True enough, people are too well-off to even bother about the existance of God. They are drown by their greed and riches that they forgot what really mattered. Do i just dissociate when i die? Do i go to heaven or hell? What must i do to go to heaven? These questions are questions most atheists would ask. Who is there to answer them before satan does?
Where is the light we all need? Where is God?
God chose to work through us, so that we can experience victories. So that we, can share the glory of God. Yes, God is obviously able to just prove himself real by just causing mount everest to tumble for no Good reason, or just come down here personally to show himself to us. However, God chose us. God chose us to share his glory. Who am I that God chose me? What am I? Im not a scholar, im no businessman, im no achiever. My life is full of sin and im in a mess! God chose you because he loves you. And every day of your life he is watching you. He is protecting you. Ever imagined how life will be like without a God that cares? When satan can have his way with us? Ever imagined if God was not Good? Will the world be still it is today?
People out there live life with fear and trembling. Here we are, shaking our legs, enjoying the comfort at home. Seriously, is it true, that deep down, we do not shed a single tear when we see this? When we see people maimed by mines, die for no good reason?
I have a burden for the world. I have a task not complete. I will be God's shield to defend this cursed world from the army of devils. And only death will stop me. Put on your spiritual armor my friends. The time is near. Will it be an hour of wolves and shattered shields, or an eternity of rejoicing in heaven? You decide.

Come to think of it, isnt it amazing how you first knew Christ? How we first started out and changed gradually since? And isnt it amazing how people can just push God aside and deny all the years when God was so evident to them? I find it a utter disappointment when people can just say I love God today and Leave God the next. How people, sin in the name of Christ Jesus. How people hurt others, backstab one another.
Consider it the biggest blessing in your life, that God has chosen you and saved you from the fiery chasm where we all belong.

2:33 PM; The Pianist'

Monday, September 22, 2008

If you didnt love me - Corrinne May
If every drop of water disappeared from the land
And every drop of ocean suddenly turned to sand
That would all be nothing
Compared to what I'd feel
If you didn't love me

What if I woke up and couldn't hear a sound
And all that I could see was darkness all around
That would all be nothing
Compared to what I'd feel
If you didn't love me

If I could have the world and all that money could buy
And I could travel far beyond the moon and the sky
If they gave me golden wings,well I still couldn't fly
without you, nothing would matter

You and I walk beside each other day after day
But there's so much inside me, I never get to say
My life would be so empty
with nothing left to feel
If you didn't love me
If you didn't love me

It all dosen't matter does it? As long as you love me, I'm fine with anything that comes my way. Hold me tight, close by your side. Have your way in me.

9:29 PM; The Pianist'

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Here's a little dedication to my Cargroup members.

Dear Timothy:
Thank you for always being with the group and tolerating with me when I was harsh on you. Thank you for the times you chose to stand firm in the foundation of Christ and not slide away from him. Thank you for the various contributions to the group, and your life has indeed, been a great inspiration for me. Follow what God has called you to do, despite redicule or what-so-ever. Follow Gods' plan for you! I dont require of you much but really build up a strong relationship with God and influence others out there.
Remember: Serving God to the best is not equal to becoming a CL and eventually a UL, but serving God is simply following Gods' plan for you. Spend time seeking him and all these will be revealed to you soon.
Thank you for tolerating with me dear sheep. I promise that ill be there whenever you need me to. Count on me! Count on God!

Hey Jeron:

Can i just remind you how much potential i see in you? Just because you chose to stay in failures and self - pity, you have dis-allowed God from giving you aid. Your spiritual eyes have been shut. That limitless potential in you is awaiting for you to awaken it! Build up a strong relationship with God and give him nothing less than your best. I do not believe that I cannot help you overcome all your problems.

Be disappointed, but do not be too disappointed. Think about how the God who can move mountains, can move and use you. Just think about it yeah?

Ill be there for you whenever you need me to. Just call me up yeah?

Hey Quan Kai!

Thank you for being with us again, thank you for giving us chances after one another. I have not done my best to keep you as someone who holds a certain amount of spiritual responsibility over you. I can see the passion that keeps you wanting to complete queensway secondary school, and the drive to succeed. But as we serve God hard, we must not neglect our relationship with him. Build a very strong relationship with him and maintain it, that when you lead the queensway caregroup one day, you will be very prepared, very mature and very spiritual to handle difficult matters that are sure to come your way.

Let God reveal himself and his purpose for you through this. I believe you can go far, because you believe in a God who moves mountains. Dont give up! Hello Reynard!

Well one word to describe you? Patient. Thats something i have to learn yeah i agree. And that is something i really lack. Thanks for putting that up to me yeah?

Thank you for always being with us even as the caregoup fell apart. Thank you for tolerating with the nonsense again and again that seems to come your way everytime. You have a very admirable Goal, that is to become a pastor. And yes, it's definately going to be difficult, but i see alot of potential in you. Don't give up on your people as well as yourself. You will peservere, because God will always be with you. You will be the CL once I leave this group one day.

I would advice you to really use this time to spend time with God and make sure your relationship with him is right. Talk to me and ask me about things you are unsure of. Ill be glad to help you out! You are the future generation, and you got to be prepared. I am going to invest in you, elise is going to invest in you, many others as well. You can do it. Dont let anything or anyone look down on you!

One last advice for you would to be courageous, when needed. You really need to speak up when something is wrong. Dont just leave it to me yeah? Be a man! Scold when it is needed, be patient when necessasary. Dont be too patient too! Be patient with God, but be urgent with the tasks of God. It must be completed, it will be completed.

Hello Yk =D

Really want to take this time to thank you for all the things you have done for me. Helping me and going the extra mile for me. They're all deeply appreciated. You have done so much for us behind the scenes and i really appreciate you for that. Thank you for always going the extra mile for us, and also for me. Thank you for always believing in me, believing i will go far. Thank you for all the things you have done for me. You have been a great influence.
And this is the man who is going to impact the world in the days to come.

Trust in the lord, for he is the lord our God, who is not slow in keeping his promises. He never too early or never too late, so continue to wait on the lord. For the testing of your peserverence develops patience and peace, and fruits of righteousness

1:30 PM; The Pianist'

Monday, September 15, 2008

Missionary (Leadership Gift) - The special ability God gives to some to minister whatever other spiritual gifts they have in another culture.

Those with this gift find it easy or exciting to adjust to a different culture or community. Missionaries find great joy working with minorities, people of other countries, or those with other distinct cultural differences. Those with this gift have a stronger-than-average desire to be a part of the fulfillment of the Great Commission around the world.

People with this gift:

- have an intense spirit of unease at the thought of all the unsaved people in the world

- adapt themselves and core Biblical principles to different surroundings by being culturally sensitive and aware

- have the ability to reach out people groups of a different ethnicity, language, or cultural background - can establish meaningful relationships with people of other nationalities or cultures

- desire to minister to unreached people in other communities or countries.

Faith - The special conviction God gives to some to be firmly persuaded of God's power and promises to accomplish His will and purpose and to display such a confidence in Him and His Word that circumstances and obstacles do not shake that conviction.
The divine enablement to act on God's promises with confidence and unwavering belief in God's ability to fulfill his purposes.
People with this gift:
- believe the promises of God and inspire others to do the same
- act in complete confidence of God's ability to overcome obstacles
- demonstrate an attitude of trust in God's will and his promises
- advance the cause of Christ because they go forward when others will not
- ask God for what is needed and trust him for his provision.

Evangelism / Evangelist Evangelism / Evangelist
- The special ability God gives to some to proclaim the Gospel of salvation effectively so that people respond to the promises of Christ through conversion to Christianity. The divine enablement to effectively communicate the gospel to unbelievers so they respond in faith and move toward discipleship.
People with this gift:
- communicate the message of Christ with clarity and conviction
- seek out opportunities to talk to unbelievers about spiritual matters
- challenge unbelievers to faith and to become fully devoted followers of Christ
- adapt their presentation of the gospel to connect with the individual's needs
- seek opportunities to build relationships with unbelievers.

Some other giftings came later with the same scores but i guess these are emphasized for a reason.

Oh and one more thing. Im looking for a spiritual buddy haha.

10:28 PM; The Pianist'

Isaac Shane:

"Well, it would be impossible for me to tell you everything i have learnt or experienced through this LC all at one go, but i would just share with you guys one key concept i have grasped from this Conference, that is your relationship with God, must be put above all other things.As a leader, i have been pushing my people to do CG08 all this time, and i have neglected their spiritual health and walk with God.I always had this wrong concept of our walk with God, that is mainly daily prayer and reading the Word of God. Through this LC, I have learnt that our relationship with God, is not purely based on us praying to him about ministry all the time, or praying for skills like courage or wisdom. These things are merely tools used to serve God. I had been reading the word of God, having a perspective that it is speaking to me about ministry and that alone. All this time, my care group has been stuck in an eternal cycle, an endless torture of failures after failures. Our relationship with God was not right!I have come to realize that an ideal relationship with God is not just about doing prayer and reading the Word of God or even applying what we have learnt. An ideal relationship with God is to pray and seek him everyday, turning to him not only when we face troubles and really treating him as your friend, not your superman. God has sent Jesus to die for us, in the first place, to help us achieve a relationship with God.Man can be connected to God because Jesus had died not only to cleanse our sins, but also for us to have a living relationship with God, our creator. I have come to realize that no matter how much effort you put into ministry but the moment your peoples' relationship with God isn't right, we lose the first priority in christian life, that is because God cares about us, not what we do. As we grow in our relationship with God, we will love God and his people, giving way to endless victories in Christ.The Conference has opened up a way and solution to a problem that has never been revealed to me for a long time, and it has strengthened my faith and wisdom in Christ. It has revealed my purpose and destiny for Christ. It is seeing and talking to the people so passionate for Christ and the people just willing to leave their families and just die for Christ that has really impacted me and showed me what true Christianity is. I have come back with a renewed conviction and insight, something money could never buy. Do go for LC when you have the chance!"

(Kop-ed from central blog hee)

Well today was a usual day, but surely, God revealed himself to me today through simple things that occured during the day.

During my CLB paper 3 (listening comprehension), there was a passage that said something that goes like this," Once upon a time, there lived a mother and her son under the same roof. The mother is old and would only be a burden to her son. So one day, her son decided to send her to the top of the mountains where she can live with the wolves, in the wild. So, he carried her on his back and started to walk up the mountain.

Curious, his mother asked, "Dear son, where are you bringing me?" He replied with no tear in his eyes, "up the mountain so that you can live in the wild." Without complaining, his mother just kept quiet. She knew she would only be a burden to her son. She began picking stones and throwing them at the roads, forming a trail.

Curious, her son asked, " Mum, what are you doing?"

Her reply:"I'm making a trail so that you will know the way back after the expedition."

And that was the end of the passage. It almost caused me to tear that very moment. I was reminded of Christ. Christ, who had been betrayed, humiliated, and had suffered at the hands of the creation of God, had endured all the way to the end, just to die on the cross to pay for our sins.
At Jesus' calling, he could summon a fleet of angels to his aid and he could have chosen not to die for us. Jesus has poured out all his blood for us, and even after that, it was water which flowed out instead of blood. Every single drop of blood has been poured out. Even till the very end, Jesus chose to pay the price for us. All he focused on was not our sins, but he focused on loving us, till the very end. He even prayed that his father would forgive us. Can you imagine the pain he had to go through, being betrayed by his own disciple, being humiliated by the people he loved? Nobody went to his rescue. Nobody. And he chose to die for the world even then. He is not a crazy madman who died for nothing 2000 years ago. He is our God, Jesus, who paid for our sins with every single drop of blood available within his body. This is our God.
So at God's calling, stop complaining about the small failures that may seem so big to you. Stop complaining about people who has hurt or humiliated you. Jesus, has died in humiliation, but rose again in victory. He has conquered all sin. The small things we face in life is nothing compared to what Jesus had to face.
When our group dosent seem to Grow, when our life is in a mess, God is beside us, waiting to come in and take control, waiting for you to call upon his name. God feels with us.
Some days ago, i got to know this guy who played the same online game as me. And he was a Romanian. I guess all this is in God's plan that i got to know this guy. Found out certain cool cultures over there. Hes a devoted catholic as i expected him to be. There are 90% catholics in romania. Oh and he told me there ware many tourist attractions. After talking to him, i felt like going there right away. ^^
Haha anyway, its about enough that i blogged. Blogging some other time!

5:34 PM; The Pianist'

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Just a short prayer before i sleep

Father in heaven,
Tired is my soul, and weary is my heart. My heart is tired, but still i will sing. My throat is dry but still i will sing. For you my God, the God most high, is worthy of all praises. Father I just want to commit this time back to you, though I may be physically unwell, lord i pray and I ask by faith that I will be healed by tomorrow that I might serve you better with a melodious voice. Lord i thank you for this wonderful gift you have given to me, that is Jesus. I thank you for the cross, and the blood you poured out, which changed me from the inside out. Thank you for being there with me, through the good and the bad. I just want to take this time to adore you, for you are the God, the God most high. Nothing can separate us lord. Your grace is sufficient. In the name of Jesus i pray, Amen

Where we belong
There is no height or depth

Neither life nor death
That can take me from all that I find
Here now in Your Glory Lord
No other powers or love
The things of now or to come

There's nothing on earth in this life
That could ever separate us Lord

Your Love is never ending
To your hands we surrender
Where all our sins are washed away

Your Grace beyond reason
Has paid for our freedom
We're made alive in You
We run to Your Throne

Where we belong
Every heart will sing
That Jesus is Lord
Casting all else aside
For the joy of our Christ
Let Your Glory fall
Our hearts are filled with Your Fire

No other powers or love
The things of now or to come
There's nothing on earth in this life
That could ever separate us Lord

Once again, i lift this song unto you God, for you have been merciful and gracious to me. Thank you for being so good to me. Your grace is all i need. Let your glory fall, and let my heart be filled with you once again. Show me the way the truth and the life. Thank you Jesus, in Jesus name we pray, Amen

3:02 AM; The Pianist'

Friday, September 12, 2008

Ok here're just some random pics taken from LC.

Lol just 3 sesame street characters i bought from HK. Cookie, Elmo, Big Bird

Thats me at the airport haha

Thats the MRT called MTR there. Dont yuck.. This was my dinner Ocean park! Peacock? Now this is a jelly fish. Cool uh?

Now this is david hoe posing
The height of the cable car we took to the panda place

6:56 PM; The Pianist'

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Thats central for you =D
Me keith and bernard
Me at the hotel room entrance
Me and jing wen
Central with torch, lisa, and chris =p
Me and Suwanie
Okay i dont know what to say about this one
Me, JingWen,Keith and Zyann
Okay thats all the pictures i have from LC for now. Waiting for the rest to send me or post them up =D
Okay i know my smiles are weird but like it or not IM WEIRD.
Right cya guys soon!

11:50 PM; The Pianist'

What do you think of when the word discipleship comes to mind? Do you think of discipline, or following Jesus, or helping others, or memorizing Scripture, etc.? When I think of discipleship, of being a follower of Jesus, one common theme always comes to mind. It is found in Jesus' words in Luke 9:23, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me." To me, this is the essence of discipleship.
The cross was a place of great pain and humiliation, but it is also a place of great love. Jesus' endured the scorn and ridicule of so many in order to buy life for us. He allowed Himself to be led to a place where He would suffer greatly. He humbled Himself so that He could die. He did not boast in Himself. He did not seek His own. He did not remember a wrong suffered. Instead, He loved. He taught. He healed. He forgave. This is what He meant when He said to pick up your cross and follow Him. He wants you to follow Him to the place of where you die to yourself, where you live humility, where you do not boast, where you are forgiving and loving, and kind -- and where you bring glory to God. This is what He is asking of us because this is what He exemplified. We cannot serve two masters. Either Jesus is Lord or our lives, or we are.
To be a disciple of Jesus means that we follow Him. It means that we are trying to become like Him in many ways. This is a very difficult thing to do because He is so good and we are sinners. So much of it is left up to ourselves and our responsibility. God lets us choose our way, our needs, our disciplines. Of course, He desires that we seek Him first; He desires that we love Him first. But, He will not force us into this. He lets us grow and learn from our success as well as our mistakes. He allows us the opportunities to die to ourselves and thereby grow in Christ. He provides the means for us to put others first. He arranges things so that we can make godly choices or choices that suit our fleshly desires and needs. In this, He is discipling us by providing choices to make in our lives.
Every opportunity of every day can be a place of turning. Whether or not someone else knows you are a Christian, or knows the motives of your heart, you are to "walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing forbearance to one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (Eph. 4:1-3). It is a high calling, this thing called Christian discipleship. But it is a worthy calling.
Nevertheless, when I compare myself to Jesus, I find myself falling short. To be honest, I don't like bearing the cross daily. It is heavy. I am not particularly fond of disciplining myself to read His Word, not to mention actually applying it to my life. Being humble is something I struggle with and considering the welfare of others means that I have to be less selfish. All of these things are difficult -- and all of these things are unChristlike. Therefore, I cling to the cross, confess my sins, and yet again ask for forgiveness and the strength to continue to walk in a manner worthy of my calling. I will choose to follow Him regardless of the difficulties, the humiliation, and the suffering. Why? Because that is what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. That is what it means if I claim the name of Christian for myself.
How about you? Do you claim the title of Christian? If so, are you living as though that were true?

12:20 PM; The Pianist'

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Had clm today. Very tired today, but still fired up for God. Planning to do a really long QT and worship session today.
God has made me realize that my relationship with him must come first before all else. Not ministry, not studies, not even myself. God comes first. I have been doing God's work without God all this while. God has been a tool, not a friend. Thank God for this LC that he opened up my eyes to my mistakes and made me realize how much I need to quieten down and talk to God and really spend time with him, not just pray for spiritual fruits. I have been a plant, stuck under a stone, not able to grow or bear any fruits because my own growth is hindered. No matter how hard i try to scatter my seeds, they do not grow because they are not mature yet.
Well.. I guess it was God's lesson for me. Not just peserverence, but also that the relationship with God himself comes first. Thank God for people especially Pastor Angela,lisa and Arlene ( sorry if spelt wrongly ), who gave me a word, Pastor Brendan who shared the wonderful scientific stuffs, Pastor Jeff, Pastor Simon and Pastor PN who done a great job in their teachings. Thank God also for the various pastors like Pastor Willie who shared his experience in the Middle-East.

To my sheep Timothy,
Im really sorry for not doing my best as a shepherd. Often at times i found it hard to realte to you, as I was afraid you might look down on me. Many times i tried to speak to you, tried to encourage you, but i was afraid that you might not accept them. I just want to take this chance to say, I really love you dear sheep. Don't be discouraged. I have only just started to change. Dont give up on this yeah? Also, dont always have this view about people who always seem to ask you to become a leader. As your shepherd, I strongly believe God's plan for you is to glorify him through your drama talents.
You have an admirable ambition for Christ. Don't give it up! In whatever you do, do it for God. That's all taht matters! I don't care what CL, UL or DL you become, because at the end of the day, God cares about you, not your achievements. If you have failed to get closer to God, you have failed God. Dont give up yeah?
Don't lose your confidence or lose your focus. Your path is already lined up for you. Don't stray away from God's plan! Backsliding is not the best way for you. Im not saying this in order to keep you, but I hope you reflect upon this. God be with you in whatever you do.

The week i was away, many things happened. I finally realized how much self-discipline this group lacks. People die spiritually when im gone. Literally. Guys, give me one last chance. Ill set things right.

Father in Heaven,
I pray for a breakthrough and a revival in Central B 1. I pray that the people will open up their eyes to you and seek you for help in everything they do. I pray that you will reveal yourself to them as you did to me. I pray that you speak to them, encourage and empower them. Lord i thank you for the sacrifice. I thank you for the cross. I pray that as i serve you, I do not neglect you and keep closely in line with my relationship with you. Father help me in this, and i pray for a revival in this desperate moments. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen

10:18 PM; The Pianist'

Verse 1:
There is Love
That came for us
Humbled to a sinner’s cross
You broke my shame and sinfulness
You rose again victorious

Verse 2:
Faithfulness none can deny
Through the storm
And through the fire
There is truth that sets me free
Jesus Christ who lives in me

You are stronger
You are stronger
Sin is broken
You have saved me
It is written
Christ is risen
Jesus You are Lord of all

Verse 3:
No beginning and no end
You’re my hope and my defence
You came to seek and save the lost
You paid it all upon the cross

So let Your Name be lifted higher
Be lifted higher
Be lifted higher

Dear heavenly father,
Thank you for what you have done on the cross. Today, i live again, renewed and reborn because you gave your life to set me free. I thank you for the times you comforted me and being there for me all the time. No man is capable of doing what you are capable of. Lord i thank you for your amazing grace. To you I give all praise. The hour has come, the hour of victory, the hour of decision. Let your people lift you up lord, we will come as one knocking on the doors of heaven. And you will come and move in us. You will stir up a heart of passion for you. Insanely strong is your love, insanely powerful is your might. I believe in the God who can move mountains!
I give my life to you and all that i have. Use me, use me as much as possible. I live to glorify you. Set me apart, set my mind and soul and my gaze fixed upon the mission you have given us. Fix my eyes upon the great commission and most importantly, you God. There is none like you and to you I give all my praises. In Jesus name, move in me. Amen.

I see the king of glory
Coming down with clouds of fire
The whole earth shakes
The whole earth shakes.

I see his life and mercy
Washing over all our sins
The people sing
The people sing

Hosanna Hosanna
Hosanna in the highest
Hosanna Hosanna
Hosanna in the highest

I see a generation
Rising up to take the place
With selfless faith
With selfless faith

I see a near revival
Stirring as we pray and seek
We're on our knees
We're on our knees

Hosanna Hosanna
Hosanna in the highest
Hosanna Hosanna
Hosanna in the highest

Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen.
As i walk from earth into

"Hosanna" (Greek transcription: ὡσαννα, hōsanna) is the cry of praise or adoration shouted in recognition of the Messiahship of Jesus on his entry into Jerusalem, Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord![6] It is used in the same way in Christian Praise.
Overall, it seems that, "Hosanna," is a cry for salvation, while at the same time is a declaration of praise. Therefore, it may be derived that this plea for help is out of an agreeably positive connotation.
The old interpretation "Save, now!" which may be a popular etymology, is based on psalm
118:25 (Hebrew הושענא hOshEeah-nna).

The time is coming. The end of days. We all need to have the sense of urgency already. We need to have in mind God's direction for us, God's will. If his will is to eat, we eat. If his will is that we all die, we die. Simple. But his will is the Great commission, which requires each and every believer to work together to accomplish. Let not mine but your will be done.
God chose not to come down and show himself to the free world. God did not choose to drop a magical stone that reveals himself to the world. God did not move mount Everest to Africa. God chose to work through us, because he loves us and believes in us. God believes that his people can do what he has commissioned us to do. So let God's people stand together and praise him as one, worship him as one, and do the great commission as one. Let nothing stop us, not the power of the devil. Let nothing blind us, not the shadows of our sins.
Instead, let Christs' glory shine upon us, let his love overflow and engulf us. Let our eyes be fixed on the glory of God and his mission. Let us do this, just for once.

Father in Heaven,
I sense deep in my heart, a deep burden for the world and your mission. I sense so strongly that your people needs a new revival, a breakthrough. God reveal yourself to them as you have revealed yourself to me. The world does not require another Santa, not another elmo or Michael Jackson. The world needs you. You who is the true creator, you who makes all things happen. You who makes the impossible possible. So I pray today God, that you use your people. Open up their hearts to the things unseen! For you are God, there is none that compares to you!
Help me also, to pray and seek you each and every day. Help me to become the person you want me to be! For it is for love you came and died on the cross, for your amazing love i will live each and every day. Help me to live the vision. Help me to have a taste of what true christianity is like. I place full trust in you, thank you for what you have done. In jesus name i pray, Amen

12:59 PM; The Pianist'

Monday, September 8, 2008

Hi guys! I am back from the Hong Kong leadership conference already! =D. Did anyone miss me? I guess not. My tagboard is still empty. Anyway, there were technical difficulties that occured with my cam so i guess i wont be able to post any picutres till i leech them from the other LC people from central.

3rd September (Wednesday)
Reached Hong kong at around 11am or 12pm. It was a four hour flight i guess. It was boring on the plane. All i did was sleep >.<
Anyway, we went to shop the whole day with some HK delegates like Philip and Emily who brought us all around to shop.
Only spent about 271 HKD that day excluding Food.

4th September ( Thursday)
Here are some pictures:

I cant believe i took the cable cars that far to see this dumb pandas eating and sleeping like pigs >.<. I couldnt believe that they were pandas judging by their behaviour. They were no different from pigs!
There were much more in ocean park.
I took on every ride in ocean park including the mine train and dragon, which i took 2 times. It was enjoyable i guess, but very costly.
Went shopping afterwards. Bought 7 baby milo shirts. 4 for my Caregroup people heh.

Friday , Saturday and Sunday : LC!
Yhope, together with various delegates from various parts of the world like, Hope L.A, Hope Italy, Hope Brisbane (Chris torch and Lisa), Hope Hong Kong(Hosts), Hope Thailand and even pastors pioneering all over the world like, pastor willie, pastor Simon, pastor PN, pastor Shirley, pastor Brendan, pastor Angela,ETC.
It was indeed a very magnificent experience worshipping and serving alongside them. I even got to talk to some of them =D.
Anyway, i would encourage you guys to go to LC when you got the chance to. It's really inspiring and 10x the impact of what camp would have given you.

One thing that impacted me greatly was the word given to me by Pastor Angela. Before i was getting prayed for, i had thought of all possible things she might say. Trust me. It never came across my mind what she had told me. It was not correction, rebuking or anything. This struck me alot.
She said, " Now, the lord has spoken. The lord says that child, do not despise yourself. Do not let anyone say you are not worthy. Do not let anyone including your family members shake your faith. The lord tells you today, to not despise yourself because God has chosen you. God has picked you out of the tens of millions of people to shine for him. Do not give up, and do not worry about what others say, or what might come to pass. The Lord tells you today, to fix your eyes upon his unlimited power and strength, that he might bless you in the days to come. So as for now, fix your eyes upon him. Leave your ministry responsibilities aside, and concentrate on God, for god cares about you, your heart and your relationship with him, not what you do."
Lisa also added, "As i was praying for you, God has told me that you have a great amount of potential in you and the capacity to do great things for him. The lord says today, that you throw all burdens aside and just cry out to God. God wants to remind you, that as we serve him, we need to focus first, our relationship with him. Until then, the unlimited potential in you will not be tapped on. A great path forged by God himself has been laid out for you. The lord says that all you have to do is seek him, and all things would be given unto you."
These seriously made me cry. It was what i exactly needed. God did not rebuke me, but instead he comforted me and revealed himself to me.
How can i not serve the mighty God who created the universe?

I had responded to a 7 year full commitment to serve God and his purpose.
God had also placed in my heart this place, Romania. God placed in my heart a heavy burden I couldn't help but to pray for the specific place.
Let me just pray for the country once again
Father in heaven,
I have a great burden for this specific place, Romania. Lord your people have been shadowed by the doings of Satan. Lord, at your disposal, missionaries will be sent to pioneer that place. People all out for you will bring hope to the land. Romania does not need another beautiful scenery, not another farm or hill. It needs you oh God, it needs a saviour. Lord, i pray today that you bring hope to this land. In the name of Jesus, Amen

I don't know what else to say but God has really been good to me all this while. I really thank God for this trip to the LC because it is a revelation for me, an experience i would deeply appreciate for it has set my mind thinking.

I am not the only pioneer in this world. I have not done my best unless things have moved. God will move big time in the years to come, I'm certain.
It just encourages me how people from all over the world are so on fire for God. Their fiery passion is never dying, never ceasing to keep them from giving any less than their all. Discouragements never seem to stop them.
In africa, four pioneers were sent to plant churches there. Guess what?After a year, it has grown to fifty people! Praise God! It really inspired me that nothing is impossible. Nothing is too hard.

Another man that inspired me greatly was Pastor Willie. He was willing to risk his life for the Gospel and take huge risks. Had a good talk in his room the first day of LC.

There are countless of precious things i have learnt in LC. These are probably less than 20% of it. I wont blog them today, so stay tuned! =D.

Father in heaven,
I thank you for your grace and mercy, and i thank you especially for this conference in which you used to speak to me and the time you gave me to really stop and think about the situation. You have opened doors to unlimited victories and possibilities and God, all i can say is that you are amazing. You are the God of the universe, im certain. Thank you for the times you have been by my side, and all i can say is im really sorry for all this while. I have neglected you and treated you as only a tool for your works. I had never really spent quality time seeking you with all my heart and building our relationship. Here I am today, in awe of the wonders you have done. I stand in awe of your great power and majesty. Reside in me God, as i seek you with all my heart. Talk to me and make my life whole in you. Thank you God, in jesus name i pray, Amen

6:32 PM; The Pianist'

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

One last day in singapore, Tomorrow is the leadership conference in Hong Kong. Don't miss me guys ^^.
I'll try to keep this blog alive for the next 1 week since I'll be in LC.
Haven't finished preparations though. Lets' see... I only packed like one pair of jeans, 2 shorts and four shirts? Heh.. hope it's enough.. Toothbrush... Towels.. That till come with the hotel services i guess.. Bible.. Notepad.. Set of questions... ARGHH... Gotta prepare after meta tonight. It'll be damn late i dont know if i can still make it..
Bringing about 800 there inc. food and accomodation.
lets' see...
800 - 390(accomodation + food) - 40 (transport) - 40 (ocean park) - 50 (junk foodie) = 280 left for shopping.
Idk if that would be enough.. High chance ill over spend also.. Bah..

Right this LC would be a rest for me, from my cg which i constantly have to worry for. I'll have a rest, away from this little island of singapore.
Hope i do bring back not just memmories but also teachings I am gonna get from the people there. I do hope i can sharpen my skills and my attitude to want to serve the kingdom of God with all my heart and soul. May this LC really allow me to take a week of pure exposure to God!

Something i prepared weeks ago:

John C.Maxwell:
Leadership is influence - nothing more, nothing less.
Warren Bennis:
Leadership is a function of knowing yourself, having a vision that is well communicated, building trust among colleagues and taking effective action to realize your own leadership potential.

Characteristics of a strategic leader.
Strategic leaders are able to picture a range of possibilities several stages ahead of the current phase of development.
Strategies developed will lead to tactics which will need to be engaged with, and succeed in the real world.
These strategies developed will lead to tactics which will need to be engaged with, and succeed in the real word.
Strategies must be developed based on a releastic appraisal of the environment. The resources at disposal, and the opportunities that exist.
Strategic leaders have great understanding and patience to wait until the timing is right to make a major intervention, and have the boldness to strike decisively when the moment is right.
Current works are focused on the future. Invests time in developing people who are able to lead after the leader moves on. Ensures that his people are disciplined to work towards the goals set even as the leader is not around.

Strategic leaders are similar to good chess players, who plan several stages ahead. They ensure gainful opportunities are siezed and are releastic.

Servant leadership
A result of being broken in the right place, in the soul, yields a leader with the heart of a servant.

Servant leaders are motivational leaders who seek to maximise the potential of individuals.
A servant leader is not as foceful or powerful as it seems as compared to non-servant leaders. They are not wimps ^^.
Servant leader does not lead out of pride, manipulation and force.
You must first be a servant in order to become a servant-leader.

The servant seeks to benefit other people than selfish desires.


If we place leaders on a single line with others in the leadership relationship, the implication is that there is none higher or lower, but all are peers in an influence relationship.
The amount of ones' influence is represented by ones' length on the line. The wider the line, the greater the influence.
No-one is higher or lower, just different.
In leadership, the leader fills the key role int he group by playing the most vital role because without this person, the quality of the relationship would be severely reduced.
The servant leader is considered as a peer, just another part doing its' unique job.

"How am i leading?" "am i being effective?" " Am i potraying a servant's attitude in the process?"

In conclusion, Leadership in the christian context is to become someone who is willing to take up his own cross and lead in a way that influences others to do the same by depicting its' unique qualities to the people.

12:05 PM; The Pianist'


Shane from RP class w35a

Loves the piano

Hates rappers

ur hates here

the WISH:



