Can i just remind you how much potential i see in you? Just because you chose to stay in failures and self - pity, you have dis-allowed God from giving you aid. Your spiritual eyes have been shut. That limitless potential in you is awaiting for you to awaken it! Build up a strong relationship with God and give him nothing less than your best. I do not believe that I cannot help you overcome all your problems.
Be disappointed, but do not be too disappointed. Think about how the God who can move mountains, can move and use you. Just think about it yeah?
Ill be there for you whenever you need me to. Just call me up yeah?
Thank you for being with us again, thank you for giving us chances after one another. I have not done my best to keep you as someone who holds a certain amount of spiritual responsibility over you. I can see the passion that keeps you wanting to complete queensway secondary school, and the drive to succeed. But as we serve God hard, we must not neglect our relationship with him. Build a very strong relationship with him and maintain it, that when you lead the queensway caregroup one day, you will be very prepared, very mature and very spiritual to handle difficult matters that are sure to come your way.
Let God reveal himself and his purpose for you through this. I believe you can go far, because you believe in a God who moves mountains. Dont give up! Hello Reynard!
Well one word to describe you? Patient. Thats something i have to learn yeah i agree. And that is something i really lack. Thanks for putting that up to me yeah?
Thank you for always being with us even as the caregoup fell apart. Thank you for tolerating with the nonsense again and again that seems to come your way everytime. You have a very admirable Goal, that is to become a pastor. And yes, it's definately going to be difficult, but i see alot of potential in you. Don't give up on your people as well as yourself. You will peservere, because God will always be with you. You will be the CL once I leave this group one day.
I would advice you to really use this time to spend time with God and make sure your relationship with him is right. Talk to me and ask me about things you are unsure of. Ill be glad to help you out! You are the future generation, and you got to be prepared. I am going to invest in you, elise is going to invest in you, many others as well. You can do it. Dont let anything or anyone look down on you!
One last advice for you would to be courageous, when needed. You really need to speak up when something is wrong. Dont just leave it to me yeah? Be a man! Scold when it is needed, be patient when necessasary. Dont be too patient too! Be patient with God, but be urgent with the tasks of God. It must be completed, it will be completed.
Hello Yk =D
Really want to take this time to thank you for all the things you have done for me. Helping me and going the extra mile for me. They're all deeply appreciated. You have done so much for us behind the scenes and i really appreciate you for that. Thank you for always going the extra mile for us, and also for me. Thank you for always believing in me, believing i will go far. Thank you for all the things you have done for me. You have been a great influence.
And this is the man who is going to impact the world in the days to come.
Trust in the lord, for he is the lord our God, who is not slow in keeping his promises. He never too early or never too late, so continue to wait on the lord. For the testing of your peserverence develops patience and peace, and fruits of righteousness
Missionary (Leadership Gift) - The special ability God gives to some to minister whatever other spiritual gifts they have in another culture.
Those with this gift find it easy or exciting to adjust to a different culture or community. Missionaries find great joy working with minorities, people of other countries, or those with other distinct cultural differences. Those with this gift have a stronger-than-average desire to be a part of the fulfillment of the Great Commission around the world.
People with this gift:
- have an intense spirit of unease at the thought of all the unsaved people in the world
- adapt themselves and core Biblical principles to different surroundings by being culturally sensitive and aware
- have the ability to reach out people groups of a different ethnicity, language, or cultural background - can establish meaningful relationships with people of other nationalities or cultures
- desire to minister to unreached people in other communities or countries.
Faith - The special conviction God gives to some to be firmly persuaded of God's power and promises to accomplish His will and purpose and to display such a confidence in Him and His Word that circumstances and obstacles do not shake that conviction.
The divine enablement to act on God's promises with confidence and unwavering belief in God's ability to fulfill his purposes.
People with this gift:
- believe the promises of God and inspire others to do the same
- act in complete confidence of God's ability to overcome obstacles
- demonstrate an attitude of trust in God's will and his promises
- advance the cause of Christ because they go forward when others will not
- ask God for what is needed and trust him for his provision.
Evangelism / Evangelist Evangelism / Evangelist
- The special ability God gives to some to proclaim the Gospel of salvation effectively so that people respond to the promises of Christ through conversion to Christianity. The divine enablement to effectively communicate the gospel to unbelievers so they respond in faith and move toward discipleship.
People with this gift:
- communicate the message of Christ with clarity and conviction
- seek out opportunities to talk to unbelievers about spiritual matters
- challenge unbelievers to faith and to become fully devoted followers of Christ
- adapt their presentation of the gospel to connect with the individual's needs
- seek opportunities to build relationships with unbelievers.
Some other giftings came later with the same scores but i guess these are emphasized for a reason.
Oh and one more thing. Im looking for a spiritual buddy haha.