Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'm out of Clm.
The feeling is as if i just broke up with someone. It feels bad.
Spent a few days dwelling on it, thinking what might have gone wrong, or what I could do to influence again.
God told me to take a rest. Indeed, leading had been tiring and exhausting, but it made me realize how much effort you need to put in to inspire someone. A bucket of blood poured in a drop of inspiration.
Still, i cant help but think about it too much. When i visited the central Blog, I was thinking of how the people benefited from the prophesy and prayer given by peter truong, and im just so envious of the cls then. I have to get over it soon i know.
To reynard:
Good job on finally becoming a CL and taking over the roles I used to take, but there is'nt much time for rejoicing! The time for hard work and even more learning is about to take place. A time of great pain and joy is going to surge within your body. Good luck and God be with you in your new journey.
Affirmations for the rest in the next post.. Got to go..

2:20 PM; The Pianist'

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Currently having mixed feelings.
Happy in a few ways, sad in many ways.
Happy that tomorrow is the last day of o levels, happy for others that for some of them today is the last, happy that tomorrow is class chalet, happy that i got a new phone, but sad that my Chemistry papers didnt really go smoothly today. I'm expecting to get like 20-25 out of 40 this time according to the answer sheet given by the teachers.
Had a quarrel with my mum just now. She saw my CLB paper 2.. >.<
She got so anxious over it... She began checking my answers written on the paper itself and began to pin-point out those who were wrong. She went like "This one wrong that one wrong, AIYO SO MANY WRONG"
I could'nt stand it till I started to talk back, "Cmon its just a clb paper. Even if i were to just pass or even fail, the worst thing that can happen is next time my boss would just talk to me in english. Whats the point in getting 90 for CLB and working so hard when 70 is already the point for merit? Just to show that I'm better than other people? Come on.. The paper is already over. Please stop doing that".
Her reply was like this, "What? I cant even check my own sons' paper? Its true 70 is the merit mark, but you told me CLB is so easy! Why cant you get 90 then? Why are you such a bad son?"

I refused to answer as i didnt see a point to.
I remembered a few weeks back, mum was nagging the heck out of me to study for my CLB paper. Can you believe it? STUDY FOR YOUR CLB PAPER. GOSH? I dont even study much for my english and shes asking me to study for CLB >.<. Its a total waste of time seriously. CLB is CLB for a reason. Its CLB cuz they want you to focus on the other subjects. Its CLB because they dont want you to worry about chinese.

If you ask me who gave me the most stress during the exam periods, I would say it's my mun. Her worrying so much makes me worry even more. And that totally spoils my mood to study at times. I want to tell her, that i'm 16 and im really grown up, but in her eyes, im always the little boy who cant take care of himself. GIVE ME A BREAK!!!

The past month has been a month of spiritual dryness. I struggled very hard to do my job as a cl and as a believer. I struggled to do qt, struggled to pray regularly, and maintain the relationship i built with God. It was indeed a very tiring period for me.
Ministry very much depended on me. I realized that as I ceased to serve to my best, there were obvious defects eg. Conflicts, loss of direction. I realized that it was time to build someone able to take up the job or I would be leading forever. I hope that does'nt happen!

To the rest: CG08 is coming. Its' deadline draws as near as to 8 weeks. This is the last lap! CG08 can only be done within the next 8 weeks! What happens after, you decide. Will it be celebration, or grieve and regret?

9:35 PM; The Pianist'

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Psalm 109

Hide me now
Under your wings
Cover mewithin your mighty hand

When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with you above the storm
Father you are king over the flood
I will be still and know you are God

Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know his power
In quietness and trust

Father in Heaven,
Thank you for the opportunities you have given me, thank you for the countless times you have listened to me in my distress, when i was persecuted by evil men. Lord i thank you for your love and death on the cross once again. Renew me in your power. In jesus name, Amen.

1:28 AM; The Pianist'

Monday, November 3, 2008

Finally, most of the stressful papers are over. What lies ahead is a week of rest! (a.k.a boredom)
Hope to meet team camaraderie soon to settle some things. Exams has really tied me down and its time to give thanks to God after the hellish periods of the o level examinations. Thank God the exams weren't too hard.
Just back from an intense exercise. Floorball, then basketball, then floorball again. Sweating like mad now. Gonna train hard this holiday.. Thats probably all i can do to cure my boredom of months of holidays. Time to let that hair grow back too hehe. You guys must think im crazy haha.

Thank God for the 4 years in GESS. Got to know many friends, and the many memories that etches in my mind. Thank God for the persecution, the unreasonable people, the dumb, the wise, thank God who redeemed me from the land of the dead!
No more papers for the rest of the week! Today i wonder what lies ahead of me. What lies in the holidays that are about to come? Work, work, work? or Work ,God, Work? or even, God, God, God? I don't know. But im certain im using the rest of these holidays serving God with my all. With the money i earn, i am certain to use them to bless others. Thank God for the talents i have, thank God that he is able, and therefore I am able!

Will cg08 be completed? Just a few more to go.. JIAYOU man! We really need to do OUR BEST and BEYOND THAT, produce GODS' RESULTS. NOT OURS! Remember to humble ourselves, and always seek to do better. Yes today we do our best, but tomorrow we do even better because God is the standard. We do our best, but reap Gods' results when we do it together with God. Amen?

Each and everyday of my life, i feel closer to the land God has called me to. I feel closer and closer to the promised land where God has called me to scatter the seed. Heaven is calling me. Do you feel God knocking on the door of your heart, asking you to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth? Are you tuned in to Gods' channel? Will you accept his calling?


10:36 PM; The Pianist'


Shane from RP class w35a

Loves the piano

Hates rappers

ur hates here

the WISH:



