Sunday, December 28, 2008

Ha-ha i wonder if anyone still reads this blog. Well sorry man.. I haven't been faithfully blogging as i have been caught up with some stuff that made me too lazy or too speechless to blog about anything.
Looking back, my spiritual life had been full of exciting stuff. I can see how God is molding me more and more Christ-like. What lies ahead of me is an unpredictable path, filled with challenges and the road is narrow. I will walk on the narrow path God has provided for me. Many times I shall fall, but many times I will emerge stronger. Today, what I stand on is new grounds. New faces, new people, new environment, new breakthroughs. May the Lord guide me in my new group! It's been a pleasure serving the Lord faithfully for these 2 years. Many times I lacked the confidence to take on new roles, but that was not even a quarter the amount of the number of times God reassured me that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
I have earnt the respect of the new group, and I hope to be a person of influence to guide the people to the promised land. Thank God for the gifts he has given me!
Remember guys.. How i used to be? The man who used to shout vulgarities, curse and swear at people I "hated"? The man who used to threaten, hurt others, accuse others, find fault, have low self-esteem, sought twisted pleasures to satisfy my sick mind? Remember who I was. Remember how people used to shun me. I was timid, lonely, boring, yet God chose me to be a shepherd of his flock. God focused on what I could do, not what I have done. That, my dear friends, is the same grace God has given each and every single one of you. The unconditional love that is bestowed upon our sinful lives. None of us deserves to go to heaven. 10 good deeds and 1 sin does not make you perfect. 1000 Good deeds and 1 sin does not make you perfect, either. What grace has God so lovingly given to us, that we as sinners could rule and reign with the perfect God? What amazing grace!
I believe this is a similar testimony to most of the believers out there. We used to live an empty life. We wonder if we will die tomorrow. We wonder, if our Good deeds out-do the bad ones. We wonder if this is all to life, we wonder if there was more. The answer is in Christ.

Today, let our hearts be broken. Let our hearts burn with a fire that will never burn out. Let our hearts desperately seek the Lord, every second of our life. With every breath, we live to serve the Lord. Don't waste time! We already spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping! The Gospel has to spread. It must spread like wild fire, like a great flood over the earth. Let forceful men take hold of the great commission. Let our hearts be broken! The world is too small for such a big God not to be known! Man! What can be worth more than the kingdom that will last forever?

Don't tell God I can't, but I can, for I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Stop doing whatever thing that does not benefit, for If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. - 1 peter 4:11- God can use anyone. God can use a donkey, what more you?

Father in Heaven,

I pray today that you will strengthen and renew me of my purpose and commitment. I pray for the lost souls that needs to hear the good news of the Gospel. I pray for the young and the old, the people who so desperately seek love and all they find are empty shells. Father I pray that you use me to strengthen your kingdom, not with my skills, but with my body, which I offer as a living sacrifice to your great kingdom. I thank you for the amazing love and grace you have shown me. I thank you for these great friends. I pray that as I step into new grounds, may you strengthen me and mold me into the kind of person you want me to be. Not my will, but yours be done. I will make an oath, an oath of allegiance with you, an oath to keep faithful for the sake of the gospel, for the sake of the faithful God. I just wana tell you God, I love you. Alot. I look forward to an exciting journey with you, a journey i will never forget. Amen.

3:24 AM; The Pianist'

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The same power that conquered the grave
Lives in me, Lives in me
Your love that rescued the earth
Lives in me, lives in me

11:46 PM; The Pianist'

Friday, December 5, 2008

From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea 
Creation's revealing Your majesty
From the colors of Fall to the fragrance of Spring
Every creature unique in the song that it sings, all exclaiming

Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name
You are amazing, God

All powerful, un-tameable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing, God You are amazing, God

Who has told every lightning bolt where it should go
Or seen heavenly storehouses laden with snow
Who imagined the Sun and gives source to its light
Yet conceals it to bring us the coolness of night, none can fathom

Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name
You are amazing, God
All powerful, un-tameable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing, God You are amazing, God

Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name
You are amazing, God

Incomparable, unchangeable,
You see the depths of my heart and you love me the same
You are amazing God

And so, I lost every single cent that existed in my wallet today, including all the coins. Despite having my wallet placed in a way it would be hard for anyone to steal, my money is all lost. Who ever did this, bear this in mind for the rest of your life. The money was meant to pay for someone else's camp. If you happen to read this, you can choose to keep the money or return it it is up to you, but all is forgiven. Jesus loves you. =)
Can i still trust putting my stuff un-attended, leaving it at the mercy of your surveillance along with your bags brothers? Or do i have to cling unto it tightly and never let go?

You are, O God, the
rest of the weary
Joy of the sad
hope of the dreary
light of the glad
May rest and joy and hope and light
be your gifts to me

Father in heaven,
Thank you for today, thank you for the courage you gave me, the wisdom to teach your word, and the diligence to prepare it. Thank you for your strength, but today although i have experienced a little loss, I seek forgiveness for the person who have caused such harm unto me, and I pray that you will have mercy on him, for he does not know what he has done. Thank you God, for the mercy and grace you have shown unto me. I trust that you will provide. Thank you. In Jesus name, Amen.

11:35 PM; The Pianist'

Thursday, December 4, 2008

All my days and all my hours
All my will and all my powers
All the passion of my soul
Not a fragment, but a whole
Shall be Thine, dear Lord

Grant me, O God
energy for the day
Sleep for the night
rest for body and mind
renewal for heart and soul
Then shall I be ready
to serve you again
a day at a time
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord

Ha-ha i understand that this blog has been dead for quite a while. I'm back blogging I guess.. (If i have time and something to blog about that is)
Just back from Plaza Singapura after catching the movie, Bolt. Well I hate to admit it but yes, I went all the way out of my comfortable house to PS just to watch it with Quan Kai and Chermaine. Well.. Its a pretty Good show over-all, well worth the penny.
Been feeling a little dry ever since last week. Had a good talk with Joshua yesterday. We hung out all the way till like 4am at the park near my house as we chatted about our walk with God and some other random stuff. Talked about why I was so involved in Church. We were both Christians, and we definately had a good talk as we learnt much. I noticed one distinct differences between Hope and New Creation Church.
#1 YHope consists of people less independent, people more welcoming and friendly. (Not that people from NC are not friendly at all)
I guess.. We really have to learn to mingle more and be more sociable. Its the relationship between fellow christians that attract people to God anyway right? A church ceases to exist when the church ceases to love. Something that greatly attracts non-believers to God is of course, LOVE. For love, Jesus came. For the very reason, Jesus died on the cross. I was reminded of a very valuable scripture:" Love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than this. " I realized how I lacked love during the days I was serving as a care leader. I was clear of my goals, how I was gonna get the group to move, but i definately forgot to encourage them and feed them spiritual food. Well the time I have in the Grads group definately makes me more effective. I could be a good support and mentor to train new leaders and have them to learn from my mistakes. Well.. Thats prolly the last thing i can ever do for this group where I can only leave a trace of Gods' goodness and grace. I want to leave behind something, before it is too late.
So give me Oh god, the strength for the day, that i may serve you better with all i can. Give me the passion to want to learn. The urge to want to change, the urge to repent with every trace of sin in my life. Grant me the will to go to the ends of the earth just to be with you God. Give me the desire to want to serve and build the kingdom of God. Amen

11:55 PM; The Pianist'


Shane from RP class w35a

Loves the piano

Hates rappers

ur hates here

the WISH:



