Sunday, January 25, 2009

The power of your name
Surely children weren't made for the streets
And fathers were not made to leave
Surely this isn't how it should be
Let Your Kingdom come
Surely nations were not made for war
Or the broken meant to be ignored
Surely this just can't be what You saw
Let Your Kingdom come
Here in my heart

I will live
To carry your compassion
To love a world that's broken
To be Your hands and feet
I will give
With the life that I'd been given
And go beyond religion
To see the world be changed
By the power of Your Name

Surely life wasn't made to regret
And the lost were not made to forget
Surely faith without action is dead
Let Your Kingdom come
Lord break this heart

I will live
To carry your compassion
To love a world that's broken
To be Your hands and feet
I will give
With the life that I'd been given
And go beyond religion
To see the world be changed
By the power of Your Name

Your Name
Is a shelter for the hurting
Jesus Your Name
Is a refuge for the weak
Only Your Name
Can redeem the undeserving
Jesus Your Name
Holds everything I need

I will live
To carry your compassion
To love a world that's broken
To be Your hands and feet
I will give
With the life that I'd been given
And go beyond religion
To see the world be changed
By the power of Your Name

Second chance
You called my name
Reached out Your hand
Restored my life
And I was redeemed
The moment You entered my life

Amazing grace
Christ gave that day
My life was changed
When from my shoulders
Fell the weight of my sin

So it’s with everything I am
I reach out for Your hand
The hope for change
The second chance I’ve gained

On You I throw my life
Casting all my fears aside
How could greater love than this
Ever possibly exist

Consume my thoughts
As I rest in You
I’m now in love
With a Savior
Bearing the marks of His love

So I’ll wait upon You now
With my hands released to You
Where a little faith’s enough
To see mountains lift and move

And I’ll wait upon You now
Dedicated to Your will
To this love that will remain
A love that never fails

You are here
Verse 1:
there's is a love that I know
Strength for the weak and broken heart
Our shepherd and king
I found you within me
For you are here

Verse 2:
Carried the cross for the world
Our shepherd and king
I found You within me
For You are here
Our Lord for ever
You are here

In this place You are here
By Your mercy...
In my heart take your place
You are here

Verse 3:
Your glory is.......the universe
Our shepherd and King
I found You within me
For You are here
My Lord for ever
You are here
The same power
That conquered the grave
Lives in me, lives in me
Your love
That rescued the earth
Lives in me, lives in me

1:14 AM; The Pianist'

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Amazing how Christians can bow down and proclaim God is amazing, God is good, God is almighty, and then hate him when he places you in a situation you deem unfavorable. Amazing how one day we choose to make a covenant with God to walk closely with him, and one day ditch him as if he never was good in our lives. Amazing how we choose to focus on the problems that lie before us instead of the big God that is the solution to every situation.
Who of us have fallen into these traps the devil has set up for us? We desperately seek God and expect a "WOW" factor every time, asking for God to just touch us more and we just demand for him to speak to us or we will become emotional and mentally unstable for awhile. We so desperately want to hear the voice of God, that we forgot that God is not slow in speaking to us. In fact God longs to speak to us every second of our existence. God wants to direct us, lead us, and guide us to the right path, not ditch us, and in his throne, pretend not to hear the desperate cries of our hearts. The more we desperately want to seek God, the more we NEED to search ourselves for hidden sins and pride. We as human beings, imperfect beings, sinners who totally do not deserve the intimate relationship of God AT ALL, can still whine about such insignificant things like; "Life sucks... Why God? Why give me such troubles?", or like; "Why God? Why doesn't it work out? But i did it for your names' sake!" Seldom do we slow down to ruminate and think about what is really going on. Is it true that at that moment of time God loved us less, or is it true that God was Good and is not so Good anymore? If Christianity was a bed of roses, if God did not play hide and seek with us, Christianity will become a comfort zone, where people accept Christ for the sake of making their lives easy. We tend to blame God when we do badly for our end of year examinations. We tend to blame God when we fail to experience him and we fail to get touched by him. We blame God when we so desperately seek him and yet fail to find his voice. And when is the time we stopped to reflect and think about our pride, our lust, our self-centered nature, our self-sufficiency, greed, anger? We are too selfish to think about what God really wants for us. We take God as a money tree and as and when we like it, we would activate it and blessing will fall upon our lives.
Do not ever forget my friends, the living and intimate relationship with God is what really matters. It is not all about ministry, being a salt and light, scoring straight As for your a levels, because the love of God extends beyond and is far too complex for such nifty things. God loves us. To what extent? To the extent of the cross, which offered us more than just fulfilling lives, but FULL and ETERNAL life. The living relationship with God is not about how many times we go to service, how many times we pray for others, how many times we say we love God, but it is a daily walk with the savior, who guides our footsteps and shines his light in this world of darkness to light the path beyond, which we cannot see.
The UNCONDITIONAL love of God is something we will take a lifetime to understand, and an instance to believe.
God loves us plainly because we are his creation, his children, and he shows us the extent of the love when he died on the cross for us. That my friends, is God. Who is God to us? A money tree? or a friend? Your pick.

Will we pass the test of faith? Or will we fall to the devils' trap? Don't just blame the devil. Ask yourself, do some soul searching.

Father in Heaven,
Help me to love you more and more each and every day of this life. Help me to overcome this period of transition, which i believe will cause much growth in my life, as well as breakthroughs. I do not pray for miracles, not for things of this physical world, but lord, all i really want is you. I can lose anything else in this world. Anything and everything. But one thing i am certain, is that I cannot lose you. You are far more precious than any diamond ring, any other friend on this earth. You are the only one who died for me, and the only one who loves me unconditionally. To walk with you is my honor, and to serve you is a privilege. Your a friend one would die to have and fight to keep. You are the lord of the most high. Help me to keep a close relationship with you. Help me to become more like you God. The world can turn their backs on me for all i care, but you God, is who i really treasure. Without you, there is no life. Thank you God, for Jesus' death on the cross, which showed the world your amazing grace and love. Thank you for the miracles you have done in my life. Thank you for still loving me after seeing the depths of my sinful heart. Thank you God. In Jesus name i pray, Amen.

8:57 PM; The Pianist'

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ha-ha did really really badly for my o levels this time round. 2 X of what i expected it to turn out. A-maths was fine though. Got b4. The rest just sucked bad. Anyway, i managed to just barely "qualify" for games and design which i have some interest, over at SP. The results does suck, but i guess I'm fine really. I can proudly proclaim I did my best and these are God's results for me. Man what can you expect from someone who scored 36-40 for his prelims? 22 is a breakthrough already! Not much time to blog anyways so Im just gonna stop around here for now.

Tasks for tmr:
Decide which path I wana take.
Chill out big time.

Just wana end off as usual, with a prayer.

Father in heaven,
I pray that these are the results you want me to have, and that whatever course or route i take will be in your will, according to your good, pleasing and perfect will. Lord i thank you for these results, for if not, i would end up nowhere at all. Thank you for loving me the way I am, even as you see the depths of my heart, you love me the same. Thank you God. In Jesus name i pray, Amen.

1:41 AM; The Pianist'

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Today's the day that you have made,
I will rejoice and be glad in it.
Tomorrow is the day I worked hard for,
Its' results lies in the hands of my savior.

The release of the GCE"o" levels is tomorrow! And yes, im very very very nervous. I'm afraid to sleep because i know ill dream of it. Crap.. Haven't cut my hair or dyed it black. Hope it doesn't matter.

Father in Heaven,
The day of the result of the one month of dependency lies near. I have worked hard, kept the faith, and have put all my faith in my savior, the one who is the lord most high. Father I just pray that you will ease my worries tomorrow with a result that you have prepared for me, and lord, BLESS ME!!! In jesus name, Amen.

10:55 PM; The Pianist'


Shane from RP class w35a

Loves the piano

Hates rappers

ur hates here

the WISH:



