Sunday, March 29, 2009

Your innocence forsaken
Upon that cross
You gave yourself for us
Carried into your freedom
Our broken past replaced in
A second chance
The chains have come undone
Death defied in the Father's love

We are
Living to make Your name high
Living to make Your name high
Jesus you
Gave what the world couldn't offer us
Say what they want
Say what they want
We are free

The atmosphere is changing
Oh can You hear the people rising up
In the hope of your freedom
Our former ways are breaking
We seek your face God let your kingdom come
In our praises be
Lifted high

With eyes on high we praise you
And with one voice we come together
Our one desire to praise you
And lift you up in our surrender

With eyes on high we praise you
And with one voice we come together
Our one desire to praise you

Is this really the song from our own heart? As i sang the song, i couldn't help but to feel guilty that i haven't been always living this way.
As i sang this in service, i felt a great relief in my heart. God kinda alleviated my suffering from fever. It reminded me of the importance of singing to God with all our heart. It's not just for his pleasure alone, but it kinda also serves as a reminder for us that God loves us. As we sing the lyrics from the bottom of our hearts, we are reminded that God is with us, regardless of rain or shine, life or death, stagnant or moving. God is there and will always be there. Now now, shouldn't we be enjoying P n W? Its not about the atmosphere, not about the worship leader, not even about the instruments. Its about you, and God. There is no power in the lyrics, just what is going on between you and God.

9:41 PM; The Pianist'

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Our Hope Endures

You would think only so much can go wrong
Calamity only strikes once
And you assume this one has suffered her share
Life will be kinder from here
Oh, but sometimes the sun stays hidden for years
Sometimes the sky rains night after night
When will it clear?

But our Hope endures the worst of conditions
It's more than our optimism
Let the earth quake
Our Hope is unchanged

How do we comprehend peace within pain?
Or joy at a good man's wake?
Walk a mile with the woman whose body is torn
From illness, but she marches on.
Oh, 'cause sometimes the sun stays hidden for years
Sometimes the sky rains night after night
When will it clear?

But our Hope endures the worst of conditions
It's more than our optimism
Let the earth quake
Our Hope is unchanged

Emmanuel, God is with us
El Shaddai, all sufficient
We never walk alone
And this is our hope

But our Hope endures the worst of conditions
It's more than our optimism
Let the earth quake
Our Hope is unchanged

Doesnt this song remind us of what kind of horrors the world out there are facing? Lies, deceit, pain, death, loss of a family member, sickness, insecurity, etc. Here we are, enjoying the security God has provided, and the endless praises we give to God. Sometimes we forget what is out there. Have we really served God hard enough? Or are we just merely praising, worshipping, doing our own quiet time and is that all to our christian life? We take our extra time to evangelise on the un-believers and sometimes find them a pain in the butt. Isnt that true? Pioneering is difficult, and sometimes can suck the life out of you. People do not only reject you, but they mock your faith in Christ. You are hurt and you decide to give up. Has that happened to us? Or has it unknowingly?
God calls his people to complete the great commission. This task is not just another task. Listen people. At the end of the day, what happens here is a mere preparation for eternity. You have but just an average of 70 years here? And tell me, which part of you do you think you are worthy of praise? Which part of you do you think you deserve Gods' praises? This is not just a task. Its' a privilege. God has called you to do Gods' work. Dont you feel special? Its a battle against the dark forces of this world. A battle of life and death. We have to put on the best armor we can get, and the sharpest sword we can get. The undying commitment to our savior, Christ Jesus, is the only thing that is of worth.

Im down with a weird sickness today.. It really sucks. I could'nt go for X2 meeting thanks to it. I had to go to the washroom for like 5-6 times yesterday. It didnt make sense. I didnt eat anything stupid. Anyway, i feel really weak now. I just pray that i will be able to go for service later.

Father in Heaven,
May you heal this wretched world of its plague, and flood us with your love. I pray that today, you will put in me a undying passion for your name to be spread throughout this world. I pray also that you will heal me of this weird sickness and give me the strength to fight on. Thank you Jesus. In your name i pray, Amen

2:32 PM; The Pianist'

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Just come photos from camp =D

Hey what ye lookin at? RawrGroup Photo
Dumb posers LolMe and andrew!
Me and David
The girls GroupOf course, the guys

Then the Guys and the girls..
Thats all for today kids!

9:36 PM; The Pianist'

Monday, March 9, 2009

Lol bought a new basketball today and it looks like...
Molten GE (size 7)

That costed me another $40, which created a hole in my wallet. Speaking of basketball, it reminded me of the match i played with the china men yesterday. Dang those rough guys.. My defender smacked me hard in the face instead of the ball just to prevent my lay up. What the heck? He doesnt even feel guilty enough to just apologize. Thanks for the flagrant foul, moron. Cant understand why people just cant be nice to the people they dont know, much more to those they know. This level of roughness would only pick up a fight elsewhere. Uh drop that. I decided not to play with those geeks ever again, till the day I become a better basketball player. Okay but seems my teammates had alot of fun playing with those "uncivilised" china guys. One guy had alot of fun making three pointers like nobodys' business, another had alot of fun taking it to the hoop slowly but steadily, and dribbling in a way they had no better defence to counter.
I need to get better >.<

10:02 PM; The Pianist'

Wow you must be wondering what im doing up so late at night!
Was just talking to an old friend of mine, whom i didnt talk to for almost 2 years, just about the time of my conversion. She was asking me if I had a girlfriend again, and obviously you guys know i was single for 2 years now. What really filled in that gap in my heart? It was no new age mumbo jumbo, or some new website, girlfriend, and not any other sports club or drama series. Before I move on, I'd just make a quick recap on what kind of person i was before my conversion.
#1 I was hot-tempered (many can testify for that)
#2 I loved to spam the **** word.
#3 I loved to boast
#4 I had a very bad attitude towards people
#5 I was an introvert

Of course, many other negative things about me. Who would say amen that im a pretty decent nice guy now? (Ugh provided if anyone still reads this blog and bothers to tag that is.) I was man just existing on this earth, hoping to make a mark behind that even after i perish, i shall not be forgotten. I lived in fear everday, thinking that tomorrow will never come again, and I so desperately sought love in relationships,that it might fill in that empty hole in my heart. A soul wandering in this wretched world, searching for the light that will light up the path before me. I found true love on the faithful day of 16 december 2006.
Men and women have struggled against the search for true love for many generations, through relationships. Many ended up in countless heart-wrenching relationships that did not quite go the way they hoped. Innocent lives were taken in abortion due to unplanned marriage and the filty minds of the people in this wretched land. Everyone is desperately searching for the same love that will fill that hole in our heart. It is like a hole that only one specific key can fill. Only one specific key can break the chains that bind us to the endless persuit of love. It is impossible to find true love in the things of this world. No man or woman can offer true love, security and no-one belongs to a fairy tale. What is placed in front of our faces are masks that hide our true identity, our true flawed and bloodied souls shouldering much burden and suffering. We seek true acceptance and we often find ourselves insecure. What will he think of me? We abide by a set of rules and become somebody else in the process, just to fit the criteria of being "normal" or "acceptable". We fail to realize that we've only been going around in circles in the persuit of true love. Nothing of this world is perfect thats why nothing can satisfy us. Wake up? Life is not a fairy tale.
This is, however, where it gets interesting. 2000 years ago, christ Jesus died on the cross, and demostrated true love on that very day. Man was given a second chance.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
The devil blinds us from knowing the truth, but whoever is in the truth and acknoledges the truth will have eternal life. The truth that Jesus had died on the cross to pay for our sins, and showed us not only what is installed for us for eternity, but offers to walk with us everyday for the rest of our lives. Man has found true love and acceptance, from the one God that never failed to love his people. God is love. God is the origin of love. For God did not strike us dead because we have sinned against him, and instead offered us a second chance by the death of Christ Jesus, whoose blood has cleansed our wretched souls and this land of despair.
I was skeptical at first when i first came across this God thing. Today, ill gladly and loudly proclaim i have never regretted my decision of commiting my life to the Lord. He has truely given me security. With that, I can be myself again. I can shout all i want, sing all i want, and loudly proclaim how wonderful this feeling is. God has redeemed us. God is our true love.

Psalm 23:4
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

This is security. God has promised that in every situation, he will shut doors none can open and open doors none can shut. In Christ we know that he is in control of every situation. We cant screw up so bad we have to give up on life.
This is love. Unconditional love of our saviour, lord Jesus Christ.

Will we still stay silent?

3:42 AM; The Pianist'

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Bye bye to youth, hello to tertiary.
Had my first polydins service yesterday, and sadly, English vocabulary is so limited it cannot express the amount of joy I experienced in this new group. The people there were just awesome man! They made the new transfers a card to welcome us. Ill post up a pic if i could =[. Well, service was no different from the youth services i had. Praise and Worship as crazy as ever, teachings as meaningful as ever, everything else was done the same. You still hear screamos during the announcements too! HAAHA we don't grow up we just grow old. KIDDING.
Went to some welcoming thinggy at SMU after the service. Man we played some fun games that included this game of whacko that required us to stuff 3 grapes into our mouths >.<. So we had to call names with those smelly grapes in our mouths. Wha after the whole game they were so hot it was disgusting. Lol we had praise there and ofc.. Had alot of fun disturbing our caretakers and new CL.
Uh.. Forgot to mention.. Braynard is in my CG so obviously the cg wont get boring. (Hes retarded. Hur hur) He was acting german and cheena and idk. We were like laughing our way to SMU. Haha well.. Thats all for today. Got to know alot of new nice friends and yeah. Gonna update you guys soon!

Father in heaven,
I thank you for the wonderful blessings you have brought us, the great joy and time of laughter. As the new graduates from the youth embark on their journey in the poly group, i pray that they will find the purpose you have for them, your plan to prosper them and not to harm them. As we walk into the new phase of life, I pray that the things we have experienced in youth will be brought here as well, to bless the group and to advance the kingdom, whenever and wherever we go. I pray for the evaxing during the enrollment this Tuesday to Thursday, a fruitful one as your people will be sharing the good news of salvation to the ones of this broken world. May your will be done. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

11:40 AM; The Pianist'

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The struggle has ended, but I find myself indulging in a un-godly life. The lack of connection, loss of transmission/frequency to the word, to God himself. I live each day just waiting for the clock to tick, for each second to pass, hoping it would pass by faster. I played computer games, played basketball, played xbox, did physical training, all just to fill in that empty hole Christ once filled. Am i getting bored of God? How much do i really know him? I dont know.
Today, I was just on my bed, blasting some loud shit in my ear and i didnt hear the damn thunder. Bro came home and gave me a good old trashing about me not hearing the thunder and rain, and apparently "forgot" to close the windows. I told him I was blasting some loud music shit in my ear and he just refused to acknoledge the fact that YES, i was just oblivious to what has happened. He only cared if his bed was wet and yes instead of the rain being the cause, it became the poor me. How long will this internal battle at home last? Just don't act like your the only one who knows how to be angry. As much as you are angry with me, I am with you. So stop trying to be the asshole.
Is there even a use praying about it and acting like someone I aren't? I try hard to potray a good image of Christ so that I might not tarnish it. What is all that for? That whatever crown im gonna get when i get to heaven? Forget it. I'd rather be myself. Give me a reason Jesus. You who had me to go through so much without a reason. You who refused to grant me the answers I wanted. Is this the life you wanted for me? To serve you with bitterness for an eternity? Give me a reason to serve you. Don't just tell me you are good or whatever. Show me.
I served hard the past year(except for the final few months ofc). I prayed and fasted in hope that at least a pathetic soul in this wretched world would be "saved". I preached the word according to your will and built strong disciples now chasing your heart, i believe, at least a thousand times more enthusiastic than I am for you today. Your the reason I tried, and I demand nothing less than an answer for this mess. What was all that outreaching and teaching for? I wanted to be a light in this world. But I realized today, im not born a hero. No matter how hard i tried, it would'nt work. Serving you is just so hard. I try to smile and try to act like nothing matters. Just merely trying is sucking up all my life.
What really, is of eternal value? What is faith? To what measure of faith do i need to serve you? Is merely trusting you not enough? Give me an answer. I studied hard, all for the cause of glorifying your name and being a living testimony. But all that to get a below average result? You are'nt showing yourself at all, and im not satisfied with that.

11:11 PM; The Pianist'


Shane from RP class w35a

Loves the piano

Hates rappers

ur hates here

the WISH:



