Monday, April 27, 2009

Second week of school.. Nothing special really.. Just some old faces and same old style: PPT. Poly life isnt that bad. In fact im enjoying it. The laid back and "At your own pace" kind of learning. Thats smt i enjoy.
Sleeping early everyday and reaching early.. Feels super shiok to eat breakfast lol. Im running out of clothes to wear to school though.. LOL. Gonna try to fit in my jeans tomorrow. I know it will be quite awkward. Screw it XD.
I got C for mathematics T.T. Stupid faci. She commented that i didnt like to work with my team-mates. WHAT THE HECK. Totally not true. No-one would agree to that. Omg. C is a real insult. I got b for the rest though.. Not very good..
Aiya dont bother la.. Anw im quite happy with my life right now. I dont feel that im missing out anything i should not be missing. Whee~
Next time folks.

9:19 PM; The Pianist'

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Isnt too bad. I do my projects well, I communicate to others well, I feel more freedom. Tied down to Godly principals last time, I would think 10 times before i do anything. Now it seems the chains have broken. I feel free to do anything i liked. My class is populated with many christians though.. Can count like 6 or 7? Well out of 25 that is.. I feel like the worst out of them though.. Now that i have left Christ. When i played shuffle on my media player and a christian song came up, i cant help but to feel unworthy and change the song almost immediately.
Regret? No I dont think so. Im living my life well now. There isnt any hole in my heart yet.
Well some good things about me remain though.. At least i dont smoke and do drugs, I can say im pretty decent for my looks. I dont slack and slack and forget to help my team mates do their project, and most of all, i think im scoring well in class.
Well school is really tiring though.. Gotta do projects everyday.. Getting used to it.. I hope.

ok nvm that was just a warcry for the next day.

10:50 PM; The Pianist'

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Late nights, fun, tiredness, boredom, senselessness, are the words to describe how i feel now. How is it like without God? I wanna know the real reason I want to love God. So many meetings, so many activities, they're really killing me and my dreams. I hate to lie, or give stupid reasons that wouldn't make anyone else happy at the end of the day. I don't wanna be a weekend christian either. Time is really not at my disposal. Orientation was really a pain, yet again with the task of bearing the cross. We walk around and people who see the cross dangling on our necks tend to notice us and give us a grade. Therefore we hold the responsibility of Christs' name. Know how bearing it without loving God or truly understanding why I'm doing this is sickening? How much really, do i need God? Why was I so focused on the past on Christs' eternal glory? Why was I so keen on keeping to the word instead of being myself? Yes the bible says to act in love to act in this and that, but why, cant I just be myself in front of him? I want to be real. I'm sure Christ did not act when he came to the cross to die for us 2000 years ago. I want to know exactly how it is like to be without God, now that i feel serving him is so tiring. That does not make me a non-believer, for i still believe that yes, he died on the cross 2000 years ago to give us fulfilling lives. If life sucked, ill come back to God of course.
I'm sorry guys, but I'm really tired of this life, tired of wearing this mask, tired of serving without a purpose, tired of not loving God yet trying so hard to do just that, tired of making excuses, tired of being aimless and purposeless. I need a long break. This has nothing to do with you guys, just me and my stubbornness and pride.

Father in heaven,
I pray you will give me a reason to love you once again, the reason to serve you. For I know that if i lean on my human understanding i will never get it. So God, tell me, show me, how much do men really need you. Tell me, what its' like to give 100% and recieve 100%. Show me what might be the cause of my misery. Thank you God, in jesus name, Amen.

12:30 PM; The Pianist'

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

New blogskin.. Makes up for the one that didnt suit me I guess..

Watched shinjuku incident with my brothers today. Oh yeah seems Jackie Chan can never acting as a real bad guy.

Ok here comes the more interesting parts alright?
Went for the healing rally at Singapore Indoor Stadium where the famous Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke preached the good news, as well as prayed for the sick. Zooming in on the event, I learnt many valuable lessons from this particular evangelist.
Psalm 124:7-8

7 We have escaped like a bird
out of the fowler's snare;
the snare has been broken,
and we have escaped.

8 Our help is in the name of the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

An evangelist should believe that Heaven is meant for each and every soul existing in this world, and Hell only for demons of the devil Satan. It is an evangelists' passion to spread the Gospel to all corners of the earth.
The preacher used an illustration of a Cage full of birds, and the Cage was named the Cage of sin. There were 2 types of birds.
#1 Those born in the cage.
#2 Those who were captured outside and put into the cage.
Let me elaborate more on the first type of birds. That of the birds born in the cage, are like those who have never tasted for themselves the Goodness of Christ. Remember when we were non-believers, when some point in time, we wondered to ourselves if that was all to life? These are the people who have never heard the truth of the Gospel, people who do not know what lies beyond the captivity of sin.
Hebrews 2:3
3how shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation? This salvation, which was first announced by the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard him.
The second type of people are of those who have already known the truth, yet backslided from their commitment to the lord. Those are people who will never again find the joy and peace that resides in their heart until they come back to the presence of the lord.

Another example mentioned by the preacher was that of a rich Woman who entered into the scene whereby a preaching by a renown Evangelist and interrupted his teaching. The preacher, recognizing her, quickly interrupted his own teaching and began to change the topic. He said "One day, the devil, the world and jesus was auctioning for the soul of Lady Ann (the rich woman). So the auctioneer asked the devil. Satan! What do you offer for the Soul of lady ann? The devil replied that he offered her pleasures of this world, anything she dreamed of doing. So the auctioneer asked what satan would do on the day she dies. Satan replies and says that of course, he would take her together with him to the land of fire, to burn and pay for the penalty of her sins for eternity. The auctioneer proclaimed, "Satan! your offer is tempting, but you shall not have the soul of lady ann!" He turned to the world and asked, what the world would give for the soul of lady ann. The world offered properties, riches, fame, hollywood, all that the world could give. And the day she dies, these riches would not go with her to her grave, and she would suffer the penalty of her sins in hell. The auctioneer proclaims that the offer is high, but the world will not have the soul of lady ann. Finally, he turned to Jesus and asked him what he would give for the soul of lady ann. Jesus said that he would give his life, to pay for the penalty of her sins and offer her a brand new life, a life of peace and joy and contentment. The auctioneer asked jesus, what he would do with her soul on the day she dies. Jesus proclaims that he will bring her with him, to the heavens to spend an eternity in his holy kingdom to rule and reign with him. The auctioneer loudly says, "Jesus, your offer by far is the greatest and the highest, and thus you shall have the soul of lady ann" " Finishing his story, he turned to the lady saying "do you agree?" On that very same day, lady ann had come to know the love of Christ.
Through this simple story, we come to know that Jesus has paid the FULL price of our sins and opened the way to our salvation. God has the ability to open the cage we were once in and make us more than a conquerer. Once birds knocking against the metal bars of the cage, we can be free in the world of Jesus Christ, where all things are possible.
Once helpless and seemingly weak and frail people, God enters so that the weak can say I HAVE STRENGTH!
The question is,
Just how much will we surrender to God?

Let now the weak say I have strength.

Father in heaven,
I thank you today for the prescious lessons you have taught, and jesus who was crucufied on the cross for the sake of my own sins. I thank you for the blood that has cleansed my sins, and that erased the suffering i deserved. I bow down before you my king, in awe of what you have done, in captivity of your wonderous love. Father help me to be able to spread this gift to the nations, to the world so that we, once birds lost in that cage can be strong in you again, and we, whose birthright is to rule over this earth, has the power in you to do so once again. Father equip me and guide me, in Jesus name i pray, Amen

12:58 AM; The Pianist'

Monday, April 6, 2009

Been some time since i last blogged.. or was it..? Well cant say I'm doing well in the new group. You know, things always are complicated that's why we grow. Through all the problems i face, there is only one thing that is keeping me alive. That is my faith in the truth. Now we all know that God is always with us, seeing us through our valleys. That's a truth, but here's the thing: How many times have we failed to seek God first when we come across a new problem? Eg. Bus arrival issues. (Do we pray for the bus to come soon, or do we turn to our m1 provider to tell us when it comes?) Of course, these are just small issues. When was the last time we remained in our doubt instead of seeking God for the solution? Sheep as we are, God has shown that he is patient. He is there all along, we know it, but we refuse to acknowledge that he is sovereign sometimes, don't we? We lose sight of the savior who is there with us all along, and end up bitter crying out for mercy and for an answer. Have we also forgotten to thank God for what he has done, or have we taken for granted Jesus' death on the cross? When was the last time we thanked God? Now compare it to the last time we whinned to God. I too struggle in this area whereby i have to constantly remind myself of what Jesus has done on the cross so that i will not take it for granted. It's hard.. very..
We whine sometimes also about why things arent going the way we hope, but we never sought Gods' permission or guidance in the first place. Through every valley, there are a few things we need to do to keep us alive by the end of the race.
#1 Giving Thanks to God
#2 Putting our faith in Gods' divine guidance
#3 Putting First Gods' kingdom.

It's not that i dont struggle with these issues. I'm telling you guys these because i struggle with them. So keep me accountable!

Take You Back - Jeremy Camp

The reason why I stand
The answer lies in you
You hung to make me strong
Tho my praise was few
When I fall I bring your name down

But I have found in you
A heart that bleeds
Forgiveness replacing all these thoughts of painful memories
And I know your response will always be

I'll take you back always
Even when your fight is over now
I'll take you back
Even when the pain is coming through
I'll take you back

You satisfy this cry of what I'm
looking for And I'll take all I can
and lay it down before
The throne of endless grace now
that radiates what's true
I'm in the only place that erases
all these faults that have overtaken me and
I know that your response will always be


I can only speak with a graceful heart
As I'm pierced by this gift of your love
I will always bring an offering
I can never thank you enough

You take me back always
Even when my fight is over now
You take me back
Even when the pain is coming through
You take me back

Father in Heaven,
Thank you for what you have done on the cross 2000 years ago. Help me to be reminded of the cross wherever i go. I pray that by your grace, I will be made right with you, whatever that is in me which is not pleasing to your sight. Let my flaws be made known to me and let the divine exchange commence between me and you. Fill in where I lack, for I yearn to be a living perfect example of your perfect love and grace. Help me to live life to the fullest, and guide me in the way you guided the heroes of the bible. I repent of my sins today and ask only for your forgiveness. By the blood of Jesus, may my wretched soul be renewed in you again. Thank you my savior, in Jesus name, Amen

12:15 AM; The Pianist'


Shane from RP class w35a

Loves the piano

Hates rappers

ur hates here

the WISH:



