Thursday, July 30, 2009

Stop this torment. End this race im running without shoes.

Tired is my soul, for the past few days had been days of emotional stress. The truth impales my heart like a double edged sword, and ruptures as it sucks the life out of my wretched soul. Tell me it isn't real. Just say the word, ill go for you, to the ends of the earth.
I dont know if i can concentrate on my studies at all like this. These thoughts are taking over my whole being.

Went out earlier to play basketball and tired myself out.. At least i could forget and think less when im on it. Now that im home, the thinking starts again. Its killing me really..

Im here without you but your still with me in my dreams. Why?

Someone please pour me some vodka. I wanna escape this reality.

9:56 PM; The Pianist'

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

This crush aint going away.

7:03 PM; The Pianist'

Monday, July 27, 2009

What is this feeling?

Life? Lively.
School? Boring.

Class chalet was fun i guess.. Just insufficient alcohol. Well. I fell dead when i reached home. Slept till like 10am though.. ONly 2 hours. Bleh. Well im not tired now. I have much to think of. Chalet was a little boring i have to admit. Well, the people just seemed so STONE and DEAD.
Okay anw i went late and was partial for school today. Just had no mood to do PBL with a replacement faci which totally CMI. Anw most of the class hated it so i dont regret it. Went for a movie(Haunting of Connecticut) with ewen, elvin, peiyi, sam, sam's GF, vino and jason just now. The movie was damn crazy. Super gory. Eh but i brave okay =)))). HAHAHA.
Okay second half of return trip was boring. Sent someone home then went to get some scores from Cher. Okay today was fun =).

9:40 PM; The Pianist'

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Ah shut up. I dont wana hear from you no more. You just rub it in all the time.

Life? Sux to the core. Thats all i can say. Seriously... Did anyone thing ill be satisfied with good grades? Hell no. U can give me 5 straight As and ill still not be satisfied with life. Academic results dont even contribute to my life satisfaction. I feel so alone. Feel a lack of close friends i can confide in. Anw, im getting my bank card. FINALLY. SPENDING SPREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dont break that bond with me yer buncha idiots =).

6:01 PM; The Pianist'

Saturday, July 11, 2009

You can just screw me all you want. I don't care. Your a friend i cannot bear to see dead. Get it?

Life sucked. Life sucked really bad. Things fell on me real hard, and im tired and sick of this world. I was stuck at AMK with ike yesterday with no last train or bus to bring me back home. We ended up sleeping at macs. Luckily nobody chased us out.. Woke up at 4am today and trust me i ached all over.
Home is just so effin boring. Seriously. My mum just never stops nagging i feel like just signing a wireless internet and come home late everyday just stay in sch and use the damn internet. Mum nags everyday im at home, whatever i do just doesnt frikin please her. I dont need to anyway. Screw this life. Screw this family who doesnt care. Screw the fact that my friend thinks im fake. Screw the fake relationships we had. Im tired of this world.
I go to school, study and tire the hell out of myself, then leave, go home and rot and get nagged at. You think i face no fucking stress at all? I had enough! Even friends are leaving me. Who can i talk to? Who can i fucking depend on? And you tell me you wana break this friendship because you dont treasure it. Fine. Everyone is screwing with me. This world is screwing with me. Who can i really talk to? Who can i really share my joy with? I wana listen to your stupid problems. I wana listen to your nonsense. Why? Cuz i dont wana lose a friend like you. I cannot afford it anymore because i know even if its fake, ill never find myself another like you. So damnit stop telling me ur not worth being a friend of. Dont tell me u wana murder yourself. Stop this rubbish. Its killing urself and me. Dont be a suicide bomber asshole. You have people who love and care about you.

Who wants to be my friend? I have none.

7:20 PM; The Pianist'


Shane from RP class w35a

Loves the piano

Hates rappers

ur hates here

the WISH:



