Monday, August 31, 2009

Im moving to onsugar now. The link is:

1:20 AM; The Pianist'

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Stop im hurting again.. Im really hurting now.. Why wont this feeling just go away? Why cant we stay this way? Why cant I just accept the fact that its not very possible? Why cant I just back off and let time slowly heal my wounds? Why am i hurting myself and drowning myself in self-pity? Why am i even thinking again? I hate the way things are now, the way I am. Im losing control of myself.

Ton-ned with dennis at bukit merah macs yesterday. Had a good time talking about life.
Reality is still as cruel as it is. I thought something could have satisfied me for the rest of my life. A truth i used to choose to devote my life to, became a heap of ashes as time went by. It was real to me, but it doesnt matter anymore, because they are gone now. You are gone now.

Whoever is up there, do whatever you want with me, because im already dead in my own world.

我望向你的臉, 卻只能看見一片虛無

我很想你, 你知道嗎?

3:59 PM; The Pianist'

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Went out with Xiang wei and Charlene today. Meh didnt buy anything today.. Supposed to shop lor.. ><. Aiya like no mood to shop la. But good anw, save $$. Argh. weekends are gonna be boring cuz i dont have any plans yet. Okay idk what else to blog anw.

2:24 AM; The Pianist'

Friday, August 28, 2009

Dear w35a,
A thousand words cannot explain how im feeling right now. I try to find a word in the dictionary that could summarize my thoughts and it would be amazing, truly amazing how we blended so well in such a limited time spent together. The times we 版面 together, disturb archana together, slacked together, hung out together, played basketball together, movie together, chalet together, talk craps together, ALOT LA. Ok im just gonna say, really gonna miss you guys and all that time we spent together isnt gonna just disappear cuz im gonna remember them for the rest of my life. You guys rock'd!

to: 版面gang.
LOL. It was fun eating together and talking craps while doing so. Im so gonna miss eating 版面 with you guys!

to: Peiyi
Bestfriend! Your really.. QUIETTT..... BUT. I really really really really want to thank you and appreciate you lots for being there for me all the time yeh. Really brightened up my life in poly. Its amazing isnt it? How we ended up so close. Must have been the train rides. Hey now, even after we change class, must not drift like u said. Hang out tgt sometime again! <3

to: Ewen
Wow! Didnt really talk to you until a month or so ago. Really enjoyed talking to you on msn and hanging out with you irl. Thanks for the stuff u shared too! Great knowing you!
And same thing man, dont wana drift from you too.

to: Samuel
LOL stupid old man. Thanks for listening to me and stuffs! Enjoyed my time spent with you too!

finally to the rest:
CHALET MUST COME HOR! And better keep in contact. =)

12:50 AM; The Pianist'

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sometimes, i just pray that you saw through my intentions in that moment.

Why do i feel so shitty today? Perhaps its all that talking with my friends on msn, and perhaps its just an over consumption of alcohol last night. Whatever it is, i really feel troubled over something i shouldn't be.

Just as i thought I should give up now, the feeling came. I can never give up because I can never stop me from myself. Im uncontrollably liking you, and it hurts me all day. The truth is, i cant get you off my mind at all. I think ill never have the chance to say it, and it will haunt me for the rest of my life.

2:25 AM; The Pianist'


词曲: 阿沁


每一夜 闭上眼睛
你微笑 但是旁边的人不是我

你给了他的吻 虽然只有余温

我每天假装开心 害怕你离去
可不可以任性 求求你不要去

可不可以任性 求求你不要去

In love with the song <3><. Bf is crazy over michael scoffield and im so jealous ><. LOL.

12:50 AM; The Pianist'

Monday, August 24, 2009

That was quite a show, very entertaining.

Tired after one whole day at orchard with sharmaine. As usual, she was 1 hour late and she dragged me to all the girly shops. Watched Where Got Ghost again.. Damn lame. Ok wtv sharmaine seems to be lack of a dress for her grad night. Lets see if mum has any pre made.. Ok never caught up with sharmaine in a long time so.. Yeah.. DONT JEALOUS AH READERS! LOL. Right anyway, Im like studying for my mathematics now.. Totally CHUI la.

1:00 AM; The Pianist'

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Why wont you just make it clear to me now?
I hate thinking endlessly every night, and staying the way we are.


I just borrowed someone i dont really know $140. I dont expect a return i guess.. He claims that hes returning it to a loan shark. Okay actually many of my friends was against it.. I just felt that i had to help.. Since he asked in the middle of the night and showed he really needed the money.. I decided to be nice that is.

3:44 AM; The Pianist'

Thursday, August 20, 2009

WHOOOOOO seventh month is lame ><. OK RANDOM Stupid lahh went to watch where got ghost with eng hou at cathay today. Damn stupid LA the show. lols. Spent alot of money today again and im SOOOO hungry now =(. I want bf to cook for me!! LOL. Argh.. Damn bored too. lying on the bed stoning while using the com ><.

11:32 PM; The Pianist'

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

In love with My chemical romance ><. So random Lols. Listening to alot of old songs now =).

Argh UT3 is in like a few hours.. I haven't studied much ><. Damn man. I feel so useless.
Ok cant wait for Chalet and kbox with classmates. Ima miss them so much after this stupid semester. Why RP must change class every sem =(. Id rather remain like this forever =p. It took us so long to blend together, but now we're breaking apart again. Sigh this is life.
Sorta reminds me of someone. Hope to catch up with you soon!
Ok im really in no mood to study now, but since someone bugged me to ill just do all the way till p15.

1:00 AM; The Pianist'

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Yo bestf!

Finally getting to know the serious side of you after so long. Sorry man i feel so useless now. But heh! I know u will always be there for me when im down and cheering me on so im gonna do just the same. You know ill aways be just a call away.. =).

Oh and please take care of your health! Ur always getting sick nowadays. Drink lots of water bodoh =).

Shane is here no more nightmares! LOL.


8:50 AM; The Pianist'

Monday, August 17, 2009

Presentation just ended... Energized by some crappy moments. We totally screwed up somehow i guess. Today was really damn chui.. Damn boring.. Cant wait for school to end! I wana sleep! =(

on a side note, bestf is beside me but we havent talked for the whole day ><

2:52 PM; The Pianist'

So sian in class now.. I havent been doing anything for any teams recently.. Just cant concentrate in class. Feels like crap now cuz its monday and its science today. Feels like the worst day yet in this semester. Havent studied enough for UT3, and im really sick and tired of thinking about it. I just wana sleep. Everything is giving me a headache now.. I havent been sleeping well recently.. Staying up, thinking, facebook, msn, rubbish. I need a break now.. Im really tired of school.

I wish life was a dream, and dream was reality.

10:31 AM; The Pianist'

Sunday, August 16, 2009

我很想你. 你知道嗎?

10:28 PM; The Pianist'

Friday, August 14, 2009

The CE talk totally drained the crap outta me today.. Went for basketball, which i didnt play much and now stuck at home doing nothing again. Am going to stay home and study tomorrow? My GPA is screwed up now.. Need to buck up.

9:58 PM; The Pianist'

Really bored.. Now in some Enterprise Workshop.. Idk why im here either. Sick of CE talks

2:59 PM; The Pianist'

So bored today. Back is aching again...
Gonna drag myself to that CE talk later on, then maybe go for basketball afterward. Oh man.. Im sooooooo tired and lazy to do programming now.

9:12 AM; The Pianist'

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ok i have really been wanting to tell alot of people some things ive been keeping inside me so.. Im just gonna do it here. Hope it finds its way to its rightful owner.
Im not gonna include any names so you guys can go ahead and guess who im referring to..

To: Someone
Whats the point of giving in to you all the time?

I kinda really had enough of you. Though I know you dont read my blog, all the more im gonna post about it. I kinda hate how ur treating me now. Im not a dog or a slave you know. I have a life committed to no-one, answerable to no-one. So in case you think Im like you, who just whines all day, no im nothing like you.

You know i thought you could have been a close friend of mine, but really, the things you say, and the things u do, just aren't making things easier for the both of us. Im sick and tired of going to school with someone who does not treasure friendship. Im gonna miss the crappy shit we often spoke of but my friend, im so sorry. Your really not someone i can share stuff with.

I wont forget that phone call today. You just fucking dissed me.

To: Once a best friend

You know, the times we spent together arent just gonna vapourise. The nights we tonned together, the nights we kicked cats, played basketball way pass midnight, drank and ate deserts till our brains froze,the nights we were really emo and just wanted chill? I remember them vividly as they flashback to me once again. I miss you dear friend and ill never forget you.

I guess school has really drifted us apart and so sorry ive not been trying hard enough to patch up this dying friendship. Hope to talk to you soon anyway!

To: Close friend

Dude you probably will know who im talking about. Please don't follow in my shoes. I really invested alot of time and effort to make sure you realized who you really were. So dont follow what im doing now cuz your just gonna end up like me, grumpy about everything. You know what? God loves you, and you dont hate him. So no matter what has become of me, dont give up what you have been chasing all along. I may be out of the race, but dont forget me friend, ill always be there for ya.

Sorry that i fucked up yeah. Thank you for putting up with me sometimes and really, thanks for the times back last year. Study hard and honour your parents! mummy boy =).

To: Once a brother

Sorry that i havent been a very good example to you. However i have influenced you, please learn only the good stuff. Don't forget the times we spent together kid. I hope to see you strong in christ yeah?


To: Once a friend

Sorry i fucked up. Big time? I guess. You probably wouldn't recognize me anymore because I've really changed so much. Thanks for your investment in me but im sorry to say, im out of this race. I ran it strong and steady at first, but I fell, and nobody was there to pick me up. Sorry to say, i've grown tired and the anger i have against him has increased over the months.

You dont call no more, you dont care no more. So im just gonna say here, thanks for the memmories.

To: Best friend

Thanks for everything. It would have been hell without you here.

with <3,

8:10 PM; The Pianist'

Somebody is early today eh? =).

So bored in class now.. Didnt feel like going in the first place cuz i was really dead tired and lazy to move or go out. I actually feel like going partial today.. but i guess thats out of the question luh. Ill just get a C at most.

Ok im really really really bored.. Faci is talking about the problem but my head really cant think. This eyesight is failing me too.

(bestfriend must be really bored.. She is without her laptop =(. )

8:46 AM; The Pianist'

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

YO BestF! =)
I really appreciate you for being there for me all this time when i felt really stressed up and alone. Haha honnestly I think fate really brought us closer. I never imagined we would be this close eh. Thanks to the retarded train rides we take together. All that crapping must have brought us this far. Eh and thanks ah everyday must at least bully me one LOL.

Ok and yes i really bookmarked that blog post u made for me hor lols. Ok sounds like im ome sicko but nvm. Really, thanks for that post. Nothing everbrightened me up so much.

on a side note.. : Wei dun eat so little lah u stupid fatty =). See la now everyay gastrics. Dun ban mian le.. have a proper meal =)!

11:56 PM; The Pianist'

Monday, August 10, 2009

What am i? 3 years old? 10? I cant even rest my head on my arm? OH cmon its not even the case that my hands are filled with filth or anything. I washed them. God. Why must u interfere when im watching a show? U got the rights to be angry, don't I too? You abandoned me. Now I don't have the rights to ignore you? Just because you were the one who endured the pain of birth doesn't mean you have every right in my life.
I am only grateful to you for certain things, but seriously, stop stressing me

3:49 PM; The Pianist'

Somewhere at cine...

Ok this was nicer than expected lols
Wow whos this handsome dude? =X

Okay these were the pictures from the movie outing yesterday with peiyi, vino, ewen, elvin and Hweeling.

12:38 AM; The Pianist'

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Trying to salvage what seems lost.

The tremendous and overwhelming loss of friendship ever since I left youth is still haunting me. Didnt end on a high note, and didnt go to tertiary that excited after all. A friendship that took countless of train rides, outings, care and time is slowly fading. Feeling dry already. God is that you making my life so miserable? Why did you save me in the first place? Why me and not another? Why make me tear for you? Why fight so hard to keep this friendship intact? I cant feel you there anymore. I cant hear whatever it is your trying to tell me. Im dying of boredom in this world which im stuck with alone.

You know i feel terrible. So stop making me cry.
Ill fight hard.. to protect whatever i can.

Im still crying quietly under the same ceiling i see everyday.

11:52 PM; The Pianist'

Feeling tired and really really emo now.

Went to the movies with Ewen, elvin, vino , peiyi and hweeling yesterday. Watched GI.Joe at LIDO yesterday. Hell i forgot to eat my 2nd burger when the movie started. Like the beggar i am, i left it for dinner LOL. Ok it didnt taste that bad. Took pictures beside cine and had snow ice at some HK restaurant afterward. And for some stupid reason i cant post any pictures or change my font.. ARGH. OK anw, went to the wrong side of the train all the way to Jurong East with Peiyi yesterday. The train ride was like 1 hour and peiyi was whinning all the way from orchard to Jurong East like a little girl ><. "I WANT MY BED" "I WANT TO GO HOME". LOL. Ok anyway, took a cab to send her home first then headed home. The fare was $31.20 peeps. Thats the most expensive ride ever ><.

11:25 AM; The Pianist'

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I dont have the courage to.
I know you already know it. I cant help but think. But i wanna pursue you not knowing the outcome, but i dont have the courage to. Ill pick that up somewhere, and be honest sometime.

School sux. Grades sux. Studying sux.

10:58 PM; The Pianist'

Monday, August 3, 2009

I screwed up so bad today... And my headache ain't leaving me.
God i swear i was never disturbed so much in my whole entire damned life.

I ask myself: why am i such a coward? God knows what the answer is.
Screw reality. I just cant feel more stupid than i ever was.

8:41 PM; The Pianist'

Saturday, August 1, 2009

My house internet is a piss off, really ><.

Basketball yesterday.. back aching like mad already.. Had basketball for 3 consecutive days. Blisters on my feet again.. Argh then that stupid peiyi go suan me LOL. Okay today is gonna be a long boring day.. Im not going out today and that means im stuck at home for e whole day. ON TOP OF THAT, i have no mood to study. SIGHS.

4:00 PM; The Pianist'


Shane from RP class w35a

Loves the piano

Hates rappers

ur hates here

the WISH:



